Monday, July 23, 2012

Wet 'n Wild Haul!!! (+Swatches & Review of Hauled Products)

I have a very exciting post today.

Want to see (more specifically) why? Click the jump link below!!

For the longest time I thought that Wet 'n Wild cosmetics were unattainable to me. Sure, I'm being dramatic; I've checked online and if I was willing to drive around a half hour to a different Walmart or Target than my local ones then I could have gotten my grubby mitts on these long ago.
Heck, if I knew that I was going to be as beauty obsessed (that sounds really vain... I just mean that I like to hoard makeup; mind you, I'm not buried alive yet. Yet...) as I am now then I would have wised up when I was a tot and bought these when our neighborhood Target carried Wet 'n Wild (I still have some of their nail polishes from back in the day).

That aside, when I was out with my dear friend Dana last weekend we stopped at the Target near her and her mom's studio and in an instant my dreams came true.
Yes, my dreams are fairly pathetic. But at least they're attainable!!!

(Top to Bottom: Heather Silk, Knock on Wood, Walking on Eggshells, Comfort Zone)

I actually held back in the Wet 'n Wild section; I only hauled three palettes and one blush but BELIEVE ME when I say I wanted to grab every single palette, lipstick, etc. If my bank account were really as loaded as I like to pretend it is I would have done it too... but, luckily for my credit score me I was realistic and held back.

ANYWAYS, let's get to swatching and showcasing these beauties, shall we?

I'm not very adventurous with my blushes. I have a handful of them but they're all pretty much your standard peaches and pinks. I change my eye look and lip color every day, so changing my cheek color as well? Welllllll that's sometimes asking a little too much of me.
However, I have been wanting a change. Maybe it's the big move to Boston on my mind causing my judgement to go a little haywire. Maybe it's the artist in me wanting to expand my color palette.

Maybe I just needed an excuse to by this blush.

But I digress. This blush is lovely. Heather Silk is a beautiful matte pink that borders on berry because of the heavy blue undertone. It is creamy, soft, and applies like a dream. Love this!!

Here's the first of the three palettes I picked up: Knock on Wood.
I grabbed this one because I love the way pinks and purples look on my green eyes. Here's my rundown on the colors:

Browbone: (upon which I would never place this color) a light shimmery pink; it's a bit sheer on my skin tone but still looks lovely once it's built up. 
Crease: a bronzed olive brown with copper flecks which is a color right up my alley; this is a very versatile shade. 
Eyelid: This one translates a bit different from pan to skin. It appears to be a sort of maroon eggplant shade in the pan, but swatched on my skin it looks more like a red brown with slight purple undertones and shimmer. No bother, it's still a great color!

Up next we have a palette that seems to be a cult classic in the beauty blogosphere: Walking on Eggshells.
I really don't need anymore nude eyeshadows but I just couldn't help myself; they're my kryptonite!! And the color rundown?:

Browbone: a yellow-toned cream frost.
Crease: a yellow-based deep tan with a frost finish.
Eyelid: a frosty pink champagne.

Lastly we have the Comfort Zone palette which combines neutrals and... not-neutrals? Crazy colors? Wacko colors? I wasn't an English major...
First off, here's the left side of the palette (definitely the neutral side):

Browbone: a very similar yellow-toned cream to the browbone shade of the Walking on Eggshells palette, but this has a shimmer finish rather than a frost; it's lovely and would look beautiful on the inner corners of the eyes (or a browbone highlight as it suggests, if you're into that... I'm just not).
Eyelid: a soft peachy copper with a frost finish.
Crease: a yellow-toned bronze with a slight olive undertone and frosty finish.
Definer: a matte dark chocolate with flecks of red-toned copper shimmer. Let's take a closer look since this shade is such a stunner...

Try and tell me that isn't one of the most BEAUTIFUL colors you've ever seen in an eyeshadow. It's just so unique and mesmerizing... I'd be lying if I said I didn't keep this swatched on my hand so I could stare at it for the rest of the day (I'm a shut-in, don't worry).
Onto the rest of the palette.

So here's the right side of the palette (or the "crazy" side of the palette to simultaneously quote and embarrass myself from earlier). The top shade really isn't crazy but... well, it's on the right side so it's getting labeled as such anyways.
Here's my take on the colors:

Browbone: a frosty version of my skin. Seriously. So essentially it's a yellow-toned tan but it leans on the cool side rather than warm like you'd expect.
Eyelid: a light yellow-green with a frost finish.
Crease: A very deep forest green with yellow-green shimmer identical to the eyelid color.
Definer: This is quite possibly the coolest color ever created. Photos will never be able to do it justice so I apologize in advance. This is a taupe brown that shows up predominantly maroon/purple. The cool part is the reflux that this contains which makes it frost over to a green/blue color. The only way I can think to describe this is dragon fly wings. Yup. Pretty mystical.

This was the best I could do to showcase the pretty reflux... can you see it at all??? 

So that's it folks!!!
Hopefully you weren't bored to tears by such a long post (if you even made it this far), but I really was just so excited to have finally gotten my hands on some Wet 'n Wild stuff and wanted to share the bounty with you guys. I have yet to wear any of these (since I wanted to keep them pristine for photographing) but plan on it the next time I put on makeup!! The products are all extremely luxurious in texture for such a tiny price tag. They are buttery smooth and pigmented and I would reckon to say that a few of these are dupes for colors in my NAKED2 palette.
Yup, I went there.

I really think a person could build their eyeshadow collection on Wet 'n Wild alone. They had tons of other palettes in different color varieties that could let you transition from day to night looks in a flash.

Do you own any other Wet 'n Wild products? 
Anything else I need to go and grab the next time I'm near this magical Target?
Do tell!!

xoxo - Cassie

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