Friday, March 1, 2013

Maybelline Color Tattoo "Barely Branded": Swatches + Review!

Well, at least that's how it feels for me... I hope you all missed me a little too.

I figured, since I featured it as one of my favorites in my Best & Worst of Beauty Video this month, that I should do a proper review of this Color Tattoo from Maybelline's new Metal line; take the jump below for all of the details :)

Please ignore the paper cut I apparently had on my finger... it makes me sad that I've worked around paper so long that I don't even notice them any more (unless they're bleeding profusely, of course... *ahem* anywhew)

When I first heard that Maybelline was releasing a new line of these suckers and that one of them was going to be extremely similar to Barely Beige (from the previous limited edition range that I missed out on [rub it in, why don't you]) I was ALL. OVER IT.
Seriously, I went into sadistic hunter mode; I didn't care how many displays I had to tear through, how many people I had to push out of my way, I was GOING to get my hands on this puppy.

Sadly my toddler-like bullying ways weren't paying off.

Until one day, after parking on the other side of the mall and casually passing by the Maybelline row of cosmetics on my way into work, I saw something amiss. 
Thankfully my super keen (aka obsessive girl on a mission) vision spotted the beautiful champagne peeking through the glass pot and, as it's often said, the rest was history.

I swatched Barely Branded heavily in the above photo as well as blended it out to show you how versatile this particular Color Tattoo is; whether you want a super statement on your eyes or something a bit more shimmery and nude, Barely Branded has got you covered. 
Though, it must be said, this product (like the other Color Tattoos I've tried) NEEDS a primer underneath it otherwise it's going to become a creased mess in a matter of minutes (which you may or may not remember from this post).

Like said, as you can see above, Barely Branded on its own is definitely a LOOK. Definitely not nude looking in any sense of the means but, nevertheless, it still gives you a little somethin' somethin' on your face with not a lot of effort.

I much prefer just using this as a base and layering matte shadows on top of it.
What I love about doing this is that it doesn't completely change the color of the powder eye shadow that you're layering with but rather just gives it a little extra oomph and really lets it shine.

(L-R) stila "desert", Maybelline "Barely Branded", "desert" on top of "Barely Branded"

Phewfta, I'm not sure I was expecting for that to be such a long post but... well, it is what it is.
Overall I'm really loving Barely Branded at the moment and use it every single day (which, for me, says a whole heck of a lot!) so I hope that maybe you can love on this product a little bit too :)

Have you tried Barely Branded?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite cream eye shadow base?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I really want to try this, sounds amazing! Great review! :) XO


    1. Thank you!! Nab it if you see it in store, I can't imagine it would disappoint :)

  2. I haven't tried this shade, but I have a darker, more brown toned one, and I love to use it! I agree, it does work well as a base :) xx

    1. I have a brown one as well and love it for different reasons than Barely Branded but it's still a lovely base like you said :D

  3. Really pretty light color. I just added the Color Tattoo Bad to the Bronze to my Feb Fav's. It's also a wonderful color to add to your tattoo collection.


    1. I ALWAYS hear great things about Bad To The Bronze... for whatever reason though the color just doesn't grab me when I look at it in stores :/ Maybe I'll have to give it a shot though one of these days as some products are 100% prettier on than in the pan!!

  4. This is such a gorgeous colour! So good for rushing in the morning, thank you for swatches :)
    .Georgina Clare.

    1. It really is, thank you :) And no problem, I'm glad you liked!!

  5. I bought this a while ago and haven't actually used it...time to dig it out! I LOVE what you did with the matte eyeshadow so I'm definitely going to give this idea a go!

    1. Haha well get on it already!! I'm glad to have inspired you to use it with the matte swatches; go try it out now because it really is lovely :)

  6. That's so strange that the color tattoos crease on you! I never wear primer underneath mine and they never crease on my oily lids. It goes to show you just how different cosmetics work on different people!

    1. Wow, that's incredible that they don't crease on you since my lids aren't even all that oily!! Lucky you that you don't need a primer underneath :)

  7. This looks so pretty on you! It gives a subtle brightening effect. I wish this colour would release in Australia - it's a definite must-buy for me, even though I'd only be able to use it as a base.

    1. Thanks so much!! I too only use it as a base but it is still SO worth it... hopefully it'll release in Australia for you soon D:

  8. I haven't tried Barely Branded, but I do have Eternal Gold which is a personal favourite of mine. This champagne colour looks great on you!

    I'm having a Benefit cosmetics giveaway on my blog at the moment, would love for you to take a look.

    Jo x

    1. I hear great things about that shade as well, it sounds lovely :) And thanks so much!!

  9. I really love this color but haven't been able to find it here in Canada.

    1. Oh no!! Well, I know releases around the world can be a little scattered (especially for drugstore brands) but hopefully you'll find it soon :)


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