Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Video + Galileo Picture Dump + Update!!

Hello hello my dear readers!!
I just wanted to do a really quick post for you to share my latest YouTube video (if you haven't already seen it, it's linked above as usual), which happens to be an OOTW quickie, and also let you know that I survived the North East coast blizzard... huzzah!

Here's a little picture dump of Galileo and myself to show you my rather uneventful and cold (I didn't have power, heat, etc. for most of it) last couple of days during the blizzard:

The first huge chunks of snowfall really freaked Galileo out... he kept attacking the windows haha.

I like to think that Galileo put his little paw on my head to tell me it was all going to be okay even though we were hanging out by flashlight/candlelight and getting chilled to the bone.

 We basically spent all day today cuddled in my already warm bed with all of the blankets I own piled on top... Galileo was a good little heater!!

As the day rolled on though Galileo started shaking (broke my heart!!) so I wrapped blankets around him as best as I could and after a couple of minutes he stopped shivering and dreamt nice catnip filled dreams.

So that's it people!! 
I just got power back a few hours ago so my apartment is nice and cozy warm again I'm all caught up with things (doing dishes, folding blankets, responding to emails/comments, etc.); I hope you all are doing well and, if you braved the storm with me, stayed as warm and safe as possible! :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Oh, my goodness! I can't believe you had no power in those temperatures! Glad you and kitty are ok.


    1. Yeah, it was not pleasant but I wasn't the only one so that at least made me feel a bit better haha :) And yes, we are well now and Galileo acts like nothing ever happened!!

  2. Broke my heart when you said Gelileo was shivering! Thank goodness you wrapped him up, good mum instincts! I'm so glad you are both safe....hugs & kisses!

    1. I know, right??? Trust me, it broke mine too :( But yes we are both safe and warm now... love you!!

  3. Your cat is beautiful!!!!!! So so cute xx
    Gem ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  4. Glad to hear that you're safe and well now! I particularly like Monday and Thursday's outfits x

    1. Yes we are, thank you!! I'm glad you liked them :)

  5. Glad you're warm again now! Little Galileo is so adorable- and such a good name!x

  6. Replies
    1. Hehe I figure it's a good way to draw viewers in :p And thank you!

  7. Oh your cat is so cute! I'm glad your electricity is back, ours was down due to a bad storm last night.

    1. Thank you!! And I hope all is well with you now! It's really no fun :(

  8. I couldn't imagine how cold it must be to have no heater in the midst of a blizzard. But thank God you're okay Cassie. That must have been scary. But you look cozy bundled up. Your cat is so cute!


    1. Thankfully it didn't get TOO cold in here (I'm assuming because of good insulation in our apartment complex?)... somewhere around the high forties I think. But yes, thankfully the blizzard was a lot more mild that people seemed to make out and I haven't heard of anything catastrophic that came of it :) Thank you for always caring Kathy and for being so sweet!! I'll give Galileo a hug for you <3

  9. I just started following your blog, and have already bought some of your suggestions. I really like your relatable style of writing, and your common sense approach to cosmetics. AND.....I love your cat. I have three of them, and I can't imagine not having at least one fur baby in my life. One of mine is fluffy like yours, but definatley not hypo-allergenic.

    Glad you survived the storm.

    1. Oh wow, thank you so much!! I hope the things you bought have been everything I made them out to be (since, sadly, not all products work the same for everybody) and then-some! :) I honestly can't imaging not having Galileo here in my life; I'm so lucky to have gotten such a sweet and funny cat. Glad to hear you surround yourself with little bundles of love as well!!

  10. I am a dog person, usually, but Galileo is just too cute for words! And on a more fashion related noted, yellow is gorgeous on you! Work it girl!

    1. Haha thank you so much!! Galileo really is more like a dog in personality (just sleeps a heck of a lot more)... glad I could semi-convert you (though I myself am neither a dog nor cat person so I don't care either way) haha ;) And aw, thank you! I definitely can't pull off all yellows but really enjoy wearing the shades I can; you work it too!! ^__^

  11. Very cool outfits!
    The leopard loafers are so nice, I love loafers :D

    1. Thanks so much!! They're some of my favorite shoes :D

  12. It doesn't really get scary until even the fur people get cold. I have fecking idiots for neighbors who left their cats outside during single digit cold this last winter, and they aren't the hairy beasts you and I have, just regular short-hairs. Next winter, I'll call animal control since we now have that option again. All we could do this year was crack the garage door and leave them food, water and a modicum of inside shelter in the form of blankets in a small box, as our boys would not have stood for them being in the house. There was much spitting and yowling at the front garage door as it was.

    1. Yup, that's when you know it's bad :( ARG that makes me so mad… good for you for helping those kitties out when they were in need, even if only a 'little' bit because of your own territorial boys. I really hope that doesn't happen again this winter!!


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