Thursday, November 15, 2012

November '12 Birchbox!

I don't know why, but it feels like forever since I last did a Birchbox post!!
So let's not prolong things any further and jump right in, shall we?

This month's theme was 'giving', obviously because of the impending turkey day, and I'd say Birchbox handled it perfectly as they gave a LOT; honestly, I think this is one of the best Birchboxes I have ever received!! The samples were truly deluxe (if not, full-sized) and spanned all different types of beauty products.

They also included a little booklet on holiday gift ideas for him and her, as well as a reusable box/envelope for you to gift a little something special to a friend :) Definitely put me in the mood to spend money on my loved ones!!

I mentioned in my last post on hair care that I really don't have problems with my curls frizzing (unless it's raining or humid outside; then it's a whole 'nother story that I don't enjoy talking about) but I'm really excited to try out this treatment since it's water-based; this means (or claims to mean) that it doesn't build up in your hair and thus keeps it cleaner longer. 
I can't wait to see if it lives up to its promises since I hate showering even every other day... if I could go a whole week without showering I would (but I'm already partially socially unacceptable as it is, so no worries; I have a few dates every week with Mr. Bubbles).

I'm still a little confused on this one, but it's just so darn pretty that I really don't care! It says it's a perfume oil... but yet it says that it's going to be a new purse staple on the card? So is this for freshening me up, or for making my purse smell like a flower shop? I suppose people do say that they carry their perfume around with them but I think it's silly since the bottle could break so easily!! 
Either way, this basically smells like you would expect from the flowers listed on the card. It is VERY floral, but not in a bad way; I'll just have to be really careful not to apply too much!

I am a HUGE fan of trying out every single mascara on the planet, so when I saw that I received a full-sized mascara in my box I pretty much pooed myself a little (which my cat does... sometimes, when I accidentally scare him, he lets out a little poo pellet hahahahaha. It's cuter than it sounds, I promise #biasedmamma).

A lot of mascaras now-a-days CLAIM to have fibre extensions but fall short (get it? Hehe... #punny).

However, you can actually SEE the little fibres in the photo of the mascara wand above!! It also has a mirror on one of the sides of the barrel which would prove handy for those of you who apply makeup on the go (note: doing your makeup on the subway and risking poking your eye out is your own prerogative, but applying makeup while driving and endangering others is unacceptable!!!!!). 

I am a huge stila fan (read: whore) so receiving this liquid luminizer was a really big treat for me!!
It comes with a brush applicator (just like the original full-size), is completely odorless (which is a miracle for a liquid product of any kind), and is unbelievably gorgeous on the skin. The color is a sort of pearlescent pink with just a hint of gold. Because of this it really makes skin glow rather than making it sparkle like glitter highlighters tend to do.

 And last, but not least: chocolate. THANK YOU BIRCHBOX. You can send me chocolate every month if you want (hint hint) and I will be at least 25% happier with my box just because there's chocolate involved.
The fact that this is a kind of chocolate I've never tried before makes me even more excited to try it (and the other flavors they have look delicious, too!)!!

So that's it for this month's box and, as I'm sure you could tell, I am so pleased with the things I received. 

Do you have a Birchbox subscription?
What did you get this month?
Don't receive Birchbox?
What would you have liked to get from this month's box?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I wish I had curls to save! ;-)

  2. Jamie: Haha we all want what we don't have... ;)

  3. "I am a huge stila fan (read: whore)" - busted out laughing at this comment. I probably shouldn't be reading this stuff at work!


  4. Monica: Haha, I'm glad I could make you laugh... ESPECIALLY while you were at work!! I feel like that's where we need some laughter more often :)

  5. OK, I just subscribed to Birchbox, and I'm blaming it on you! Not really, about the blaming part. I'm hoping this will lessen my bad habit of browsing 'just to look', which of course never results in just looking.

    1. Haha well I hope it works for you Sandi!! I haven't gotten a Birchbox in quite a few months now but I hope they've upped their game for you since I cancelled my subscription <3


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!