Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekend Thrift Haul

My mom and I started mosaic-ing my old dresser to vamp it up and take it from "little-girl's-room" to "statement-living-room-piece". 
After a few trips to the Home Depot (and a few bags of free popcorn from the "roofing expert") we finally got the right paint color and got my dresser painted (which, in this heat and humidity, is no small feat). So we ambled out into the hazy streets to some estate sales in search of cheap plates to smash!!

While the first few sales were a bust (apart from a foldable dining room table I picked up for $10 that just needs a little TLC [wood glue]), we found one house that was full of fortune; this was the house of a hoarder. And while I'm sure it was bad for the previous owner, it ended up being GREAT for us because we found some of the most unique antique pieces in her small (stuffed) home.

Take a look!

This decorative bowl was too cute to pass up! And since everything was 50% off this only ended up being $6! The fact that it was handmade in Japan tugged on my heartstrings as well.

I've been on the hunt for a small makeup bag to have in my purse/backback so when I saw this little gem for only $1, I just KNEW it was mine. The outside is a lovely soft satin with rosettes and the inside is plush pink velvet. I can't wait to fill this up with goodies (after I air it out... it smells like a thrift store)!!

Lookit' that face. Seriously, look at it!! How could I not bring this guy home with me? I can't help but smile when I look at this tiger pillow... he looks like he's about to laugh and making that "D'HURRRR" kind of a noise.

I have a thing for strawberries; they're cute, they're tasty... what's not to love? So when I saw this strawberry and plaid apron hanging in the kitchen I knew I had to have it. I can't wait to wear this the next time I bake!

I love most things cosmic related so I was thrilled when I saw this (almost soccer ball sized!) gold star! I can't wait to hang this from my ceiling above my bed. The best part about this though? It didn't have a price tag so the guy writing up tickets gave it to us for free!! Yusssssssss.

My mom actually picked this up at Goodwill the day previous to our estate sale gold mine, but I figured I would throw it in here just for the hell of it. She originally grabbed it for mosaic-ing but it was just too pretty for me to smash up!! This is definitely going to be displayed in my apartment somewhere.

My mom picked this up at the sale for me as well; how sweet is this!? The poem is dead on and the real kicker is that this is from 1928!! I'm going to love having this in my apartment once I move to remind me of my mom and family back home.

I literally squealed when I saw this. I'm a huge GSN (Game Show Network) junkie and lover of most old shows (most people my age grew up on Disney while I grew up with the Brady's and the girls in Facts of Life). Truth is I still tend to watch the $25,000 Pyramid and Password when I wake up in the morning (get the wheels turning) so to find this absolutely tickled me; this is true vintage and in absolute mint condition. I'm so excited to play!!
I also thought the box illustration was hilarious (I can't tell you why... probably just the feeling of more 'pure' times). Not to mention, look at the original price tag!! This must have been from Target way back in the day and only went for $0.99! I know about inflation and whatnot but just thinking about that price compared to the fairly normal $25 minimum for board games now-a-days makes me want to cry (did I mention I got this for $0.50? So I got it cheaper than the original retail price haha).

After we took our time perusing the estate sales, we had left with more "junk" than we did plates (which we were originally looking for, haha). So we headed on over to Savers and, true to our shopping patterns, didn't get any plates but got some pretty fantastic shoes instead!!
I mean HONESTLY, how great are these studded black flats!? I've actually been looking for a pair of day-to-day black flats (I killed mine a couple winters ago) but haven't been satisfied with my finds (usually too expensive); a couple weeks ago though, I spotted a very similar pair of studded loafers on the Forever21 website and have been debating whether the $26 price tag would leave me regretting my purchase (it would have). Thank god I didn't buy those because I love these much more AND they were much cheaper!! Plus I won't have to worry about the masses having the same shoes as me :)

Phewfta, long post but we found so much great stuff and I thought it would be nice to share!

Have you been thrifting lately?
Found anything good?
Please share!! 

xoxo - Cassie


  1. That tiger pillow is seriously too good of a find haha! It's expression is priceless! I also love the other things you found and can't wait to go thrifting again with my friends!

    1. Aw thank you! And yes, go thrifting right away!! Summer is the best time to do it for some reason :)

  2. ahh so many goodies! I'm forever in thrift stores haha. x

    1. This was almost better than a thrift store!! Much more focused to one woman's style which, since it was so similar to my own, made her estate sale an absolute gold mine!! You should check some estate sales out if you like thrifting <3

      Thanks for taking the time to comment :)


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