Wednesday, July 11, 2012

7/10 OOTD

I know, I know: the dates don't match up.
But yesterday was a busy day and I just couldn't (didn't) get around to posting these photos.

Anyways, as I said in a previous post, I've been feeling a little guilty about not posting more on clothes since that's what my username suggests this blog would be all about. I just feel so awkward going out and taking pictures of myself since a.) I'm not a model, b.) my neighbors often see me taking these photos aka AWKWARD, and c.) I just don't feel like what I wear in the summer is all that fantastic since I try and wear as little real clothing as possible in the heat (I'm a sweaty person, so sue me).

Want more? Click the link!!

Even weeds mock me in their superior growth abilities...

Thankfully I filmed a thrifting video yesterday so it gave me a reason to put an actual "outfit" on.
It wasn't anything too out-of-the-ordinary, but I actually got a few compliments on how good I looked from strangers at the thrift store (which absolutely touched and melted my heart)... I almost cried, but thankfully refrained; unexpected kindness can do that to a person, I suppose.

Floral Print Blouse - Goodwill
High Waisted Denim Shorts - Goodwill
Chococat Watch - Ebay
Helloberry Dupe Bracelet - D.I.Y.
Dragon Bracelet - Urban Outfitters (Sale)
Friendship Necklace - Gift
Woven Loafers - Goodwill

Lips - Revlon Lip Butter, "Fig Jam"

I was thrilled with all of the goodies I picked up at Goodwill... and all of the stuff I got at a steal of a price!! I think altogether I got:
*2 dresses
*4 tank tops
*2 blouses
*1 pair of jeans
*a lamp shade
*a lamp base
*a picture frame
*4 full color picture art books

And all for only $40.70!! Whoop whoop!!!
I think my fortune cookie had something to do with it ;)

Stay tuned for my thrifting video... it's a combo of "thrift with me", "thrift tips", and "haul"; which of course means there will be plenty of babbling involved as well. 
I should be done editing it by the end of today :)

What goodies have you found thrifting lately?
Or are you like me and slightly give up on fashion during these hot months?

xoxo - Cassie


  1. You're so gorgeous, those green eyes oh my!
    Finding all that for $40.7?! Thats really lucky! Thrifting in Australia is horrendous, sure its cheaper than normal chain stores, but if I bought as much as you did it'd probably end up in the hundreds (give or take)! YOU'RE SO LUCKY ~

    PS: Im checking out your Youtube channel right now, love it! And thank you for stopping by on my blog ^^

    1. Holy crap, you SERIOUSLY have no idea how much you just made my day!!!! I am just beaming right now, you are so sweet thank you thank you thank you for the comment and for BEING MY FIRST FOLLOWER!!! Haha, I'm sure you remember the feeling... :)

      And yeah, I hear that in Australia thrifting is really expensive!! I can't believe that... I mean, it's used clothing, you shouldn't have to pay the same (pretty much) as retail for it!! What a shame, it seems like you would like it (with your fabulous sense of style)!!

      Thank you for stopping by and for checking out my Youtube channel! Really, it means the world to me :))) And stay tuned... my thrifting video is 51% uploaded (only 1096 minutes remaining... hahahahhah I hate YT sometimes, it's so ridiculous the amount of time it takes to upload a video)!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!