Sunday, January 27, 2013

Revlon Colorstay Foundation for Normal/Dry Skin: Swatches + Review!

The perfect analogy just came to me: this foundation is like Twilight... the Twilight movies, more specifically (though it's really all the same to me). 
You hear so many good things about it and so, though you don't let it show (too much) on the outside, you're secretly really excited to try it out and see what all the fuss is about. Then you find out Edward sparkles, Jacob takes his shirt off more than the Situation in an episode of Jersey Shore, and Bella is... well, Bella is Kristen Stewart ('nuff said).

Why (or more so: how?) did this analogy come to me, you ask? 
Well, there's nothing on TV (first world problems, I know) so I've got some marathon of the Twilight movies playing on FX and I can't stop busting out laughing; I think I bought into the Twilight hype in high school because I wanted to be able to talk to people about it (since that was all anyone talked about at the moment) and because it was/is SO. FUNNY.

Take the jump for my full review!!
(If you can't tell already, expect something other than the die-hard hype you typically hear about this foundation.)

Right off the bat, this foundation is off-putting because of the no-pump mess of a bottle design that Revlon created. I'm already a fumbling space cadet in the mornings so adding this to my hectic getting ready adventures sure doesn't speed things along; most of the time I dump out way too much and after a week of use my bottle is already a mess. 

People also weren't kidding when they said this foundation has sparkles in it (though they missed the larger correlation to Twilight that the foundation has).

See those little white specks in the photo above? Those are actually little glitter sparkles in real life.
This, to me, was absolutely terrifying but thankfully they don't translate once rubbed into your face. 

This foundation is also a LOT runnier than I was expecting; I guess I never straight out heard someone describe the consistency (which, now that I think about it, is quite strange don't you think?) so I shouldn't have been SO shocked, but, well, you know.
The watery formula makes this a light-medium coverage foundation.

Which makes me wonder: how the heck is a light (you would have to layer this on your face multiple times to get medium) coverage foundation going to stay all day on my skin?
Welllllllll it won't.

I've found that this foundation lasts MAYBE 4-5 hours before it begins to fade and by the end of the day (I'm talking from the time I leave my apartment at 7am to the time I get home at 6:30pm) my face is looking a bit dull and flaky (I don't think I need to tell you that that's not cute).
Which has made this the perfect irony laden time for Jacob to hard-core-parkour up a tree (hahahhhahah) in the movie because "hard-core" (or "24-Hour", as Revlon more professionally put it) is the last thing I would describe this foundation as.

Left: Bare-faced (acne scars and all [you're welcome]), Right: One layer of Revlon Colorstay Foundation (150 Buff)

From the "far away" (aka arm's length) shot this foundation makes my skin look pretty flawless, but up close you can see that that's pretty far from the truth.
My dark circles still peek through the foundation and my acne scars are more than prominent and in need of a proper concealer.

It also, in my opinion, just makes my skin look fairly 'blah'. 
As my dear friend Torey so accurately put it: I just don't look as air-brushed and flawless as my Estee Lauder Double Wear Light foundation made my skin look.

Thankfully, with a full face of makeup on, I'd say I can manage to make this foundation look somewhat desirable. However, I just can't pimp this s*** like everyone else seems to do. 
I'm a believer in the saying that 'you get what you pay for' (except for the random few gems that you can find at the drugstore) and Revlon's Colorstay foundation fits that bill perfectly; it's just 'meh'.

Le sigh.
So what do you think?

Have you tried the Revlon Colorstay Foundation?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite foundation (either high-end or drugstore)?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I think this review has just bumped you to my all time favorite blogger! Thank you for being so honest because I was *this* close to buying the foundation and it's just way to runny/light coverage for me.

    P.S. - Your Twilight analogies were hysterical and surprisingly spot on!

    1. Alkdfjlajslkd stop with your super sweet comments!! >3< And no problem, I don't see the point in lying to you guys since I hate it when a product is hyped to the high heavens and then performs like... well, like this fail of a foundation. I'm glad to have saved you some cash :)

  2. Before I say anything, I have to say I've never tried Colorstay Normal/Dry but I am a Colorstay Combination/Oily devotee lol. Have you considered trying that formulation? It doesn't contain sparkles and lasts for hours on my verrrry oily skin. I've tried both EL Double Wear and Double Wear light and have found Colorstay Combination/oily to be very similar. Sorry for the long post, but just some thoughts!

    1. I honestly don't think I'd get on with the Combination/Oily version of this foundation since I don't have oily skin :/ I've just got a bad feeling it would end up being far too cakey on my normal-ish skin. But thank you so much for the recommendation!!

    2. I actually have very dry skin but could only find a color to match my skin in the oily skin version, so I tried it thinking I might hate it but much to my surprise, I quite liked it. I put one good coat on my face then go back and add a light layer to spots that peep through. it doesn't seem to bother my dry skin. I find that the dry skin formula doesn't seem to be anymore hydrating, it just has the sparkles I guess to not make It look so flat on dry skin. I always add lotion to my face before I apply the foundation though and it stays all day. I have even slept in it and it is still there when I wake up. only downside to the oily formula that most people complain about is the paint smell it gives off, but I guess im weird cause I kinda like the smell.

    3. Well thank you for telling me that!! Definitely some aspects of the oily version for me to consider :)

    4. April thank you! I tried my niece's foundation and so I went out and bought some myself only I purchased the normal/dry. It was not good. No coverage. Worse than a bb cream. Her bottle was the oily/combination and was awesome! It covered so well and my skin looked flawless! I loved it. Only problem is that I have dry skin, but after reading that the oily still works for you I'm going to go and get that version because it works fabulous.

    5. I am using colorstay normal to dry combination and even that has sparkles in it... Which i just hate about it...its worse when ur frz tell u that have u put something on ur face?? It is so glittery...

    6. I am using colorstay normal to dry combination and even that has sparkles in it... Which i just hate about it...its worse when ur frz tell u that have u put something on ur face?? It is so glittery...

  3. I was thinking about trying this but the bottle put me off. It looks decent enough, but just not good enough for the money. Thank you for the review, hun! You saved me some pennies :)

    Laura x

    1. Aw yay I'm so glad to have saved your pennies (or dollars, really... this foundation wasn't cheap for a freaking drugstore product!!)! :)

  4. Every Revlon foundation I have tried so far made me break out. Colorstay, whipped foundation. I tried one more but I forget the name. I hated colorstay not only did it break me out, it is a watery mess, and doesn't cover anything. Just like you said. I honestly never understood the hype around this one.

    My Holy grail foundation is Maybelline's dream matte mousse. I love this stuff. Gives me medium coverage, the only concealer I need is if I have a big blemish to cover. It covers my old acne scars.

    1. Oh no, I have definitely heard that Revlon foundations make people break out... thankfully it didn't happen to me but I'm sad to hear it was the case for you!! I actually have the dream matte mousse but haven't tried it yet haha! It's sitting in my large drawer of products that I need to try out... sigh, first world problems! Glad to hear you love it though; I'll have try it really soon :)

  5. That's a shame. I really hate buying a super-hyped product and not getting on with it x

  6. I've tried the Colorstay Normal/Dry, Oily/Combination and Whipped. LET'S RANK THEM! Whipped is my favorite. I know a lot of people don't like it but I'm one of those people that applies foundation with their fingers (sue me.) and whipped is the best for it covers mostly everything. Then I'd probably go with the Oily/Combination one since it stays on WAY longer than the Normal/Dry but it dried my skin out a bit. Then the normal/dry was wayyy to light of coverage for me and I'd agree with your review completely.

    1. Carmen!!!!!! So you liked the Whipped foundation, huh? I was a little skeptical about it but maybe I should give it a try... I too am a foundation-finger-apply-er :) I considered buying the Combo/Oily skin version of this but was scared it would dry out my skin and be a cakey mess and it sounds like my intuition was spot on :/ Yarrrrrg!!! At the prices drugstore foundations are at lately I just feel so absolutely ripped off!

  7. Hi! I really like your blog so I nominated you for the Leibster Award. Please check it out! :-)


    1. Aw wow thank you so much!! I definitely will do that :)

  8. I've always wanted to try this. Thanks for the review, followed!
    Katie xx

    1. Absolutely!! Hopefully hearing both sides of the coin on this one will help you figure out whether or not you would really get on with this foundation :) And thank you so much for following!! Glad to have you here xx

  9. I agree with the first comment, you've made this review really humorous to read which I don't think any other beauty blogger has done therefore you are now a favourite blogger of mine! x

    1. Wahhhh thank you so much you're too kind!! I'm glad you enjoy my 'humor' (haha I just feel sarcastic most of the time) and am happy that you enjoyed this post :)

  10. i've tried it, and hated it. but i also don't know how to apply makeup like an adult.
    also i loved reading this.

    1. Haha even if you DID know how to apply makeup like an 'adult' (I don't think anyone knows quite how to do that... we're all just kidding ourselves if we do) you still probably wouldn't like this foundation... I'm glad you felt the same because I felt very alone with all the hype surrounding this foundation!!

  11. no pump!? whatttt that like an instant no for me.
    but hmm i was considering trying it but, no. not anymore, too runny, sparkly, no pump, hardly any coverage... all things i dont want/like in a foundation
    great review!


    1. I'm so happy this helped!! Definitely not the foundation for you (or me) if those things you listed are what you look for :(

  12. I was tempted to try this one but I don't think I will. I really can't to the whole No pump thing, ha! Great review! xx

    1. I know, the no pump 'feature' is a huuuuuuge drag. Glad to have been of service!!

  13. Your twilight analogy is hilarious and spot on! I actually think this is the best review I've read! I used to try and trick myself into believing I liked this but I had exactly the same problems & the colours weren't right for me. The Mac pump fits this bottle btw x

    1. Yayyyyy thank you so much I'm happy you like my review!! I'm going to be tricking myself into liking this until I run out because I'm a cheapskate and can't allow myself to just throw it away after paying so much for it... great to know the MAC pump fits this bottle though! I may have to go out and buy one :)

  14. I loved the Twilight bit too, haha. I'm actually so glad I came across this! I have been meaning to try out a new foundation, and this was one of the ones I was debating with. I can take that off my list now [: Thanks!


    1. Yay I'm glad I could save you the disappointment of trying out this foundation!! And you're very welcome, I'm so happy you enjoyed :)

  15. I've heard great things about this foundation (everyone seems to be raving about it) but I agree that it seems a little bit too runny. Thanks for this review, though :)

    1. Yup your thoughts sound exactly like mine! I'm glad this was helpful :)

  16. Great Review!

    Looks like a great product I will check if they have it in my shade to try it out ;)


    1. Haha I'm surprised you want to buy this after the review I gave!! Good luck either way :)

  17. This looks so weird. Not what I was expecting at all from the rave comments I've been hearing! I currently use the body shop moisturising foundation which is in a pump bottle and seems much thicker than this despite it being light/medium coverage! (and is my favourite foundation of all time) Colourstay is gonna be a miss from me. Thank you for the review! xxx :)

    1. Haha I know, right??? It was absolutely not what I was expecting either so I'm glad that I could save you some money by making an honest review :) I remember your post on the body shop foundation (at least I think it was from you!!) and thought it looked so nice... maybe one of these days I'll check it out!

  18. This may sound a little strange but I thought the same when I tried the dry skin version and frankly I thought it was rubbish but then I tried the oily skin version and I liked it a lot better, maybe you should try it too.. It is actually a really good foundation:) Alternatively, you can try - it's a website that has a foundation finder so you can get recommendations based on what you like. This way you will only see foundations you are likely to love:)

    1. I've actually heard a LOT that the oily skin version is the superior foundation of the two in this range! I'm just really skeptical of trying it since the dry version dried out my skin (you'd think it'd be a hydrating formula) so the oily version should in theory be an even dryer formula... oh bother, I just don't know!! But thank you so much for the advice and recommendations, I really appreciate it :)

  19. I was hoping to go for this, im constantly switching beauty items, even before I run out. I currently have the Revlon Nearly Naked foundation and its good but doesn't offer many color choices, I was wondering what you recommend. Also, what is that eye shadow youre wearing? Its gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much!! I think the eyeshadows I'm wearing are from the MUA "Undressed" palette (it was a long time ago though so I'm not 100% positive, sorry about that T__T). And as for foundations I absolutely stand by the Estee Lauder Double Wear Light foundation. You're paying more than drugstore but the quality goes BEYOND the price difference; their color range is a bit limited but each shade can work on a variety of skin tones and the formula is all sorts of perfection. Try going to an Estee Lauder counter and get matched (and hopefully fall in love!)! <3

  20. I really didn't like the original revlon colorstay it dried out my skin so bad, I did a short review on my blog

  21. I wish I had read this review before I purchased it! I just wanted a nice foundation that matched my whiter than white, pale skin. This just looked dry and (like you said) dull. I don't know how this received so much hype!

  22. What is your favorite drugstore foundation for dry skin? My skin has become very dry, like the peeling nasty dry. I used to be oily so I'm searching for a moisturizing full coverage drugstore foundation. It has been hard!!!

    1. I've been having trouble with dry skin this winter and the CoverGirl 3-in-1 Foundation has been wonderful; I would highly recommend that one!!

    2. I'd be leary about the cg 3 in 1 if you have dry skin. My skin is pretty dry and i found it to be more drying for me :( Ironically, I didn't find the boots matte liquid foundation to be too drying though so go figure.

    3. That's too bad Sallie!! My dry spots haven't been bothered by the CG foundation at all… I guess you've just got to try it to find out for yourself :/

  23. I have tried their older version of this and it took me through all of last year. That formula was thicker in consistency or so, I'd like to believe. I have ordered for this one and am waiting to try it out. It's certainly a great budget foundation.

    1. Well hopefully you like it Coral… I personally hated it!

  24. Mmm. I just wanna say u are beautiful.. we dont have revlon here in my country and i was going to order it online-you saved me:) still searching for a damn liquid for colour correction. Nowadays im using vichy bb cream but.. as you say: meehh:) lotss of love from istanbul.

    1. Aw shucks thank you!! Glad I could save you some money on not buying this foundation; hopefully you can find a good one for you soon :)

  25. I have really dry skin from living in arizona and I bought moisturizer after moisturizer until finding Made From The Earth productsI I love love love the Olive night creme. I use it as regular moisturizer and it feels so great on my skin. Never greasy or heavy. Did I mention I LOVE this night creme

  26. I have bought this before and wasn't impressed. I found it difficult to blend and it looked cakey, and it was really hard to get off too! I wasn't happy with it, and it cost around £12 in the UK, and that is expensive for a drugstore foundation in the UK.

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