Saturday, February 2, 2013


I know I know I know I know I know: it's not Friday.
But I have class all day on Saturdays so it feels like my weekend starts tonight...
I had a long week, can we just leave it at that?

What better way to celebrate its end than with super glittery nails?
I honestly can think of nothing (except cookies for dinner and a kitty purring loudly in your lap... which is happening right now *bliss*).

 NYC - Lincoln Center / H&M Nail Polish - Confetti time / Delia*s Nail Polish - Gold Shimmer

I know this is going to sound like a complicated procedure, but I promise this nail art is anything but:

1.) Over your base coat, start out with two coats of your base color (or one, if that's all it takes for opacity).
2.) Once dry, take your gold polish and put a dot/glob at the base of your nail; using a cheap eye-makeup sponge feather it upwards to create a gradient about a third of the way up your nail.
3.) Once that's dry, apply your glitter over the base of your nail (where the gold is most opaque); then feather that upwards like before and repeat two or three times until of desired glitter opacity.

Et voilĂ !!
You've now got yourself a manicure worth celebrating (regardless of what day of the week it is).
Let me know if you try this out!

What's your favorite way to unwind after a long hard week at work/school (or, like in my case, both)?
Do you ever take the time to do fancy-shmancy nail art?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Ahh, this looks beautiful! I've been wanting to try this out for a while now, I keep seeing every woman and her cat sporting this manicure. Thanks for the lovely tutorial!

    P.S Your kitty purring in your lap makes me jealous T______T I want a le kitty.

    1. Haha not sure my cat (or any cat) would allow this to happen on their claws but it is a funny thing to picture XD And not a problem, I hope you can try out this manicure sometime soon as well as get yourself a kitty!! Nothing's better :)

  2. Okay, actually lusting. This is gorgeous! And that Confetti Time polish, OH YES PLEASE.

    1. Haha stop lusting and get yourself a bottle!! I just got the Confetti TIme polish last week so I'm positive H&M still has it! :D

  3. Gorgeous nails Cassie! Thanks for always taking the time to visit my blog. I missed interacting with you. I hope you are healthy and doing well these days.

    By the way, do you happen to know if the Estee Lauder Double Wear Max Cover is a better purchase than the Double Wear foundation? I heard they changed the formulation for the latter so I'm wondering if it's still a good buy? I'm so hopeless when it comes to make-up. haha! Thank you in advance. :)

    1. Thanks so much Kathy!! And no problem, I love chatting with you! :) I hope you're doing well also and I'll head on over to your blog to answer your question to the best of my ability...

  4. Cassie your nails look beautiful I really will try it out on my nails! x

    1. Aw thank you, do try it out for yourself and I'm sure you'll get the same results! :)

  5. Oh wow these look so gorgeous!!!! I absolutely love the look of the Confetti Time polish... it's amazing!!! xx
    Gem ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Thank you so much!! That polish really is gorgeous so do pick it up if you ever see it in store :)

  6. I absolutely love the glitters!! <3

  7. These nails are lovely! I like that the glitter fades. You did such a good job of them!

    Em x

    1. Aww you're too sweet! Thanks so much I'm glad you like ^__^

  8. So pretty! I did a similar thing a few months ago on black nails too but with plain gold glitter polish. I love what you did!

    1. Ooo the black and gold version sounds lovely too!! Thank you Analisa! :)

  9. omg it looks so soo beautiful. Your nails are like the perfect shape btw! ;D Is that creeepy? Maybe. Probably. A little bit.
    But honestly the colours just look so perfect together, I need to by more glittery nail varnishes asap. ♥

    1. Haha no it's not creepy at all!! Thank you so much, I've always felt pretty lucky with my nail shape (especially since I can't stand emery boards... nail files to me are what nails of chalkboards are to others *shiver*)! :)
      And I'm glad you like this nail look!! Definitely get some beautiful glitter polishes... though this is advice coming from a glitter polish addict hehe.

  10. Love the nails! The gold glitter is so pretty :)



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