Sunday, April 28, 2013

NOTD: Revlon "Flirt"

LONG TIME NO BLOG PEOPLE *elephant tears*

I really have missed blogging but... well, school is wrapping up (finally!!) and my hard drive decided to die. So that's been a fun time, especially considering I was an idiot and hadn't backed up my files for a month. All of my art that I've been doing digitally, video footage that I had filmed (and a whole video I had edited and ready to upload to YouTube), and blog photos were wiped out with the push of a button. 
And all the Apple guys had to say was that I got "unlucky". Son of a...

Anyways, that's in the past so let's cheer up with a beautiful polish that screams Spring!!

I've had "Flirt" on my nails for nearly five days now and, if you can't tell by my frequent NOTD posts, that's a really big deal. It's just SO beautiful; super girly, bright but not neon or overwhelming, and the fact that I got it on sale at Target for $3 helps too. 

So, even though things haven't been the best lately, "Flirt" has definitely been helping to cheer me up (it's the small things, right?); the sun is shining, I re-filmed and edited a video (which is busy exporting as I type), I'm munching on some strawberries and grapes (YAY for fruit finally being in season!!), Galileo is snoring by my side...
I'm pretty content at the moment :)

How are you all doing? 
Any other beautiful polishes for Spring that I need to get my hands on?
Do share (I've missed hearing from you all)!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Such a gorgeous shade, looks amazing on your nails :) Your cat is so cute too! xx

    1. Aw thanks Amie!! And I'll pass the compliment on to Galileo ;)

  2. So I need your cuticles.

    1. Hahahhahah oh babe. You can have them!! One of them is looking especially torn up and rached right now... obviously it's not pictured though *sneaky* ;)

  3. such a pretty shade for the summer time !

  4. Hardrive! Nail polish...lovely. Galilieo...extraordinary.

    Quick question, is the picture in the background above the couch, did you paint it? Could we see the whole picture?

    Glad you are back.

    1. Haha you summed it up very well :) And I'm assuming you mean the really big one that you can see in my videos? It's actually not something I painted but that I got from the painting department at my undergrad school; they were going to throw it out and I just couldn't let that happen since I think it's so beautiful!! All the way back from 1977... I'm very proud to have it on display since I coveted it throughout my years in college ^__^

  5. The color is beautiful, :). Love this post and thanks for the swatch!!

  6. Your nails shape are gorgeous and they look so strong! Jealous x

    1. Aw thank you!! And I promise they're not that strong (at the moment)... it's all thanks to the notorious Seche Vite top coat; makes the nails look super thick and glossy!! :)

  7. Welcome back Cassie! So sorry about your laptop crashing down. That sucks especially after all your effort making videos and everything.
    I can understand your love for that nail polish. That color is just so pretty! And how adorable is your cat? >.<


    1. Thanks Kathy!! It really was horrible but I guess it made me learn my lesson to back up my hard drive much more often >__< And I'm glad you like the polish; it really is so pretty!! Haha I'll let Galileo know you think he's adorable too <3

  8. What a lovely pinky lilac shade! I've been craving shades like this for Spring. Will have to check it out! xo


  9. That is a beautiful shade! The kitty is just so cute! I love how his whiskers stick way out there


    1. Thanks Monica!! Haha he really does have some long whiskers <3

  10. I'm boycotting your blog. You make me want to buy all the things with your words and your pictures and swatches. This color is so pretty and of course, since my polish collection is so teeny, I have nothing like it and now need it! You should be a hand model! Your nails are shaped so nicely and so clean :) BTW, I'm going to steal Galileo :3

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Haha nuuuuuuuuu Jess don't leave me!! You make me want to buy all of the things as well so we're even ;) And no way you can't steal Galileo!! I'll claw your eyes out with my perfect finger nails hahahahha (that sounds so creepy but it works so I'm keeping it there).

  11. Loving the color of your nail polish !!! Cute cat you got there :)

  12. Your kitty is super adorbs. I really like this shade, it's like a lighter version of a shade I was just wearing (Rimmel Lucky Lilac). It's a warm pink with a touch of cool purple :) Sorry to hear of your computer woes - that would definitely have me despairing!

    1. He can be very cute... just not when he's running around meowing at the top of his lungs at 5:45 in the morning (which is what happens nearly every morning I have a day off *weep*) haha. And ooo sounds like you've got a pretty polish as well! Thanks for the sympathy it was quite a horrible time in my (and my computer's) life T__T

  13. Flirt is one of my all time fave polishes. I love Revlon (am currently wearing Marmalade!) polishes:) Galileo is soo cute!

    1. Glad you love it as well!!! Revlon really does make the best polishes (in my humble opinion). And thanks, I'll pass on the compliment to the little bugger himself ;)

  14. Will you paint my nails this shade when Tony and I visit in June? I love it!

  15. Lovely polish. Galileo is adorable:)

  16. Wow I love this colour and am so glad somebody else does too! It's just gorgeous!

    Nice blog :-) stop by mine of you can

    Annie x

    1. Thanks so much I'm glad you like it too!! Such a gorgeous color <3

  17. I have Color Club in Wild Cactus on my toes. I got it in a Birchbox and the color makes me look remotely tan and the pop of color looks great peeking out of my pewter gladiator sandals. Great choice for spring, I think.

    1. Oooo it sounds lovely!! I love Color Club polishes <3


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