Wednesday, May 29, 2013

NOTD: O.P.I. "Lights of Emerald City"

Sorry for yet another nail post everybody but... well... it's Summer. 

Summer = Hot
Hot = Sweaty
Sweaty = Makeup Meltdown
Makeup Meltdown = No thank you
 I don't often wear makeup during the Summer

I bebopped my way over to Ulta the other day (aka a week or two ago) to take advantage of a deal they were having on a hair care item and, of course, they had to put the nail polish RIGHT NEXT to the hair section.
They knew I was coming.
I don't know how but THEY KNEW (...d***it).

With hair care in my left hand my right was feeling needy and decided to fill the emptiness with "Lights of Emerald City" (my hands may not have control but they sure do have good taste).

Sorry for the excess of glamour shots, but it had to be done. "Lights of Emerald City" deserves the star treatment (I should have made a mini feather boa for it but I guess I'll save that for next time). 
This polish is just so gorgeously multifaceted; large white squares (not glitter, just... squares) and delicate pearlescent flakes are the only components of this polish but the two look so gosh darn good together that three would have definitely been a crowd.

I absolutely adore the way this looks over pastel polishes and think it would look fantastic over pinks and nudes as well. Heck it probably looks great over dark colors too but I'm just so happy with how light and whimsical it looks over Revlon's "Cloud" (which I did a review on ages ago) that I have a hard time imagining "Lights of Emerald City" over anything even semi-dark and gloomy!

You all deserve fair warning though: this polish bubbles like CRAZY. I had to wipe off my polish and start over multiple times before I finally got it smooth, so it was a bit tedious to work with (to say the least). I think it just has to do with the fact that the clear polish it's suspended in is a bit on the thicker side and also because of the want for tons of squares to be piled on the nails. Hence I was impatient and layered the polish too heavily and too often before letting it dry properly and was left with a bubbly mess.

Aside from my application goof (purely due to lust and excitement... and the fact that I was doing this late one night in bed so I couldn't see much) I am so thrilled with "Lights of Emerald City". I think it's such a unique top coat (I've heard it looks great underneath jelly polishes as well??) and definitely worth snagging if your hands are feeling a little empty while on an Ulta outing sometime soon ;)

Have you tried O.P.I.'s "Lights of Emerald City"?
Love it? Hate it?
Any other new-ish O.P.I. collections that you're excited about?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I have the Revlon Cloud and i'd sure be doing this look onto my nails! I love it x

    1. Definitely pick up "Lights of Emerald City" then, it's such a fun combo!! Glad you like it <3

  2. Oh wow, that OPI polish s just insanely gorgeous! I've managed to go a couple of weeks without buying a polish (yay, self-restraint?) but I think I'll just HAVE to get this one, now! ;)

    Keep calm and carry lipstick.

    1. Isn't it though?? Haha I have no restraint when it comes to polish either (as made disgustingly apparent by my abundant NOTD posts) so I definitely enable you purchasing this polish!! :)

  3. I love love love that minty colour- need it in my collection! x

    1. It's definitely not mint (it's a pastel periwinkle blue) but I'm glad you like it! :)

  4. I've never tried but it's so pretty! And yes, I can totally get what you mean by the bubbling and wanting to layer about 7 coats to get a glitter fest on one finger. Happens with my Whimsical polishes a lot if I'm not patient! I'm in no place to buy any nail polish but if I could, I'd get this FO' SHO'!

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Ughhhhh bubbly glitter top coats are the worst but they're usually the best because they're so beautiful T__T

  5. I hate bubbly nail polishes :( But the look is lovely! Your nails remind me of confetti being thrown in the air.

    1. Yes, bubbly polishes are terrible but like said this one is worth the effort ;) Confetti nails FTW!!!

  6. I love the name! It looks gorgeous , i love the squares. So different! And I love that they're not glitters!

    1. It really is different and unique!! The fact that the squares aren't glitter really sold me on this polish :)

  7. nice review , thanks for sharing :))

  8. WHAT. WHAT! what. If I had to wear a nail combo for the rest of my life it might be this. This mani is totally my style! The glitter is just... too beautiful x

    1. Hahahhah oh Coco your comment made me smile. I'm so happy you like this manicure so much; go nab these polishes so you can wear them for the rest of your life (or at least until the bottles run out!)!! ^__^

  9. Waaah, the sparklies are too beautiful for my eyes *________*

    Blindly Beautiful

    1. Hehe they really are fantastic but keep your eyes open!! You deserve to see the beauty :D

  10. I absolutely love this combo! Cloud looks gorgeous with your skin tone. I adore Lights of Emerald City but I agree, the polish does bubble like crazy. I had to try three times before I got a bubble-free application, and mostly it was aided by lots of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri.

    1. Thanks I'm glad you like it!! And I'm a huge fan on Cloud on me as well haha (I'll put my ego away now). I remember you writing about this polish being super bubbly but I got it anyways... the extra effort is so worth it because the finish is so unique and gorgeous :)

  11. I truly love this design! :)

  12. This looks great! Thank you for this inspiration <3

    1. Aw thank you!! And no problem, that's what these posts are for <3

  13. You did this nail so well! I didn't originally like the Lights of Emerald City, but now I do!

    1. Thank you so much!! And yay, I'm glad you like Lights of Emerald City now ^__^

  14. love this combination!

  15. Great effect, but its large white square particles are less in the bottle. I caught them hard.

    1. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "I caught them hard"? But yeah I had to apply a lot of coats to get that many white squares on my nails.


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