Monday, July 1, 2013

tarte lights, camera, lashes! Mascara: Swatches + Review!

Remember waaaaaayyyyyyy back when when I hauled this little guy for a mere $10 on sale from Ulta?
Well, I sure do.

I can't believe it's taken me two months to get around to finally cracking it open (well, actually, it makes perfect sense; I only wear mascara half the time and I had about a half a tube left of my last mascara to finish up) but now that I have... well, if you watched my most recent "Best & Worst of Beauty" video (I promise, I didn't plan on all of these self-promoting plugs #don'tfightdestiny) you'd know that I might be a high end mascara convert.

The packaging of tarte's "lights, camera, lashes!" mascara is really unique and I have yet to tell if I really care for it; the mascara tube is wrapped in a soft plastic-y quilted purple package. I don't hate it or anything it's just... different (hey, I never said I wanted to teach creative writing).

The wand of the mascara isn't all that impressive either; at least not until you run it through your lashes. This coats EVERY last lash and creates incredible length and volume. It's a wetter formula than many mascaras I've worked with before but I've had no issues with this smearing during dry-down.

This mascara is all sorts of magic on my lashes: It's as light as whipped cream but looks like I'm wearing pounds of falsies; it doesn't flake or break; and, even though this isn't the waterproof version (sadly, that one wasn't on sale), it held up well throughout a Grey's Anatomy sob session (EVERYONE was dying, I couldn't help myself).

Overall I am just so beyond impressed with the tarte "lights, camera, lashes!" mascara. The fact that I get excited about putting this on in the morning (and don't agonize over taking it off at night [it's smooth as butter coming off!]) speaks about as loud as this mascara looks: volumes.

Have you tried the tarte "lights, camera, lashes!" mascara?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite mascara at the moment?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I've wanted to try this for so long! I love the look of it on your lashes. Amazing! And only $10??? What a win.


    1. Isn't that the best deal like... ever??? I'm still blown away by it haha. Hopefully you can nab it for cheap soon too :)

  2. I love this mascara! I haven't used it in a while, but it used to be my go-to. I think the price is a little crazy for a mascara though, plus I've been using Maybelline The Rocket and I like it just as much! :D

    xoxo aly

    1. I can see why it used to be your go-to; it does absolute wonders! The price really is crazy though if you have to pay in full T__T Thanks for the recommendation as well! I've heard mixed reviews on The Rocket mascara but I'm definitely curious <3

  3. Seems to be such a good mascara, even one coat looks great!

    Cheap Fashion is Chic
    Yellow Blog Design

    1. It really does look great no matter how little or how much you use! It's a great mascara ^__^

  4. I definitely want to try this mascara out. Currently I am loving Buxom's Sculpted Lash Mascara.

    1. Oooo I haven't heard of that one but thanks for recommending it! I'll have to check it out :D

  5. I haven't tried it but have a sample that has been needing some attention and this has definitely convinced me to give it a try!
    xx Amber
    Lovely Notions

    1. DEFINITELY give this guy some love haha!! I hope it works wonders for you as well because I absolutely adore it :D

  6. wow! your lashes look amazing :D and grey's anatomy is simply amazing <3

    1. Aw thank you! And yes, it gets me every time (certain episodes I've seen time and time again and they still make me cry haha I'm a sap)!!

  7. That mascara looks GLORIOUS on your eyelashes! So glorious that I kind of want it but I can't seem to ever let myself buy a high end mascara. I don't know, man. I do love the packaging though, and especially when their waterproof formula had a little anchor on it! It looks like a little pillow, hah!

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Why thank you Jess!! I agree though, I can't bring myself to pay for high end mascaras... hence I pounced when this went on sale haha! And YES the little anchor on the waterproof version is adorable <3 <3 <3

  8. Ugh I'm jealous of your amazing lashes. Two coats looks like a mascara ad, seriously.

    1. Awww thank you, but don't be jealous haha!! I'm sure you have enviable features that I don't possess so we're even ;)

    2. Nope ... bloated face, small Asian eyes with barely existent eyelashes and blackhead-infested nose doesn't count as enviable ;p LOL.

    3. HAHA giiiiiiiiirl don't even start with me!! I've also got the blackhead-infested nose, a monstrous unibrow, lines under my eyes that make EVERYTHING crease, and stinky feet to boot lol. From what I know of your features (admittedly [and obviously] not much) you have a GORGEOUS set of lips and lovely hands. As far as I'm concerned, you're a stunner! ;) <3

  9. I'm a rededicated virgin for Diorshow waterproof right now. :) I had a problem with Tarte being really flaky.

    1. I remember you saying that!! And another one of my makeup loving friends said the same thing :( Shame because I haven't experienced that at ALL with this mascara and love it to pieces! Definitely want to check out that Diorshow mascara though... THIS HIGH END MASCARA THING IS GOING TO BE A DANGEROUS LIFE CHANGE hahah.

  10. I'm currently experimenting with Benefit's Bad Gal and They're Real!, Mally's Volumizing Mascara, and Maybelline's Lash Discovery. I've also heard good things about Maybelline's Lash Potion, but held myself back from buying any more mascara for a while!

    1. Dang you're trying out a lot of mascaras at the moment haha! That's so great, I hope they're treating you well :) I can't wait to try out my sample of Benefit's "They're Real!" and I've heard good things about that Lash Discovery mascara lately (at least I think??) so I want to give that a shot too!

  11. Could you share your experience with the tarte lights, camera, lashes! Mascara mentioned in the article? I'm curious to know how it performs! greeting Telkom University


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