Saturday, November 2, 2013

Revlon Matte Balms: Swatches + Review!!

Have I been living under a rock? How in Satan's bloody underpants was I unaware that Revlon had released two new types of lip crayons near the end of September? Forget the lacquer balms though (there are enough glitter packed gloss products on the market as it is)… I needed the mattes. I absolutely adore matte lips but, and I'm sure many of you agree, feel that finding a matte formula that doesn't dry out the lips and apply patchily is a bit of a unicorn hunt; you want to believe they exist but always come half a rainbow short of finding them. 
Not. Any. More.
The original Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains are an absolute favorite of mine (which I'm sure you've noticed if you watch my OOTW videos on YouTube) so I had high hopes my unicorn hunt was about to be over with the creation of the Revlon Matte Balms… and happy happy joy joy I think I was right.

I went a little crazy when I found a full display of the Revlon Matte Balms at Walgreens and picked up seven out of the ten shades available… but with coupons, a BOGO deal, and points to spend can you really blame me!??!? That's like putting a cake and a fork in front of me; if you think I'm not going to dig in then you are sorely mistaken (and soon to be cake-less).
Revlon, in my eyes, really knocked it out of the park with these Matte Balms in terms of shade selection. There's a wide range of colors (oranges, reds, pinks, and purples) that span from light to dark so there's sure to be something everyone will enjoy. Not to mention the formula is pretty damn spectacular so, you know, there's that too.

L-R: Mischievous, Audacious, Striking, Unapologetic, Elusive, Sultry, Shameless

The Revlon Matte Balms are creamy, pigmented, hydrating (though they don't necessarily feel hydrating), and long lasting. I can easily get 4-5 hours out of these with minimal fading or feeling the need to reapply. These feel weightless on the lips and, like said, while they don't feel hydrating in a minty/cooling sort of a way they absolutely keep your lips soft and silky throughout the day. The Matte Balms also have a similar minty scent to the Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains but are more of a creamy vanilla mint (even borderlining the smell of a mint hershey kiss) rather than a spearmint.
Dissimilar to the Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains though is the fact that the Matte Balms are not a stain… which I feel like shouldn't have to be mentioned because the word "stain" isn't a part of their name but, I think because these are so similar in looks to the Balm Stains, people tend to assume they'll have the same staining effect. I snapped a photo of the swatches on my arm after wiping them off with a napkin so you can see that they actually do leave a slight stain but on the lips it's barely detectable; my lips are (obviously) a darker color than my skin so the stain isn't really anything to make note of (besides knowing that you shouldn't expect it).

I absolutely adore these things. Truly, they are everything I've been looking for in a matte lipstick and more. Range of color, texture, wear, application, smell, lack of taste… I really can't picture anything more perfect. Plus the fact that they come in the same crayon-esque packaging as my already adored Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains (though with the addition of a matte casing slightly similar in feeling to NARS packaging) makes these irresistible. 
Sure they're not perfect in the sense that a couple of them are slightly more sheer (Mischievous & Striking) than others (Elusive & Sultry) and you definitely can't eat a burger without them rubbing off on the bun but hey: 
do you know a lipstick range that doesn't do that?

I've got a (slightly long but in-depth) review/first impression video that I'm in the process of editing so look out for that if you want to see these bad boys in action! Seeing them being applied 'live' really shows off the ease of application and pigmentation that the Revlon Matte Balms provide. I can't wait to show you all and will be sure to link it here (here it is!!) when I'm finished (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

Have you heard of and/or tried the Revlon Matte Balms?
Love 'em? Hate 'em (say it ain't so!)?
What's your favorite matte lip product?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Gaaahd, these look so amazing! I don't think they're out in the UK yet, but I hope they are soon! xo

    1. They really are amazing Catherine!! Hopefully they make it to the UK soon because you'll want to nab them as soon as possible :D

  2. You got so many! Omg, I'm convinced. I'm buying some for sure! xx

    1. Hahah I know I went a little overboard… but I have no regrets :p Definitely get your hands on them asap Coco!!

  3. Love love love the look of Sultry! Will definitely be picking that one up when they hit the UK! :)

    1. Sultry really is super gorgeous… though I think they all are *__* lol. I hope they make it to the UK super duper soon!!!!

  4. oh my god, i resisted their original ones but i don't think i will be able to resist these!!
    beautiful photos!

    à la foliee

    1. No way don't resist!!!! And grab the originals while you're at it; they're stunners in their own right ;)

  5. O-M-G, I didn't know this!! OMGGGGGGGGG I'm crazy for the regular balm stains and now matte? I want them alllll!!

    So jealous!


    1. Hahah I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one who had no idea these existed!!!! Seriously I'm shocked they have been so under the radar. Go get them all asap Flo!!! <3

  6. Oh lordy these all look amazing on your lips! I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope they come to Australia ASAP so I can get my hands on these.

    Sarah | More Than Adored

    1. And somehow they're even more gorgeous in person Sarah!! I hope they make it to Australia asap for you as well… they're so absolutely perfect <3

  7. The YSL matte lipsticks are TO DIE FOR. My favourite lipstick of all times! (I know! The price! But, alas!)
    We don't even have Revlon in Germany, it's ridiculous.

    1. Oooooo really??? I honestly never hear anything about those but I'll definitely have to give them a gander the next time I'm in Sephora; thanks for the recommendation!! ^__^ And that's so crazy that Germany doesn't have Revlon… they're such a great drugstore brand :(

  8. Excellent review! I really love the lip swatches for each - thank you so much for the effort in photographing/editing them. I think my favourites are Audacious, Striking and Unapologetic. I don't know when/if these will come to Australia and God knows I do NOT need any more lip crayons but your post is not helping encouraging me to exercise self-restraint!

    1. Awww thank you so much!!!! Seriously, thank you… I was happy to do the swatches and whatnot for you all though since I'm so absolutely enamored with these things haha. These better make their rounds to other countries soon because everyone needs them!! They're so perfect in all of the ways <3

  9. It's so unfair that I can't get my hands on any Revlon products, these look amazing! I love a matte lip and I have a weakness for lip crayons so I would definitely invest in some if I could :) xx

    1. Oh no, no Revlon where you live??? Such a shame :( Maybe ebay could help you out?

  10. I've been trying to track these down forever but none of my local Walgreens' have had them. Actually, ONE store did but almost all of the mattes were already gone. Such a bummer... One day!

    1. Oh no :( Well, maybe pick up whatever ones you can find and eventually you'll have them all… they're definitely worth it!!

  11. These are SO pretty!! I love 225 on you!

  12. OOh! These look really awesome! I've only tried the Revlon Just bitten kissable glossy versions of the lip stains, but the matte ones look so much more pigmented! The purple one at the end is such a daring colour, i don't think i'd be able to wear that hehe :P But the Mischievous Malicieuse one looks amazing on you ^_^ Thanks for reviewing these~


    1. Yeah I haven't heard very good things about the lacquer versions which is such a shame :/ Regardless these really are spectacular and if you get the chance I would DEFINITELY recommend you pick them up! Hahah yeah the purple one really is a statement but I quite like it… daring lips just take getting used to so give it a try if you ever feel up to it ^__^

  13. Cassie, I think someone needs to get you a piece of cake because it's a reoccuring topic in your posts, haha! I've been resisting these SO HARD. I haven't even gone to look for them and I'm trying to be good on my ban and not go look because I will go spend happy like you did and buy a bunch! I love how they all look together :D I'd really want Unapologetic and Elusive. SO PRETTY *__* I wonder how these would go on dry lips, because I have that issue with mattes, but I do love mattes and these would be perfect to wear to work!!

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. HAHA Jess I didn't even notice that until you pointed out the cake thing XD Ughhhhhhh yeah a spending ban during the holiday season when brands are releasing things like crazy… I don't know how you do it! I (obviously) can't resist when it comes to certain products haha. These honestly do moisturize the lips (though they don't feel like they do… it's the strangest thing) so I think you'd be okay!

  14. Totally getting Sultry and Shameless! I will rock the crap out of the purple!
    I think from now on (unless they get rid of the google+) I will be commenting on here instead of Youtube.

    1. Do iiiiiiiiiit they're such great colors!! And no problem, comment wherever it's most convenient for you; I'm not a fan of the connection between YouTube and Google+ either so I understand!

    2. I bought them and I love them.
      they are my new favorite lip stick things.

  15. Sultry needs to come home with me.

  16. Ha! When I finally found these at my local CVS (I was with my sister, and totally wiped out (shamelessly) more than half the display)... did i mention leaving my sis with only ONE to her name! LMBO What? She had no idea about them till I acted a fool when I found the display! LMBO GREAT PICS! Digging your blog! Thanks, Leslie

    1. I did the exact same thing (wiping out the entire display, pretty much)!! And awww your poor sister… maybe you can share just a little bit ^__~ Thank you so much again for the sweet words and compliments; you're a doll!

  17. Thank you for this post! It helped me decide which shades I would be getting online. I'm leaning toward Sultry and Unapologetic! It's hard to find these here in the Philippines!:)

    1. You're very welcome Lara, I'm so happy to hear this post was helpful for you!! Hopefully you'll be able to get your hands on these soon… they're amazing :)

    2. Lara, do you know if it is even available in the Philippines? I only found out about them TODAY (so late!)...heading out to the mall to check.

      ThriftThick, thank you for the swatches and the review! My affinity for matte lip crayons in indescribable.

    3. Absolutely Michel, I'm glad to be of help to all other lip crayon enthusiasts out there :D

  18. I need to get my hands on Sultry and maybe Striking, but these aren't available in France yet T_T
    We only just got the Just Bitten Kissable Lips balm stains (that's a mouthful) here (and only on Amazon) so I'm pretty sure we'll have to wait a while for these... UGH.

    1. Oh no, I hope they make it to France soon!! I can't believe it took until now for you to just be able to get the Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains (I hate the long name too haha)!!!! Ughhhhh I would die. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you dear :(

  19. i was so excited when these came out, I love them!

  20. What a great post! I love the way you took the pictures and swatches, its honestly sooo helpfull! Im very keen to try these, i think my collection suddenly lacks a whole load of lippies!;)

    1. Aw thank you so much I'm so happy that this post was so helpful for you!! Hopefully you can get lots of these soon… your collection is definitely lonely without them ;)

  21. Ever since I saw your first impression video, I have been dreaming about these. I mean, literally; I had a dream I searched all over but couldn't find them, and I was so sad. Anyway, I went out and bought three of them. I got Sultry, Striking and Standout, and I LOVE THEM. So I'm thankful for the mindworm you somehow managed to insert in my brain! Unfortunately, through coming to your blog to tell you this, I'm now craving Audacious and Unapologetic...

    1. Oh my goodness thank you Rebecca!! Seriously I'm glad to spread and support makeup needs haha ;) So happy to hear that you love these as well… treat yourself to more! *enable enable enable*

    2. So I bought Audacious and Unapologetic (you enabler, you), and I'm glad I did. I wore Unapologetic today and received compliments, and I just love it. It's very unlike me to like a pink lipstick, but this one is so warm and gorgeous. I also watched your styling bright lipstick video, and it was really helpful. You've fast become my favourite blogger/YouTuber! (Galileo helps...) ;)

    3. Haha I will always love enabling the beauty community… because it does the same thing right back to me! I'm SO glad you're enjoying the colors you got, especially Unapologtic! And shucks you're just far to kind in general; really I'm so happy to hear that you like my videos and whatnot and that they have been of help to you :)

  22. These look so nice! I really want to try them but haven't been anywhere to buy them yet. Sultry looks amazing, this post has made me want them even more than I already did! haha

    1. Definitely pick one (or many) up as soon as you get the chance Nicola!! They're so lovely… Sultry is a great choice! :)

  23. Love it so much!!!! I have to take them ;)

    1. Glad you like them, I hope you can nab them for yourself soon!

  24. Thanks so much for sharing! These colors are gorgeous! Probably won't be buying any soon because I have way too many lipsticks right now (but hey-a girl can never have enough, right?!).
    The orange colors are definitely my favorite!

    1. It's so true; never enough!!!!! Glad you understand that feeling Lin haha ;)

  25. Audacious is so gorgeous! Thanks for the review! I may have to pick this one up. I LOVE the ones I already have, but would only buy them during a sale. Hehe I'm a little cheap.

    1. You're very welcome Cailee!! Glad to hear this review was helpful and showed you another shade you may need in your life ;) Definitely nab it on sale, there's no shame in saving some money haha!

  26. I have this in elusive and sultry and I really love these lippies!! I am actually planning on buying the mischievous or shameless next. You made such a detailed review. I'm pretty sure you convinced some of your readers to buy this lippy as well haha!

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