Monday, March 11, 2013

stila "in the know" eye shadow palette: Swatches + Review!!

This palette review
is a lost library book
thus long overdue
(as is a dose of my horrible haiku poetry... my sincerest apologies [on so many levels]).

And also, I know what you might be thinking about my photos for this post: "Wow Cassie what a horrible editing job you did these are sooooo over saturated with yellow and green lolz failure." 
Fair enough.
I CHALLENGE YOU TO A PHOTOGRAPHY BATTLE (insert original Pokemon battle music here)!!

In all seriousness though, this really is one of the most difficult makeup products I have ever had the displeasure of photographing and editing; the clash of the crazy toned (Cassie-chu used vocabulary diarrhea... it's super effective!! [How annoyed are the non-Pokemon fans right now?]) case housing the green/yellow/blue toned shadows was something I've never encountered before. 
I held my palette up to the computer screen for a good hour or so making the most subtle of adjustments to get the colors dead on... and I'm quite pleased to say that I think I've done just that because this palette is worth it. It's worth everything

So, if that rambly opening bit didn't put you off too badly, take the jump below for all of the photos I wept over/on and my full review of this holy grail palette (oh yeah, you weren't expecting a HG status to be thrown in right there were you? *whisper* You're welcome...).

I'm not sure if any of you remember, but I actually technically already swatched and reviewed this palette way back when upon receiving it from Birchbox for free (thank you brilliant rewards system!!).
However, my blogging hobby had only really just begun and I wasn't a master quite yet (who am I kidding, I'm still far from) of getting crisp and accurate shots of the products I was reviewing. Heck, the only reason I really back-linked you to that post was because Galileo looks so tiny!! He's really grown up so quickly *sniffle sniff #proudmamma* T^T

I hadn't tried any of stila's eye shadows prior to this palette but I am now such a convert; these are all incredibly pigmented, buttery soft, finely milled, and just overall beauties to work with in the morning. I feel like it's so rare to find a palette where all of the shadows perform to the same excellent standards but "in the know" does just that. 

Also, as I'm sure you've noticed (or were previously aware of): this is a palette comprised of all matte eye shadows.
The quality I mentioned above is absolutely UNHEARD OF for a collection of matte (or heck, even for satin/shimmer/etc.) shadows!! Not to mention I have been using this palette daily for the past month and a half and, as you can see, I haven't made a dent in any of the pans (and I tend to use four or so shades each day); I'm essentially thinking this palette is going to last me until I'm a grandma and then I'm going to pass it down through the generations (I'm only saying I'm kidding in order to appear socially acceptable). 

Air - a nude, off-grey milk
Wind - a sandy cream*
Desert - a tan, caramel brulee*
Clay - a blushing pink mauve*

Earth - a classic Hershey's chocolate
Driftwood - a subtle Swiss Miss hot chocolate
Fire - a blazing burnt pumpkin

 Rain - a brown taupe*
Smoke - an ashen slate
Ebony - a true charcoal*

I marked my favorite/most used colors with an (*) so you can get a feel for how I utilize this palette (which is, essentially, a very nude and natural everyday look).

Honestly, this palette is so much more versatile and flattering in my eyes (heh) than the Urban Decay NAKED Basics palette that everyone and their dog has been talking about as of late; I realize that there is a $12 difference between the two but for that little bit more you get four additional shadows as well as an eyeliner with this palette.
I just find that the UD palette comes with colors that only suit a very slim amount of skin colorings (when I swatched it in stores only a couple of the colors were distinguishable from the others) while this palette has an array of tonally different nude colors so practically everyone can be happy.

Let's also take the time to appreciate this little beaut that comes with the "in the know" palette:

I can't even begin to express my love for the stila smudge sticks... I love them so much that I was willing to do the disgustingly cheesy heart swatch above for you all.
Halfmoon is a beautiful grey that seems to be in the color spectrum right between the shadows "smoke" and "ebony". True to all of stila's smudge sticks this glides on like velvet, has a flexible dry-down so you have time to smudge it out if desired, and lasts ALL. DAY. Seriously, this isn't going anywhere (until you tell it who's boss with some makeup remover).

So there you have it!!
It felt so good to finally write a nice long, in-depth, and proper product review for you all :)
If you want to see more of this product, definitely check out my February Best & Worst of Beauty video (at the 13:24 mark) where I talk, swatch, and rave -OR- you can watch my Current Everyday Makeup Tutorial video (which isn't so current anymore, but I'm still using this palette nonetheless)!

Don't want videos? No worries!! 
Here are some photos I've dug out of previous posts/never published posts for your viewing pleasure:

(from an upcoming post [ooo spoiler alert kind of not really!!])
 (from a never published FOTD)
(from this post)
 (from this post / this video)

The only shadow I used on my eyes in the looks above that isn't a part of this palette is the second shadow in this horrible waste of money palette because a.) I can't NOT put a highlight in the inner corners of my eyes #blasphemy!! and b.) I'm trying to make the most of that palette since I did spend money on it and I can't stand to waste my hard-earned moolah.

Longest post ever?: Most likely.
Worth it?: Absolutely.

Have you tried stila's "in the know" palette?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your current everyday palette/quad/trio/etc.?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Oh my goodness, fire has got to be one of the most beautiful shades ever! I love it, and feel the need for this in my life :) I also love the fact it comes with a liner too :) brilliant post xx

    1. Fire really is SO gorgeous!! Definitely nab this palette as it sounds like something you would adore <3 And thank you so much!!

  2. It seems a bit cool toned for me. But I love the first 4 shades!

    1. No way, this is definitely a half and half palette of cool and warm tones!! And yes, the first four are some of my favorites as well :D

  3. Gorgeous colours! Look lovely on you
    .Georgina Clare.

  4. Lovely palette!

    Kimberley x

  5. I've had my eye on this forever, but I have to tell myself, "You do NOT need another eyeshadow palette." But seriously, I'm going to crack. I can feel it coming - SO PRETTY!

    1. Haha I know eyeshadow palettes are some of the most tempting makeup products EVER!! Resistance is nearly futile (I'm an enabler, sorry)... :)

  6. I've had my eye on this for so long now! I wish I didn't keep seeing reviews on it! ;)
    I've tagged you in my most recent post! Check it out :)

    1. Oh wow, my comments like the exact same as the person above me haha! Great minds ;)

    2. Haha yup but no worries because the sentiment that you both expressed is completely spot on!! It's such a gorgeous palette and deserves to be in every makeup lover's (read: hoarder's) arsenal :D And thanks so much, I absolutely will have a look at it!

  7. This looks like a gorgeous palette! I've never given any Stila products a go but this has been on my lust list along with the Convertible Colours for a little while now, will eventually pick them up!

    1. I'm with you Amy, I lust over a lot of Stila products but don't give many of them a go (which makes no sense and is an absolute shame!!)! Hopefully when you do pick them up you'll love this palette as much as I do :)

  8. Hahaha I've done the hold the product against the screen to compare the colors thing. Some items just go wonky (color-wise) when photographed x

  9. i liked your haiku! but i think i would just use the eyeliner from this palette :) don't forget to earn daily entries in my I ♥ Makeup giveaway :)

    1. Haha thank you!! And you can always buy the eyeliner separately ;)

  10. Hey, this looks like maybe I could wear it since it's matte. You know how shimmer eyeshadows only emphasize my wrinkly eye lids! (ugh). I should try it...maybe if it works I will wear eye makeup again! I love you Missy! Mom

    1. Yes you could mutti... and you should if you think you'll actually use it!! I'm sure I'll go through the same no-more-shimmer thing since I got your genes but glad to know that mattes still work :) I love and miss you tons xxxx

  11. I want this palette now! I'm also loving the Pokemon references. I used to hardcore play those games, especially Blue (I actually caught them all...nerd alert lol). Great post!

    1. Haha glad you enjoyed the Pokemon references... and I have SO much respect for you having actually caught them all (I would always only get to the maximum possible without trading since I didn't have two Gameboys/friends who wanted to trade their color specific pokemon with me *sob*).
      Either way, thanks so much and I hope you get your hands on this palette soon :D

  12. Applauding your photography efforts! Greatly appreciated :) Especially as I know how hard it can be to get colours accurate. This was the one Stila palette I kind of overlooked, I think because the orange shade freaked me out and there's a few too many of the paler colours for my liking (because they wouldn't show up on my skin). But I'm liking the mattes and the medium/darker neutrals A LOT :) Beautiful looks too!

    1. Haha thank you!! And also, thanks SO much for following my blog... I think you know I have a pretty big crush on your blog <3
      I completely understand being able to overlook this palette as I'm pretty sure I did the same thing for quite some time; the first couple of colors look nearly identical on my skin/can be blended to look the same but other than that I was really surprised at how much the other neutrals really popped and stood out on their own :) Hopefully you can find a good deal on this palette so you can try it out (I curse those horrible AU prices for you... makes me weep for a fellow makeup junkie!!)!

  13. The photos are great dear! <33 This palette looks so great, I'd love to try it! And wow how amazing Fire is!! Such a beautiful shade! :)) Great post!


    1. Awww how sweet of you!! Thanks so much I'm so happy you liked the post :) And yes, fire is absolutely beautiful; I love smudging it along my lower lash-line!

  14. This is such a beautiful neutrals palette a lovely alternative to the naked palettes!

    1. I completely agree, especially since so many people complain about how the NAKED palettes lacked matte shades!

  15. Your eyes look gorgeous! I love Stila products, their eyeliners and shadows <33

    ~new follower :)

    ❁【s ᴜ s ɪ ᴇ v ɪ ʙ ᴇ s】❁

    1. Stila really does make some gorgeous products, glad you agree!! And thank you so much, I'm so happy to have you here :)

  16. such a flattering look on you...really brings out your natural beauty! I think I've just sprouted an interest in this palette...following for sure! Thank you for this post

    1. You, my dear, are far too kind!! Thank you so much for the support; I'm glad to share my thoughts on products and whatnot with you so no need for thanks :) And yes, go nab this palette if you ever get the chance! It's really gorgeous <3

  17. I actually have the palette of the same line that is mainly purples/browns, the snowflake holiday palette, and their new Ulta exclusive bare-themed palette. Stila is by far my favorite for eyeshadow and I've been saying it's better than Urban Decay all summer, and I'm SO PLEASED that you agree!!!

    The bare palettes are $20 each at Ulta - I recommend it. Stila always has absolutely lovely shadows. Better staying power than Mac, and more pigmented, which was my usual go-to. No glitter fallout, even when they have shimmer, which is my biggest problem with Urban Decay's Naked palettes, and more color variety than the naked basics palette, which I also own. The naked basics, now that I have purchased the Stila bare, will be going in the drawer of mostly unused things. Seriously. The most difficult thing about the bare palettes is choosing between the two.

    I even recommended this to MY MOTHER due to the all mattes (she thinks she is too old for shimmer!) and even though she is a reluctant shopper, she bought it on the spot and uses it nearly every day. She prefers it to everything she has ever gotten from a department store counter.

    I can't recommend this individual product (or the entire line of these palettes) highly enough. This is a great brand that deserves some more attention.

    1. I love your late night trolling, especially now that you've left a comment!! :3 And yes, I do seem to remember you saying that you love stila over UD this past summer... I was too blinded by the UD hype and shimmer to see how blatantly right you were/are!! *all hail my mistress Dana*

      AND HRMMMMGSLKDFJ I had actually somehow forgotten about those Ulta exclusive palettes from stila... I think I did it subconsciously because I knew I shouldn't be spending any money on cosmetics (good Cassie) but now that I re-look at them I KIND OF SORT OF NEED BOTH (BAD CASSIE)!!!!!

      Haha my mom says the same thing (as you can see in one of the comments above)!! I think she hasn't taken the plunge with this palette yet but I can kind of see it happening in the near future :)

  18. I NEEDED BOTH TOO... Unfortunately I only left with one. Haha. I chose the lighter one. Well, Chris chose it. And then I nabbed Butter London's "Bossy Boots" because you made me.

    1. Hahahha you can always blame me for your beauty needs, I don't mind ;) And I was leaning towards the lighter one as well... bahhh I just have to go in and swatch them but I'm scared that's going to tempt me to buy both haha.

  19. I can't find in the know stills eyeshadows anymore. Do you know if they replaced it with something else


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