Monday, May 13, 2013

May '13 Birchbox!

I've had my May Birchbox ready to post and review on here since last Friday but... well, I don't want to say I haven't because I wasn't excited but... erm... I kind of sort of think that that was the reason.

Regardless, I'm here today with the contents of my box so take the jump if you want to see what was inside!!

I think the main problem here is that I've been slightly spoiled the past couple of months with my Birchboxes; they've been filled with upwards of six samples and all were things that actually applied to me/my beauty 'needs'.
This month, however, seemed fairly lackluster in the assortment of products (there are a few 'buts' though so stick around for those) since they don't seem like specifically 'me' samples. They could have been for anyone with hair, skin, and teeth as far as I'm concerned but oh well. You win some you lose some, am I right (or am I right? #i'malwaysright).

I'm going to start out with the worst of the worst because I'm the type of person who, when presented with both bad news and good news, will always want to hear the bad news first.
I have received four products now from Miss Jessie's and EVERY TIME I tell Birchbox in my little review thing that I do not get along with this brand and do not want to try any other samples from them. Miss Jessie's very well may be a great brand but it's just not for me; my hair is far too thin and fine to handle these thick creams and conditioners so I'm just left with heavy, greasy curls (basically I look like a sad white girl with loose Jheri Curls).

Also, this is a great sized sample and, since you apparently only need a quarter size dollop for your whole head, should last through at least seven uses. But since it comes in one of these stupid rip open packets I can't imagine storing it to keep it fresh for that long!! 
I think it's about time I started up a company that makes affordable sample tubs for brands so that these monstrosities that NO ONE LIKES can be banned for good...

I'm all for protection, especially when it comes to people's skin; I'm that friend that yells at everybody on a beach trip to apply (and reapply) sunscreen so that they don't get burnt, especially because so many of my super pale (nothing wrong with that!) friends insist on not wearing sunscreen because they want to get a tan. YARG!!!
So in theory this product would be great for me but it's cucumber scented. I HATE cucumber; the smell, the taste, the everything is just so stomach and palate irking to me. The only thing cucumbers are good for is pickles if you ask me...

Cucumber rant aside, the argument is still valid because it really does make this product almost unusable for me. The smell is reaaally strong so I guess I'll have to give it a go and see if I can handle it but, from the reviews so far on Birchbox's website, I've got a feeling that this is not going to sit well on my face (or in my nose).

I can get on board with a toothpaste sample, though I can imagine a lot of people weren't too pleased with this haha. Since I used to be pre-dental in my undergrad days it's safe to assume that I'm a teeth lover (you might remember me talking about it briefly in my 50 Random Facts About Me video on YouTube) buuuuut this sample still didn't have me head over heels.
I have a toothpaste that I've been using since high school (which I showed you in my first empties video) so it pretty much goes without saying that I'm not looking for a replacement. However, this is somewhat of a 'cult classic' as far as toothpastes go (I've seen it on many a blog in my day) so it'll be good to at least be able to say I've tried it (not to mention it's always handy to have a travel sized toothpaste... not that I travel #realitycheck #sadness #i'moverit).  

This was, BY FAR, the standout product in my Birchbox this month. Heck, it would have been the standout in pretty much any box because I have been wanting to try out a Cargo blush for SUCH a long time but haven't been able to because of the price (only a few bucks cheaper than NARS).

Well ladies (and gents?) I am proud to say that this blush lived up to all of my expectations and then some; to put it bluntly I would purchase a Cargo blush over a NARS blush any day now that I've tried this little guy out.
Don't get me wrong, NARS blushes are undeniably fantastic but this little Cargo blush has me all sorts of smitten at the moment.

"Bali" is a gorgeous light pink blush that shifts between warm and cool toned because of the iridescent satin pearl finish. The swatch really doesn't do it justice because it's just not something that picks up easily (at all?) on camera. It's also extremely finely milled, smooth, and perfectly pigmented (not too much to create caution and not too little so that you have to spend forever building up the color). 

I'll sum it up to this: I feel like the prettiest fairy princess of them all when I have this on my cheeks. 
End of story. 

Aaaaaaand then Birchbox threw in a pen this month as well. Not much to say here other than everyone needs more pens, right? You can never have enough. So into my bag it went and I suppose I'll be using it soon.


That's it everyone!!
Like said, not exactly the most thrilling of boxes for me but alas, that's all a part of the Birchbox gamble.

What did you get in your Birchbox this month?
What do you wish you could have received?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. That blush looks stunning!


  2. Love the blush! I can definitely share your disappointment in the Coola sunscreen. I am just not a fan of fragranced face products in general, so that is a turn off. I didn't get the blush (tears), but I did get a hair mask I am looking forward to trying!

    1. Oh no sorry to hear that you didn't get along with the Coola product either Addison; it really is far too heavily scented :/ And sorry you didn't get the blush but it sounds like you got a great hair mask to make up for it!! :)

  3. A pen? LOL How random. The Cargo blush makes it all worth it though xx

    1. Hahaha I know, right? And yup, the blush made the whole box worth it ^__^

  4. Is it really sad that I got more excited over the pen than I did over the blush? My love for stationery is out of control! x

    1. Haha no it's okay I get excited over certain stationary products as well (so much so that sometimes I don't end up using them because I don't want to tarnish their cuteness/beauty lol); no shame!! <3

  5. I am one of those people who hate the toothpaste and the pen. I'm all kinds of eh on my box. I didn't really have any standout products personally.

    1. Yeah it really wasn't a great box this month unfortunately. Sad to hear that you didn't get any stand out products like the blush though!!! :(

  6. I love birchboxes :) They are just so fantastic ! Thanks for sharing :)

    Cherry ~~

    1. Yay for Birchbox love!! And you're welcome :)

  7. Once again, I was disappointed with my box. I don't want to cancel my subscription but if next month is craptastic, it's gotta go. I got the sunscreen, pen and toothpaste, too, but I got eyeliner instead of blush (which I did need) and a sample of perfume (that actually sprays). If it wasn't for the eyeliner and delish perfume, I would have cannealed on the spot. What haopened to the great boxes each month?! Ergh!

    1. I know, Birchbox really can be hit and miss but overall I just love getting a box every month so I can't bring myself to cancel. Especially since I'm sure the minute I decided to cancel the very next box would be spectacular hahahah.

  8. Great pen extra. I like that idea xxx

    1. Haha it was a little comical to me but pens are always nice to have so I appreciated it :)

  9. That Cargo Blush! Ahhh, I love Cargo blushes - they're one of my favorites. Lucky you, definitely do a FOTD with it soon :)

    1. Yes absolutely!! I'll have to get on that one of these days... you know, when I actually put in the time to do my makeup (oh summer woes hahah).

  10. I think Birchbox is the best of all the beauty subscription boxes that I've read about on various blogs. Whatever you guys get definitely beats the crap that gets sold in the boxes in Australia, even though this month may not have been the most thrilling of boxes. But at least there was the Cargo blush in there that didn't disappoint! I've been wanting to try Cargo blushes for a while as well, but like you the price point is a major deterrent.

    1. Oh really?? Dang, it seems like Australia really is the butt of the beauty world that's so unfortunate :( But yes, the Cargo blush, like said, made up for the box since that's such a pricey bugger and also since it's beautiful and I've lusted over one for ages! I'll let you know if it's worth the splurge in the long run after I've been using it for long enough :)


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