Friday, November 22, 2013

stila stay all day waterproof volumizing mascara: Swatches + Review!

I honestly don't think I've been this conflicted about a product in… ever? Which makes me think that doing a review on it is semi-stupid as well as semi-senseless. Regardless, it is what it is and I'm here to give you a review that will probably confuse you more than it will guide you; WELCOME TO MY AWKWARDLY TIRESOME LIFE I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY (you won't).

I got this little sample as a freebie in an Ulta order quite some time ago (a month? Two months? What is time when you're in school other than a constant reminder that you'll never get anything done on time and things that you do get done are never good enough?) so I didn't have many expectations… essentially I was just giddy over getting something for free. 
So when I first pulled the applicator wand out of the mascara tube I was intrigued; the wand was in the shape of some sort of a pyramidal (sorry for the reference to my science background [it makes me cry too]) structure which is something I had never seen before. 

Was it going to work? Did it matter?

I still don't have the answer to that but I sure can tell you, as I said in the opening, I'm just plain old confused (which, again, is a reminder of the days I wept in the front row [no shame] of my organic chemistry lectures). The stila stay all day waterproof volumizing mascara is extremely weightless which would normally be a wonderful thing but it also points to, what I assume is the reasoning behind, this mascara not providing much volume. It does, however, deliver in the lengthening department. Your lashes really do feel all fluttery and feminine but I do get the feeling that if you don't have decent lashes to begin with then this mascara won't do much for you. Again, that's just a hunch but I'm going to stand by it. 

So there you have it folks… all of the reasons why I just don't know about this mascara. 
I can't see myself running out to buy a full tube nor can I imagine recommending this to anyone. That aside, I do think that this is a nice bottom lash mascara so for the time being I'm going to use it for that. My lashes overall though just scream for more oomph (read: volume) and the stila stay all day waterproof volumizing mascara just doesn't do it for me.
Meh. Meh. MEH.

Have you tried the stila stay all day waterproof volumizing mascara?
Love it? Hate it?
Have you found the perfect mascara that gives you length and volume?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. looks pretty on you but I don't know if I could justify buying a high end mascara! Thanks for the review!

    1. I'm with you on not wanting to buy high end Louise!! And you're very welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed :)

  2. This mascara makes your lashes really pretty, it's a shame its not volumising enough!
    Lucky you got this as a sample or you'd probably be cringing about spending so much money on a useless mascara! >_<


    1. I know, sometimes I think I may be a little too picky when it comes to mascaras haha. I'm VERY happy though that this was a freebie… I wish you could try-before-you-buy with more mascaras!

  3. I think it looks really good on may have to try this xx

    1. Thanks Gabriella; if you do try it out I hope you enjoy it :)

  4. The mascara really opens up your eyes and looks lovely on the lashes! xx

  5. You have such amazing lashes regardless - you hardly need mascara! Any dodgy ol' mascara would still make your lashes look awesome :p I think this mascara is a great everyday one, it might not be super voluminising but it lengthens, darkens and separates quite well :)

    1. Hahah I feel like you say that on every mascara post of mine XD Though honestly I really do think I'm a bit picky when it comes to mascara because of it… shame but I just can't help but want PERFECTION lol. I'm loving using this on my bottom lashes right now and it's working great for that so at least I'm not letting it go to waste :)

  6. I haven't tried this product, but I think it looks pretty good on your lashes :-)


    1. Thank you Monica!! I just wish it was more consistently good looking haha.

  7. I think this looks so good on you! You have gorgeous eyes as well :)

    1. Aw thank you so much Diyora!! You're too kind <3


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