Friday, July 26, 2013

YouTube Has Been Eating My Life

I'm sorry that all of my YouTube activity has been taking me away from blogging recently; sad to say that it's probably going to continue that way until I'm eliminated from Jen's "Best In Beauty" Competition... which hopefully isn't anytime soon! As much as I miss blogging I really am having fun making videos with the other girls/competitors each week and feel so utterly humbled to have gotten the amount of support I've received from week to week.

So thank you guys!!
I've got a couple blog posts planned for the near future (some GREAT products to share with you all!!) and lots of videos (vlogs, July's Best & Worst of Beauty, etc.) so hopefully you can look forward to those! Until then you can cozy up with either of the two videos above if you have yet to see them :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. LOL this was hilarious! I love the beer drinking on the side and your cat walking around :) Tough as Taupe - I wanna love it, but I just can't. Though Lisa Eldridge did recently feature it in one of her videos - the long-lasting summer makeup look one I think. She made it look kind of decent! I've experienced the exact same issue with the L'Oreal lip stains - they apply horribly and feel really mask-like and gross on the lips. Such a shame!

    1. So glad you got a good laugh out of it!! And ooo I'll have to check the video out... though really it won't make a difference because I had the willpower to throw those products out after filming them!! *proud moment* Blech, just remembering that L'Oreal lip product.... still makes me shiver!

    2. Wow, excellent work! Now if only I could do the same for my detested products. Here's the Lisa Eldridge video in case you still were interested in checking it out: :)

  2. I love your videos and your blog! I just discovered your videos last week but I've been reading your blog for about a month, I love them both! :)

    xo aly

    1. You are always so kind to me Aly!! Thank you so much for always leaving me sweet comments. I'm so glad you enjoy my content :)

  3. the first video made me laugh, i think you're hilarious and you're so so so good at talking to the camera!!! i'd just be an awkward turtle haha.i don't think we have those products in the uk so i won't be getting my hands on them


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!