Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Revlon Fabulash Mascara: Swatches + Review!

I feel like such a horrible person for posting so many negative (read: honest) product reviews lately but I feel like it's better than lying to you all!! 
So hopefully it's not too dreadfully painful to read through another downer of a post but I really want you all to steer clear of this one (which I think you have to as this is discontinued?). 

My lashes are are one of my more stellar (if I do say so myself) genetic gifts so when a mascara fails to make my lashes look nice then that's saying a LOT... makes me feel pretty confident in saying that if it didn't work for me it probably won't work for you; though you can obviously prove me wrong if you can must.

Take the jump for the usual deets!

I bought this mascara a looooong time ago, back in my undergrad days when I didn't have a car and wore my makeup the same every day (the horror!); this meant that whenever I could hitch a ride to Target I would go to grab myself anything that may have been even close to running empty in my makeup/toiletry arsenal.
Sadly for this mascara (and a few other bits and pieces) it got shoved to the bottom of my "EXTRAS" box (which I still have, boldly labeled in Sharpie) to be forgotten until now.

The wand piqued my interest and, being a pretty big fan of the Revlon brand in general, I figured this mascara was probably going to be decent. 
I mean, they told me this was going to make my lashes 400% fuller!!! 

Top - Bottom: No Mascara, One Coat, Two Coats

First the Colorstay Foundation (though, granted, that was the fault of blogger hype) and now this??????

I am so utterly disappointed; not only does this only VERY minimally define your lashes it also just disappears throughout the day. I'm not kidding!! It's the weirdest thing ever... it doesn't flake off, it just literally is half gone by the end of the day.
Now I'm going to have to suffer through yet another Revlon failure on my face until it runs out.

On a positive note, I hear that this mascara has been replaced by the Grow Luscious Fabulash mascara? I feel like I've heard wonderful things about that one so maybe they figured out that the original was an absolute disaster and fixed it.

Have you tried the original Revlon Fabulash mascara?
Love it? Hate it?
How about the Grow Luscious Fabulash mascara?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. You have beautiful eyes and lashes, but it looks like it does nothing for them :( ... just looking at the shape of the brush makes me die inside :(

    Steph // fun size beauty

    1. D'awwwww Steph you're too sweet!! But yeah I agree... it's like putting a potato sack on a girl with a WAM-POW figure; she'll still look gorgeous but could definitely do much better :/ And hahahah don't die on the inside!! Hopefully this'll be the last time you have to look at this mascara ;)

  2. The look of that brush screams rubbish to me. Loads of people love Revlon but I have had quite a few bad experiences with them too x

    1. Yeah it looks rubbish now that I know it's crap but I guess I bought into the gimmick (I'm a sucker is what I'm essentially trying to say). Sad to hear that you also have had some bad experiences with Revlon!! I guess there just must be some hiccups in their company because, like said, I think as a whole they are one of my favorite drugstore brands!!

  3. well at least you are being honest in your reviews. btw i want your eeeeyes! lol nice post love <3

    1. Glad you appreciate the honesty :) And please don't steal my eyes from meeeeeeee haha I need them to see and make my blog for you all ;)


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