Sunday, April 7, 2013

Another Week, Another Assortment Of Outfits

This week sweaters and pants were apparently my outfit of choice... funny I (and I'm sure others) don't realize these things until someone points it out, as several already have on YouTube haha, or until I edit these little videos together. 
Oh well, viva comfy I'd-rather-be-cuddled-up-in-bed-with-a-book-and-my-cat weeks!!

I'm importing my April Birchbox photos as I type so I should have that post up next; look forward to it and I hope you enjoy this video if you haven't seen it yet :)

xoxo - Cassie

PS: This is my 200th post... wow!! I honestly can't believe I've been blogging for only 10 months and yet have pumped out so much content (both good and not so good haha); thank you for being on this creative-outlet-esque-journey with me and I hope to continue to create enjoyable posts and videos for you all in the future <3


  1. Great video, loved it!
    .Georgina Clare.

  2. sweaters and shorts are my outfit pairings almost every week! Not pants because 82+ degrees here! You look lovely as always :)

    1. Wow, send some of that heat here to the states haha!! We're still in a bit of winter but thankfully spring is finally starting to peek in and the afternoons have been getting up to 50 degrees or so ^-^ And thank you Coco, you're so sweet!! <3

  3. You always get your Birchbox before me! And congratulations on the 200th post! I hope to see two hundred more! Your blog has inspired me, taught me and turned me on to Birchbox (even my fiance wants the Man Subscription). Keep on blogging, pretty lady!

    1. Haha I think it's because I live in Massachusetts so I'm pretty close to the Birchbox shipping headquarters (when I lived in Minnesota I usually didn't get my Birchbox until the 20th of the month or so!!). And thank you SO SO SO MUCH. Seriously, your comment just made my day. My week. My everything. You are so kind to me and it's readers like you who keep me motivated to keep on keeping on with blogging so thank you so much :) <333

    2. You're very welcome. I'm actually thinking about starting a blog of my very own but it's quite a frightening step to take. I'm SO into makeup and everyone in my tiny town in PA always asks me how I do my makeup and tells me how unique my look is and loves my handmade items. Any tips for a possible future blogger?

    3. Do it!!!!!!!!!! That's my biggest piece of advice :) It really is quite scary when you're first starting out but as long as you put your heart into it then I think you'll love it and get a lot of satisfaction from blogging ^__^ Everyone has their own take on makeup and I think that's what makes blogger an exciting place; it's a great way to see what other people are doing, to connect with them, and share your own take on the same/similar products! I'd love to take a look at your blog if/when you create it <3

    4. Cassie, you really are the NICEST blogger. You really to all my comments with genuine thoughts and words. As soon as my Best Buy gift card comes (thank you DirecTV for that freebie) and I get my new laptop, I really think I'll be starting my very own blog. Thanks for the inspiration.

    5. Awww Jessica no way!! But thank you, I'm glad to be of help/service haha ^__^ Whoo-hoo for the gift card; get yourself a beautiful new laptop and let the blogging begin!! Very exciting time and I can't wait to see what you come up with <3


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