Tuesday, February 12, 2013

M.A.C. Plumful Dupes Right Under My Nose...!??!?

After publishing my post on M.A.C.'s "Plumful" the other day, Lauren (of Peachy Curves) suggested that Revlon's Kissable Balm Stain "Honey" may be worth a comparison. 

I choked back tears; did I have a dupe for the lovely Plumful in my (disgustingly large) collection already??? 
Furthermore, as I dug through my bags to find Honey (I've got the bad habit of leaving 10+ lipsticks in my backpack and purse from previous outings #girlproblems) I came across my Revlon Lip Butter "Berry Smoothie"... SON OF A--- did I have TWO possible dupes for Plumful???

The mystery had to be solved.

All of these lipsticks, more or less, are of the balm-formula nature; because of this they are somewhat sheer and thus I wasn't fooled by how different they may look side-by-side.
I knew that, with the pigmentation of my lips, these definitely had the potential to color shift and be dupes.

(L-R): Berry Smoothie, Plumful, Honey


I will admit, these are all pretty similar in color on my lips; Berry Smoothie is a bit more pink and sheer than Plumful, Honey is a bit more opaque than Plumful and much more of a toffee colored nude, etc. 
Overall I'm very happy to report that these are indeed not dupes for the beautiful Plumful and each provides my lips with a different color and finish.

However, like said, based on your skin coloring and lip pigmentation you may find different results!!
On really fair skinned girls I've seen Honey look much more berry-like on the lips and Berry Smoothie look much more fuchsia than it does on my lips.

What do you think?
Do you have a Plumful dupe?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. close but no cigar ;) Honey is so pink on me it's ridiculous! I have the lip pigmentation of candy floss haha. Lovely post :) x

    1. Yeah I was actually really surprised how similar they all are but they're definitely all their own little characters :) Haha and I know, I'm always a little surprised when I see how pink Honey looks on some girls because on me it's clearly way more brown!!

  2. Looks lovely on you! If it makes you feel better, I think plumful is definitley the best one!


    1. Thanks, these are definitely three of my favorite lip products!! But yes, Plumful has a special place in my heart right now; I don't regret it a bit! <3

  3. These look very similar on your lips!

  4. Plumful really does look wonderful!

  5. Plumful is gorgeous I love purple lip colours x

    1. Thank you, I'm in love with Plumful as well <3

    2. I own both Revlon Honey and Berry Smoothie, and MAC Plumful is way up on my wishlist. If these were all dupes, I was going to freak out! I love them all, but I still think Plumful is one I must get!


  6. Oh man, why can't we have Revlon in Finland? I've wanted to try "just kissable balm stain" for such long time now! Can you send me those to Finland, I 'd appreciate it lol? :)



    1. Oh no, no Revlon at all??? I'm sure we could arrange something if you really want because they really are spectacular ;)

  7. Plumful is so pretty! Those are all slightly different in color and formulation that it's justifiable to have all three! I have the Just Bitten Kissable in Honey but it's no where near as beautiful as Plumful! I really want to get Plumful now, and they have it out with a cool snake pattern on the tube! SO PURTY O.O

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. My thoughts exactly ;) And I know, I was just alerted the other day that I could have gotten it with the super cool year of the snake pattern embossed on it BUT HAD NO IDEA... and no one offered it to me at the M.A.C. store that I bought it from!!! D: Maybe you can go get it and make me suuuuuper jealous hehehe....

  8. I agree they are all slightly different, but very striking on you. My favorite was Berry Smoothie. Couple of quick questions for you. Do you go to places like Makeupalley and read reviews before you try a product? Also do you purchase from small independent companies like Fyrinnae?

    One more, any tricks for getting lipstick to "stick" I am terrible about eating mine off in less than an hour. Truth be told I doubt it lasts even 30 minutes. I do have some luck with stains, but of course they are drying, and sometimes the colors get wonky on me. I am very pale, so I have to be careful with brights because I end up looking like a clown.

    Looking forward to your reply...

    1. Aw thank you!! They're a few of my all-time favorite lipsticks so I definitely adore them as well :)

      I honestly don't read many of the "big" blogs that review makeup only because... well, I don't know they just don't seem as personal and honest to me (even though I'm sure they're accurate). I do, however, do my research before buying any product; I look up reviews on YouTube, read through TONS of user reviews online (like on Sephora or the product brand's page), etc. I don't think I've ever done a blind buy since becoming a cosmetics enthusiast :) And no I've honestly never heard of Fyrinnae!! I guess I usually just do the 'standard' drugstore & high-end companies.

      Sorry to say but I don't think I have any lipstick tricks... a LOT of it has to do with formulation/make of the lipstick. Otherwise I guess I just make sure that my lips are always very well conditioned (no flakes, hydrated, etc) prior to putting on my lipstick. That being said, I NEVER put on chapstick before lipstick like so many people do... that's just asking for it to slide right off!! I've also pretty much trained myself to never lick my lips when wearing lipstick; I replaced that 'urge' with rubbing my lips together instead so that my lipstick stays put and I'm not just eating it off like you said :)

      Hopefully that was kind of helpful?? I really don't have many tricks when it comes to these things, sadly :(

  9. Pretty colours, especially Plumful =)

  10. Replies
    1. I love it as well though they all have a special place in my heart :)

  11. I have honey in hand but never try plumful before. Anyway, I just found your awesome blog and be your new follower <3
    p/s: Love your header. Is that your cat?


    1. Definitely give Plumful a try if it looks like a color you would be interested in!! And thank you so much I'm so happy to have you here :) Yup that's my kitty Galileo up on my header!! He's a character that's for sure haha xx

  12. I thought I had a dupe for Plumful too, it's close, but not the same :) I love this colour, it was crazy expensive but I am really happy to have it :) I really want to try those Revlon lipsticks, they look very tempting as well :)


    1. Isn't it gorgeous??? I really think it's one of a kind and I don't mind paying extra for its beauty <3 Glad you love it as well and definitely try out any Revlon lip products you can! I don't think there's been one that I don't like so far from them :)

  13. Thanks so much for this post, I have Berry Smoothie and Honey they are so similar, was going to buy Plumful!!! So pleased I didn't xx

    1. Oh good I'm so glad it was helpful!! Plumful is definitely unique in its own right but I can see what you'd decide not to get it if you already have Honey and Berry Smoothie :)

  14. The lip butter in Sugar Plum might be closer. It's not nearly as dark as it looks in the tube.

    1. Good idea Sandi!! I don't have that one to compare but it seems like a possible dupe :)


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