Tuesday, June 25, 2013

theBalm Mary-Lou Manizer: Swatches + Review!

I know why bears hibernate during the winter (#biology). 
I understand why bears hibernate during the winter (#biology).
What I don't get is how life doesn't go into a world-wide communal hibernation during the Summer (#Cassie-ology); I am melting in this hot, steamy, unbearable (see what I did there?) heat that has recently consumed much of the United States.

So why am I reviewing a highlighter, you may ask? 
Shouldn't my sweat be providing enough of a 'glow' in the sauna that is the great outdoors?
Well... technically yes, but theBalm's Mary-Lou Manizer does so much more than make you glow. Take the jump below if you want to see why this little highlighter has been branded as infamous for being too darn beautiful!

I got this generously sized sample of theBalm's Mary-Lou Manizer in my February Birchbox (can we ignore my recycling of pictures? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS) and can honestly say that this is the thing that I look forward to putting on my face the most when I do my makeup in the morning.

If I'm being completely honest, I haven't been wearing a ton of makeup as of late. When I leave my blessed air conditioned apartment I basically put on the absolute minimum (foundation, contour, blush, and my brows) because I know that anything more will just feel heavy and about as ridiculous as putting on a fur coat to go grocery shopping.
However I make an exception for Mary-Lou Manizer; she demands attention even from my sweating pores!! 

Mary-Lou Manizer is a yellow-toned highlighter with an intense sheen rather than sparkle; it's these two factors that really set it apart from all other highlighters I've tried. It looks so much more natural against my skin with the golden undertones I develop during the summer (thanks Italian roots) and, I'm not sure that I need to point this out, but glitter isn't exactly natural so the sheen here blends a bit better with any sort of dewyness your skin may have (regardless of the season).

Please excuse my creased eyeshadow... the heat messes with me and I forgot the importance of eye primer.

Isn't that highlight beautiful though??
The sheen looks a bit sweaty in some lights which I actually love. It makes me look like my exercise regime includes more than doing cat-like stretches when I wake up and the occasional jaunt to the fridge or bathroom.
I use it, without fail, in my inner corners of my eyes and generously atop my cheekbones; Mary-Lou Manizer perks my face up and hides the fact that I spend most of my Summer days hibernating in the air conditioned cave that is my apartment with Galileo snoozing by my side (I tolerate his body heat because he's adorable).

Have you tried theBalm's Mary-Lou Manizer?
Love it? Hate it?
Do you wear less makeup during the Summer when the heat hits hard?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Ah! Thank you for actually posting a picture of that highlighter....I have seen so many people recommend it on YouTube...but they never show the packaging or the product!

    Love that -- so nice and shimmery, but golden. Your eyes are gorgeous.

    <3 Kelly | The Patch Diaries

    1. Oh yay, I'm so happy this was helpful to see!! And thank you so much ^__^

  2. This is a great review! I really love this highlighter too, it used to be my absolute favorite but I haven't used it in a while. I'll have to get mine back out and use it more!

    xo aly

    1. Thank you so much Aly, I'm glad you liked it!! And yes, whip this out again; it's too gorgeous to have stuffed away somewhere ;D

  3. That's such a gorgeous highlighter! I love it :)


  4. I'm with you - it's too hot for much makeup. Lipstick literally melted off my face yesterday and I walked around with lipstick smeared across my face for ages (no one said anything!). This is so gorgeous, it reminds me of Benefit's Watts Up! It looks really natural!
    Ps- recycling photos just makes SENSE!

    1. Oh my gosh, I can't believe no one said anything!!!!! Telling people about makeup mishaps is something I have no shame with because I would absolutely want someone to tell me if something horrible was going on on my face! And yes, it is really similar to Watts Up! I think this is just a smidgen more yellow :) Hahah I'm glad you don't mind my photo recycling ;) Makes perfect sense to me too!!

  5. I love the packaging of this highlighter! So cute and adorable! >.< I love the swatch of it. I really don't wear any make up during summertime because it tends to wear off right away and I'm uncomfortable with it. I just used my sunscreen then that's it. Thank you for this informative review Ms. Cassie! ^^

    1. Isn't it though?? I love the way theBalm packages things :) Good for you for using sunscreen Rhia my dear!! So happy you're taking that step, especially with the scorching sun beaming down on us right now >__< And no no, thank YOU for being ever so darling!

  6. great review thanks for sharing

  7. I need a new highlighter (well as much as you can need make up you know)so this review has come at the perfect time. It's so gorgeous! I need to get this x

    1. Oh yay, that makes me so happy to hear!! And yes, 'needing' makeup is never the problem; it's 'wants' that manifest as such... can't help but give in to those feelings ;)

    2. I totally just stalked your blog to find this post again to tell you I just got round to buying this and I LOVE it! I keep sitting at my dressing table and admiring the beauty of it haha. Thanks for recommending it!

    3. Oh my gosh, Megan that makes me so happy!! The re-stalking AND the buying :D So so glad you love this highlighter as much as I do it; it's such a beauty <3

  8. I have the other Balm Highlighter.. but I feel like I need this one too!! I have problems :)

    Lovely post!
    Blog | Giveaway

    1. lol that's not a problem that's just a beauty-junkie's life :p


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