Thursday, October 3, 2013

DIOR Dior Addict Lip Glow: Swatches + Review!

Please don't ask me why I've had these photos sitting in my computer for two months now and haven't written a blog post for them... because I have an answer that no one will like.
You want to know anyways? Fine (but I warned you):
I. Don't. Know.

I think the main thing is that I feel like I can't do this beaut enough justice. No matter how many photos I take, no matter how many times I bring it into Glamour Shots there will NEVER be enough feather boas and mardi gras beads to make the Dior Addict Lip Glow look as magnificent as it is. Because it is magnificent. It's magnificent and more.


If I had to live with one shade of pink for the rest of my life it would be this; any color that makes thick plastic look this expensive and need-worthy is a winner in my book. In fact, I don't know why I haven't painted my apartment this color yet. Oh yeah, probably because I have a cat that would rub himself all over the walls and then he'd be pink... though that wouldn't be the worst thi-AHEM.
I honestly think this has been my most coveted beauty item since the beginning of my beauty obsession. It just seems so perfect in every way: super cute yet fancy pink lip balm that transforms into your perfect shade of pink on your lips? Pink pink pink? Sign me up. Essentially this is a mood ring for your lips, but not the mood ring that you got in the early nineties out of a grocery store quarter machine; no, this is the mood ring where you walk into Tiffany & Co. and DEMAND they set the 'stone' in platinum. Because as much as the Dior Addict Lip Glow is a gimmick, it's a gimmick that works.

 I think the only other time I've been so happy with something working is when I found out ShamWow's can actually soak up all of anything liquid your cat (or maybe it was you... but you'll tell everyone else it was the cat DON'T LIE TO ME) may have knocked over onto the floor.
That aside, the Dior Addict Lip Glow really does its job and does it right. This little guy earned gold star stickers across the board in the testing labs, that's for sure. It glides on smooth, smells just like Orbit's Sweet Mint gum (which is, by the way, my hands down favorite), and lasts on my lips for 5-6 hours; that's crazy for a lip balm!!

But I know, I know, you want to see that mood ring action on my lips right?
Don't worry, I've got you covered:

See how the balm shifts from a mauve berry color to a bright (in the most natural of ways) pink? I absolutely love this stuff. It's not like people are going to notice your lips changing color (that would be more than slightly frightening) but it's a fun little quirk to see once you pick up on it. Plus, like said, this lasts for so long on the lips keeping them moisturized and tinted with a hint of sheen with no worry or need for touchups.

So, overall, I have to thank Dior. I don't care that this balm puts a hole in my already weeping wallet; some things are worth it and the Dior Addict Lip Glow is one of them. I mentioned this product in my Best & Worst of Beauty video a couple of months ago but truth be told it's been a favorite of mine since purchase. I love that on days when I'm rushing out the door (or heck even on days when I just plain can't decide on a freaking lip color) I don't have to think about it; I just throw this on my lips and into my purse and I'm good to go! No if, ands, or buts about it, this'll match anything because it's made to match you.

Have you tried the Dior Addict Lip Glow?
Do you think it's worth the money?
What's your favorite high end lip product?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Your face is perfect!

    1. Pshhhhhht far from, but thank you for thinking/saying so ^__^

  2. I didnt know they did that. That's going to make me want one even more. :P
    Btw.. what eyeshadow are you wearing? Your makeup looks gorgs!

    1. Indeed they do!! Fun little gimmik, huh? Makes you feel ten years old again :) And thank you so much, I'm wearing an assortment of shades from theBalm's NUDE'tude palette... I hope to have a review and whatnot of it up soon!

  3. That is one amazing lip product!!! Your makeup looks great in the photos!! So glowy and youthful!
    xxx Kat

  4. I didn't even realise that it was one of those lip balms that adapted to your lips and changed colour subtly over time! I just thought it was a tinted lip balm. It looks so easygoing and natural and pretty on you :) Such great swatches - so clear and accurate!

    1. You're not alone; another commenter said the same thing! So I'm glad to shed a little light on that haha since it was the gimmick that made me want this in the first place :) And thank you so much you're always far too sweet to me... so happy you like everything!!

  5. this is beautiful :)

  6. It's great because it looks so natural that you don't have to worry about it matching your outfit (which is something I always struggle with!) and the packaging is so classy and girly and fun...and expensive looking, but a girl can dream!

    1. Yessssss I'm so with you on that!! Sometimes picking a lipstick to go with your outfit is the thing that takes me the longest in the morning hahahaha (oh first world problems...). Anyways, I'm glad I gave you something to dream about; hopefully it'll be a reality for you sometime soon ;)

  7. I actually had a Dior addict a few years back, it was my very first nice lipstick splurge so the brand holds a soft spot in my heart! This one looks so light, it almost looks more like a balm, but surprisingly I love the amount of color it adds to your lips! It suits your coloring super beautifully! Am gonna have to try out this shade next time I'm at the make up counter!

    xo freshfizzle

    1. Yes, it definitely is a balm!! It feels so wonderful on the lips because of that :) And the color it provides really is beautiful and unique; hopefully you can pick one of these up really soon and enjoy the wonder of the Dior Addict Lip Glow :D

  8. I don't even care about the lip product, your skin looks flawless!!

    1. Wahhh no way it's so far from!! Lighting can do wonders ;)

  9. You are so beautifulll!!

    1. Oh my goodness you are far too kind; thank you!! ;__;

  10. Love this! You are so funny - I have just found your blog and I was laughing my ass off when reading this. I have been eyeing this beauty up since I tested it. I feel the pain on the weeping wallet front! The colour looks beautiful on you by the way! :)

    1. Aw thank you so much!! I'm so glad I can bring some laughter and smiles into your life :) Regarding the lip product at hand though… get it the first chance you get. I hate saying that because I know how your wallet is feeling (wailing) but it is EVERYTHING. Such a lovely lovely product to own and use <3

  11. Hey! There's a product available at BBW that does the same thing, but BRIGHT pink, it's also about $8, so who doesn't like that? Just incase you wanted to try something similar. By the way love you and your channel, and I just started a blog because of you---buuut it's not quite done yet :P
    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you for letting me know Jackie!! I'll have to go have a look at it the next chance I get :D And oh my goodness that… just… blarg!!!!!!!!! Words will never be able to express how much that means to me. SO happy and excited for you; you'll have to let me know when it's up and running so I can stop by <3

  12. love this lip gloss one of the best!!!!


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