Thursday, August 29, 2013

Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder With Real Cocoa: Swatches + Review!

I'm still sick which means not much gets me excited these days other than taking a NyQuil during the day (ooo, naughty!) and chocolate (ooo, gluttony! #leavemealone); enter the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder With Real Cocoa (seriously, can we recruit to help makeup companies with their names? When I have to take a breath to type out a name there's a serious problem).

Regardless, this bronzing powder had me at "chocolate"... and I doubt I'll ever be able to let go.

 I had never tried anything from Too Faced before this bronzing powder. Reviews online always seem to be polarized; some find their makeup to be outstanding while others say the quality is sub-par (mainly due to chalkiness and poor pigmentation). I've idly swatched some palettes and whatnot in Sephora but nothing truly blew my mind (though it was never bad either) enough to override the negative hearsay from online.

My current contour powder, however, was running out (or so I thought; you can see I hauled this a little over a year ago which is more than a slightly embarrassing hit to my estimation skills) and I was looking for something new. Thankfully Too Faced made my decision easy by making a product out of chocolate. You will ALWAYS have my vote when chocolate is involved (okay, okay, don't get too excited... if you're about to throw me into a gas chamber "there's chocolate in there though!!" then I'm still not going to go).

Not only does this look like milk chocolate (though don't get confused, I do indeed have the "Chocolate" version rather than the "Milk Chocolate" that they also offer for people with lighter colored skin) but it SMELLS like chocolate too. Deliciously rich and mini marshmallow-packed hot chocolate to be precise. It is honestly one of the best parts of my morning now just to be able to smell chocolate as I'm putting my makeup on. 
Also, while the smell doesn't linger into the day (though admittedly I wouldn't mind if it did), the powder will; this bronzing powder isn't going anywhere. It is truly budge-proof.

As I've said, I am not exactly the picture of health right now but the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder has helped me fake a radiantly rosy complexion. It does so much more than contour: it truly does bronze at the same time as the name states. Because it's matte you don't have to worry about overdoing the shimmer (with eyeshadows, blushes, highlighters, and glosses laced with sparkles now days it's easy to go overboard without realizing under stupidly dim bathroom lights) and the color blends seamlessly with my foundation because of how silky smooth it is.

I could go on (which I'm sure you all know about me by now) but I'll refrain. 
To sum it all up: I'm in love. True, forever, put-a-ring-on-it l'amour.

Have you tried out any products from Too Faced?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What other cosmetics of theirs should I look into and/or avoid?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. love your review

  2. Ohhhhhh. Chocolate. Makeup + chocolate....Is this a dream?! It looks flawless - there's nothing I hate more than shimmery bronzer, so this looks perfect! Feel better soon! x

    ps - what are good touristy things to do in Boston? Just thought I'd ask a local before I go :)

    1. Haha no it's not a dream!! Go out and make it your reality :D And thanks for the well wishes <3 I'll leave you a comment on your blog about Boston!

  3. You got me at chocolate. Have you tried Boujois chocolate scented bronzer? xx

    1. Haha that's where it had me as well XD And no, I haven't tried anything from Bourjois because we don't have it here in the states!! I'd love to though :(

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you!! It's Revlon's JBKBS "Darling" if you're interested :)

  5. Oooh, I like that you say it's budge-proof - I find a lot of the problems I have with bronzers that I use for contouring is that they invariably fade by the end of the day and can barely be detected on the skin. This looks to be in the right spot between light and dark - and not too orangey at all. You truly look like you have marvelously contoured cheekbones! And a dash of chocolate never goes awry :) Hope you feel better soon and rest up!

    1. Ahhhh yes the budge-proof problem... you definitely won't find that here!! Seriously, I can always see the sections of my makeup wipe at the end of the day that are clearly stained with this rather than my foundation; it's kind of incredible really! :) Thanks for the well wishes as well; I'm happy to report that I'm (finally) on the mend <3

  6. i swatched this in store at sephora today and smelled it.. OH MY GOODNESS... it smells amazing. i need to save up some money for this stuff!! *___*

    1. ISN'T IT FANTASTIC????? Sooooooo delicious in every way shape and form. I hope you treat yourself to it sometime soon Theresa!! <3

  7. This bronzing powder looks lovely! I doubt it would suit my pasty pale skin though, great review x

    1. No need to worry about your skin color, they make this in a "Milk Chocolate" version for pale complexions that's just as lovely and chocolately but much much paler!! Hope you can find it and give it a shot :)

  8. This looks lovely! I've not tried anything from too faced, I'll have to give this a go x

    1. I hope you give it a try, it really is lovely!! I'm thoroughly impressed :)

  9. I just gave this a whiff the other day and I totally got the marshmallows in there! The fake hard ones that come in a pack of Swiss Miss, haha. I really want to try this one out and I love that's it's budge-proof because if I put on bronzer I don't want it moving around XD I think I'd have to get the Milk Chocolate one though, as I've seen the chocolate and my pale skin started to laugh at me, haha. Great review, Cassie! I hope you're starting to feel better! I miss our chats :) xx *gives chicken noodle soup*

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. HAHAA your poor patronizing skin!! Prove it wrong by slapping the milk chocolate version on there one of these days ;) And YAYYYYYY I'm so glad you caught the marshmallow smell in there as well haha! Seriously, it's exactly what it smells like. Ahhhh makes me want to go much on some crunchy hot chocolate mini marshmallows right now lol. And thanks for the virtual chicken noodle soup!!! I happy to report that I'm feeling like I'm getting better now... surely it's because of the virtual soup <3


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