Tuesday, September 17, 2013

NOTD: H&M "Jo Is In The House"

I think I've found a new favorite nail polish. And by favorite nail polish I mean that whenever I don't have this on my nails (like right now... I hope that's not confusing, but if I'm honest with you most of the NOTD posts I do are of past manicures *facedesk* *I'maliar* *Ihatemyselftoo*) my happiness level goes down at least two notches. 
"Jo Is In The House" is just. So. PRETTY. I can't. But I will because I'm really freaking committed to telling everyone about nail polish.

I've been on the hunt for a beautiful holographic silver nail polish all Summer (I talk like I'm still on vacation even though it's 55 degrees outside and I have class today; have I mentioned denial and I are super good friends?) and I think my needs have finally been met. "Jo Is In The House" isn't a typical holo in the sense that it's a glitter polish (they're usually of a frost-esque finish) but it's beautiful nonetheless and the best I've come across in stores. 
Also, I suppose it should be noted that I layered "Jo Is In The House" over a silver polish (from dELiA*S that I got waaaay back in highschool [yay for extreme longevity!]) but it was an unnecessary step in my manicure; the H&M polish took three coats to get to the opacity I wanted and by then the silver polish beneath was pretty much undetectable. And while I'm gutted this holo polish takes so many coats I really can't be too bothered because it is STUNNING when the effort is made to be done right.

I can't even begin to tell you how many compliments I got while this was on my nails. It is SO distractingly pretty... honestly, it's probably the worst thing to have on your nails during the school year because you'll pay zero attention to the lecture and all of the attention to your nails; sooooooo preeeeeetty...
This polish is stunning; truly beautiful and an absolute keeper. I'm so glad to have "Jo Is In The House" in my collection and feel like it's an addition that any nail polish lover should make to their cache (because let's be honest here: if you're a nail polish enthusiast you don't 'collect' you straight up 'hoard').

Have you tried any holographic nail polishes?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What's one of your must-have nail polish shades?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I've always wanted holo-polishes but I CAN NEVER FIND THEM! But oh my lanta this looks like a shiny silver disco ball glitter explosion that I must have and will have as soon as my spending ban is over. THIS WOULD BE AWESOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Oh wait, you do, but ... yes, I feel your excitement and now I'm excited, haha. SO COOL!

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. I know, right??? I feel like they're absolutely impossible to find *ultimate grumpy face* But yes, this polish has fulfilled my needs for a holo for now; so pretty for now AND the holidays like you said hahah! Glad to have give you something to be excited about when your ban is over :D

  2. Hunt down China Glaze OMG. It does not disappoint.

    1. Uggggggh trust me I've been trying!!! That sucker is impossible for me to find in stores T__T

  3. Worth the Risque by Color Club is PERFECTION!

  4. I'm like a magpie...I get distracted by shiiIIiiiiiIny things! So pretty! Is it a pain to remove though? x

    1. Hehe I don't blame you... especially with shiny nails <3 And surprisingly no, there was no more effort removing this than any normal polish (I mean, it's not exactly the same as removing a creme but only a little bit of tug is involved... nothing even CLOSE to how horrible glitter polishes are to remove!!)! :)

  5. I love this nail polish, will have to have a look for it next time in H&M! I love the value for money on their polishes! Have you ever tried 'Lady luck' it's like a metallic peacock coloured nail polish and it looks really fun!

    Love, Lou x

    1. I love H&M polishes as well, glad I could turn you onto a new/different shade of theirs!! ^__^ And no, I haven't tried that color I'll have to check it out next time I'm there!

  6. What an incredible name for a nail polish


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