Sunday, May 5, 2013

organix nourishing coconut oil

I had no idea how to do a blog review on hair oil.
I HAVE no idea how to do a blog review on hair oil.
How do you show its effects? Its benefits? Its etcetera?

Alas, I've been getting SO many compliments about my hair in the past month or so (which, I assure you, was probably my least complimented feature of all throughout my life; fine/thin hair that's often dry isn't something you tend to see on the cover of InStyle [unless it's for an article on how to fix it]) that I decided it was time to at least give a proper review of organix's nourishing coconut oil a chance. 

I went on about the initial reasons for buying this hair oil in my Best & Worst of February video (around the 8:14 mark) but to reiterate: my Dove Nourishing Oil Care Detangler just wasn't doing the trick anymore (shame since the post I originally featured it in was a HG hair care spiel haha; it was at the time though, trust me!). To replace it I was looking for something that was weightless, hydrating, and preferably something that smelled fantastic.
Oh, shocker! I do believe all of those things are mentioned right on the organix nourishing coconut oil bottle (the coconut implies delicious smelling, at least for me)...

Perfect. Plus I got it for only around $6 at Target; three months later using this every other day and I still have half a bottle left... cha-ching!!
Apart from all that though I'm sure you want to know if it actually performs, am I right?
Of course I am and of course it does (okay maybe the second part wasn't so much of an "of course" but it makes the sentence sound good...)!

My hair has never felt so soft, been so naturally lovely without styling, or smelled so good! Just the other day I bent over to look at my friend Torey's laptop (there was something related to RuPaul's Drag Race that I needed to see) and she and our friend sitting next to her commented on how great my hair smelled. I honestly didn't think the coconut smell of this oil lingered but apparently it does (in a good way!)!!

All I do is spritz my organix nourishing coconut oil generously throughout my hair when I get out of the shower, let it air-dry, then put a few more spritzes on the ends before I tie it up in a bun and go to bed. So easy!! In just the couple of short months that I've been using this oil I feel that it is more than apparent how healthy my hair has become (just look at how much longer it's gotten since that February favorites video; it never grows that quickly!).

So that's it everyone!! 
As of right now this is definitely a HG product for me in my hair care routine.

Have you tried any organix products?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What's your favorite hair oil?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I never tried any Organix products but I really want to, specially this oil it sounds amazing! My favourite hair oil is actually extra virgin coconut oil it has been doing miracles for my hair, I'm sure you would love it too! xx

    1. Oooo yes I've always thought about using straight up extra virgin coconut oil!! I always hear such amazing benefits about it... probably was another factor in picking this product haha ;) But for now this organix alternative is doing the trick. It really is so lovely!!

  2. Do you think this would help prevent split ends? My ends get so frizzy some days but the rest of my hair is fine. Very frustrating :(

    1. YES. Yes yes and quadruple yes Lauren!! I'm not sure that it specifically will target split ends or anything but the way that it tames and makes my hair smoother/softer definitely has caused me to get less tangles and thus less breakage aka split ends. I haven't had a haircut since early January and only have a couple of split ends to speak of... pretty amazing if you ask me!!

    2. Awesome! I'll definitely check this out then! Of course, after I get a trim!

  3. I love oils for the ends of my hair and this one seems to be a really good one. I love that it's a spray, it probably makes it so easy to use. I'm going to check it out next time I go to Target! xx

    1. It really is great Marie!! I absolutely love hair oils but this one really stands out; the spray bottle definitely helps because it produces such a nice fine mist! I love the no-hassle-factor of this stuff :) If you get it for yourself I hope you love it too! <3

  4. I've been using Orofluido hair oil and it's a bit pricey $16 - 20 depending on where you get it so I'll have to try out the Organix quite soon :-)


    1. OH MY GOSH YES MONICA!!! I've gotten that Orofluido elixer in my Birchbox before and LOVED it; smells so absolutely divine and I remember it made my hair quite soft too!! I'll have to remember to splurge on that the next time I get the chance haha. This organix stuff is absolutely fantastic, don't get me wrong, I just like to switch things up from time to time ;) Thanks for (unintentionally) reminding me!

  5. I tried the oil version and wasn't too impressed but I've been specifically looking for a spray so I'll have to check this out. Although... (unnecessary rant ahead) I've been holding a mini grudge against Organix because when they first appeared at my drugstores their shampoo and conditioner bottles were labeled as Sulfate Free and they didn't have Sulfates in the ingredients list. I used their products pretty regularly (religiously). Fast forward a year or two: the Sulfate Free text is gone from the front of their bottles and sulfates are listed in their ingredients. Ughh.. Organix why did you do that to me :( It's so hard to find drugstore hair products that are TRULY sulfate free (L'Oreal ones say they are but they have sulfate derivatives).
    Sorry you had to read that! LOL.

    1. Haha no worries Coco you can rant to me any time!! That's too bad that organix had to do that to you :( I know some people are really against/sensitive to sulfates so that must have been a bummer! Hopefully you can find something good to replace it soon though. And yes, do give this stuff a try!! It's really done fantastic things for my hair <3

  6. I'm looking for something to replace my very expensive addiction to Morrocanoil, so I may have to give this a try next time it's on offer! You hair looks so shiny, and I bet it smells gorgeous...the smell of summer! x

    1. Ahhh yes the smell of summer indeed!! Perfect for this time of year ^__^ I hope you try it out as Morrocanoil really is expensive (I'm not allowing myself to try it because I don't want to become an addict haha)!

  7. I have this and I use it everyday. I love the smell of it :D

    1. Oh yay, glad you love it too!! Such a great product and scent like you said <3

  8. This sounds amazing and just what my hair needs! I'm trying to grow it out (mermaid hair, ja feel ;) haha) and it's really dry lately. Unfortunately, I've had super bad luck with Organix products. I have one of their shampoos and conditioners and it dried my hair out so badly (when it was meant to nourish and moisturize, ironic, LOL) I think I will try this though and see how I fair because I really trust your opinion and you've hit every problem with my hair, haha! Thanks for this Cassie :)

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Oh yay I'm glad Jess!! I just hope this works for you and doesn't tarnish your opinion on my opinion hahah. I promise, for my hair this has worked miracles :D

  9. Have you ever tried Moroccan oil? I heard that they are good too ;)
    Click here to T.Size Small

    1. I haven't... I'm too scared of the price and the possibility of becoming addicted haha XD

  10. I may have to try this!! I love Organix stuff. Have you tried the Moroccan and Argan oil stuff in the blue bottle?

    xo Ashley

    1. No I haven't!! I always hear amazing things though :)

  11. Ooh, I looove the smell of the Organix Coconut range. So tropical and perfect for summer. Glad you're loving this- your hair really does look great! xo


    1. It really is the perfect scent for summer!! And thanks Jen :)

  12. Hi, I just bought this because my hair is frizzy and dries out quickly. It is shoulder length and I am trying to grow it to waist length ASAP. Do you think this will speed up the process?

    1. I would say that this will absolutely help!! Unfortunately nothing can make your hair grow faster but there are definitely products that make your hair healthier and reduce breakage which is absolutely what this does :) Good luck on getting that mermaid hair!! It might take a year or two but you'll get there someday with a bit of patiences and good hair care <3

  13. Cassie! I just had to reach out and say thank you! After I watched your empties video I went out and bought this, and it's awesome! I love it so much, like I knew I would because in another one of your empties videos you talked about the same brand but with the coconut curls Shampoo and conditioner, and those were wonderful too. My hair definitely loves all this coconut. Have you ever done a hair mask using coconut oil or anything? I hear it's really good, but I haven't done it myself yet. But anyway, thank you for the tips and advice, I've taken it on more than a few products including and excluding these and everything has been great! You're awesome!

  14. Cassie! I just had to reach out and say thank you! After I watched your empties video I went out and bought this, and it's awesome! I love it so much, like I knew I would because in another one of your empties videos you talked about the same brand but with the coconut curls Shampoo and conditioner, and those were wonderful too. My hair definitely loves all this coconut. Have you ever done a hair mask using coconut oil or anything? I hear it's really good, but I haven't done it myself yet. But anyway, thank you for the tips and advice, I've taken it on more than a few products including and excluding these and everything has been great! You're awesome!

  15. 3 Studies SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Waist Fat.

    This means that you actually burn fat by eating coconut fats (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 studies from major medical journals are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world upside down!

  16. I've heard good things about this organix product! Going on my wish ♥ list now.


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