Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NOTD: essie "shine of the times"

Uuuuuugh you guys I am so backlogged on blog posts; I have so many products photographed (of course half [or more] are nail polishes), some of which are from two freaking months ago, but when it comes to editing and writing about them... belch, that's a whole 'nother story now that the school year is in full swing. But I'm trying my best (and in my mind that's what matters most!) so hopefully you all can bear with me while I chug along trying to keep ThriftThick afloat.

Anywho, silly self loathing aside, I've got a super lovely nail of the day post for you all today!
I had this manicure on my nails a couple (few?) weeks ago and am considering re-doing it after I type this up because it was just that pretty that it warrants another wear.

I mentioned in my September Best & Worst of Beauty video that last month I was all about the glitter nails and, I must admit, this was one of my favorite polishes to wear. Something about the dazzling rainbow opalescence reflecting off of the flecks in "shine of the times" matched so perfectly with the nude backdrop of "Innocent Nude" (which is my favorite nude nail polish; I reviewed it hurr!); I think it's the delightful dichotomy of flashy and subtle that works so well to produce that je nais se quoi-lity (see what I did there? Wut wuuuuut).

Just look at this nail polish (ignore the cat hair).
So. Effing. Pretty. In every way shape and form.

I know I gripe and moan about a lot of essie polishes because of the crap/patchy formula but, though I know my Gemini-exaggerating(embellishing)-ways can be a little over the top, I do truly mean that. I also mean it when I say that "shine of the times" is excellent. You only need one coat (which is what I did in these pictures) for a dazzling effect that compliments so many different other colored backgrounds; I've put this atop O.P.I.'s "Black Cherry Chutney", essie's "first timer", and Revlon's "Cloud" and it was beautiful paired with each one.

Ahhh to have a life as carefree as this little fluff booger's...

So that's it everyone! 
Like said I've got many more posts on the back burner so hopefully I can get around to editing and writing them soon; until then I hope you're well ∩( ・ω・)∩

Have you tried essie's "shine of the times"?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite super-shiny-distractingly-glittery top coat or nail polish?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Oh I love this, it's really cute and fun! Never tried Shine of the Times but it's definitely gorgeous. Love the cat pic :)

    1. So glad you like the polish and kitty picture haha!! :3

  2. The flecks look so pretty! Every time I come home from work, and my cats open their eyes without moving, I always tell them that they have a hard life hehe.
    xxx Kat

    1. Believe it or not the flecks are even MORE gorgeous in real life!! Seriously photos don't do it justice (though I'd say I got preeeeetty close)! And hahaha I know right? Our cats are clearly very pampered ;)

  3. Haven't tried it, but I like how the glitter lay flat .. it's quite pretty. And I hear ya on Essie polishes, their creams are the worst for streaking (IMO).

    Monica, www.pear-shaped-gal.com

    1. Yes, flaky glitter is the worst; I hate it when they poke up and scratch/catch on everything! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who has a bad relationship with essie either lol.

  4. ahhhhh perfection! I have something similar on the end of one of those revlon moon candy duo things but I prefer this! :) x

    1. So glad you think so Lauren!! It's definitely reminiscent of those moon candy duos (I have a couple myself) but, like you said, this is SO much prettier! :)

  5. I've used something similar to this but the little flakes never lay flat! This one looks like it behaves a lot better, haha. I really like it!!

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. It definitely obeys Jess, down it stays haha! Glad you like it :D <3


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