Sunday, June 2, 2013

NYX butter gloss "Apple Strudel" & "Strawberry Parfait": Swatches + Review!!

For some reason I just haven't been up to blogging lately; it has nothing to do with a lack of products (I'm set for the next, oh I don't know, five years at least) but more so because I haven't felt up to writing. Not sure why but I'm blaming the sluggish heat putting a (literal) damper on my wit and charm (I'm really not as egotistical as that makes me sound... or based off of the fact that I post pictures of my face for the internet to oggle... I'm not building myself a very strong case here am I?).

Either way, considering I mentioned these NYX butter glosses (specifically "Apple Strudel") in my Best & Worst of Beauty: May '13 video (around the 11:10 mark if you don't want to listen to all of my rambling and general flailing) I figured it was about darn time I did a proper post on these beauties since I've been wearing them constantly for about a month now!
Take the jump if you want to read all about 'em :)

I remember when I first heard about the upcoming release of 'butter glosses' how excited I was for them to hit Ulta (and/or wherever else NYX products are sold; I only know about Ulta though!). 
A butter gloss...? What the heck is a butter gloss? 
Either way, I knew I like butter (I wish I had the photo my mom has of me in my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slippers and 12 headbands [some kids wore undies on their head, I, being the original that I am, had a thing with layering up the headbands] standing in front of the fridge one night sucking on a stick of butter... I wish I was kidding... but I'm kind of proud) and gloss can be alright when done well so I knew at least one of these would be in my collection soon.

You're still probably wondering what a butter gloss is though, huh? My childhood shenanigans didn't really explain that too well; my apologies.
Butter glosses are, in my eyes, a thick cream gloss with the staying power of a well-made drugstore lipstick. On me, these last around 5-6 hours without feeling the need to reapply or touchup. They apply opaque (well, as opaque as a gloss can get) in two coats, aren't sticky, and don't fade in a patchy-lip-liner-looking way (you know what I'm talking about, right?). And, true to NYX soft matte lip creams and Xtreme lip creams, they have the delightful smell of vanilla cupcakes.

"Apple Strudel" is, by FAR, my favorite lip product at the moment. It adds just enough color to feed my naked-face-insecurities (especially since I've been avoiding eye makeup recently #callmelazy #it'strue #it'ssummer) and looks perfect with basically anything I feel like wearing that day (which, with the current heat and lack of AC at the workplace, isn't a whole heck of a lot).

"Strawberry Parfait" is a beautiful mauve-y berry color that goes on surprisingly (but flatteringly) sheer compared to the wham-pow color of the packaging. It's also a bit of a thicker consistency making the lips look more plush and glossy compared to "Apple Strudel"; I don't mind the differences between the two colors but it just goes to show that not all of the NYX butter glosses are created equal in terms of consistency. However they are, in my experience, absolutely identical in performance and create a beautiful wash of color and shine to the lips.

Here they are kind of 'side-by-side' so you can see the type of color and finish they give to the lips. To reiterate from earlier: these are long-lasting, opaque (by gloss standards), not sticky, and basically all-out gorgeous. I am so absolutely thrilled with the NYX butter glosses and am happy to share the love with you all because I know I'm going to be sharing the love with myself more in the future (that sentence comes off wrong no matter how I type it so I hope you can deal); I can't wait to pick up more (all) of the colors in the future!!

Have you tried the NYX butter glosses?
Love 'em? Hate 'em (say it ain't so!!)?
What are your favorite NYX products?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. These look so moisturizing!! I love how they look on you, Cassie!!


    1. They are very moisturizing indeed!! No need for a lip balm before or after using these; they're just as good :D And thank you Theresa, you're always so sweet!! <3

  2. I haven't tried them but they look nice!

    1. They really are; give them a shot if you can!!

  3. I think a trip to Ulta is very much due for me! I like the Apple Struedel one especially :)

    1. Yussssss head over to Ulta straight away!! Doubt you'll regret it because these little things are amazing :) Apple Strudel is a great choice!

  4. I never even heard about them till your video! They remind me of MAC Plushglass lip glosses, glossy, and sort of milky. I love the names they gave to each one, they intrigue my sweet tooth! I'm not much of a lip gloss gal but these seem like they'd be easy to throw on and go for a 'no make up' make up day!

    The Mod Mermaid

    1. I know, the names are what originally got me too haha!! So sweet and nommy. And yeah, I feel like either people are gloss people or they aren't so that's okay that you're in the latter category!! If you ever want to try out a gloss though I'd definitely recommend these; they really are so easy, like you said! :)

  5. ahh soo beautiful! I adore apple strudel. Looks like a perfect your lips but better shade :) I really want it now! fab post :) I think the summer heat is a perfect excuse for a bit of well earned laziness ;) I'm jealous! the weathers still kinda sucky over here :( x

    1. Thank you Lauren!! Yes, Apple Strudel really is a beautiful MLBB shade :) I always feel a little bad for people in the UK, I feel like I always hear about how gloomy/yucky the weather is!! Hopefully the sun will shine for you someday soon <3

  6. I'm really glad you added in how it fades. I always wonder about those things when people talk about how long lip products last. I think I'm going to pass on these, I'm a lipstick gal at heart. I was curious about these though.

    1. Yes, the fading thing is something that's good to know about because it happens with all lip products!! Glad my review could help you decide on whether these would be for you or not <3

  7. Both look lovely on you but I have to say Apple Strudel is my fav as it is yours! I love the minimal makeup look that you did with it, your skin looks fab! :) I'm sure I have lots of embarrassing childhood photos too - though not sure if any of them are of me eating a stick of butter haha :p

    1. Aw thanks dear!! My skin is actually pretty horrendous at the moment so I'm glad my makeup skillz were able to cover up the problem areas haha ;) And yes we all have some great embarrassing childhood photos; always fun to hear about/see them!!

  8. I've never tried any nyx products yet but these butter gloss is awesome and lovely! Their name sounds yummy! Hihi. :D Both shades/color looks good on you. :)

    1. NYX can make some pretty hit or miss products but for me these were definitely a huge hit!! Glad you like the look of these; definitely give them a try if you get the chance <3

  9. I'll need to check out your youtube now, I love finding new people to watch and the colours look amazing on, wish nyx was sold on the highstreet so I could swatch lol

    Ellen // A little bit Unique // Facebook // Bloglovin


    1. I hope you like my channel!! And thank you, glad you like these colors <3

  10. These look great.
    How much are they?

    1. Thanks! Not sure off the top of my head; no more than $5 I think? Google it :)

  11. "general flailing" - haha! all so purdy xx

    1. Haha it's true ^^; And thanks, I'm glad you like them! <3

  12. super fresh colors! xxx

  13. I love NYX products! Great colours btw :)

    1. They really are hit and miss for me but the hits are definitely great!! And thank you :)

  14. The colors are very pretty! :)

    Hope you can drop by my blog too!

    Chamee | Pixels and Tales

  15. i love apple strudel a lot - very natural beige/pink tints in these lip glosses!

    check out my new outfit post with my mirror aviators! :)

    1. Isn't it gorgeous??? Definitely my favorite as well :)

  16. i love the strawberry parfait!


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