Friday, December 20, 2013

Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser: Review + Demo!

To start off my reentry into the blogging world, I figure talking about something tried and true would do; something every makeup lover needs in their medicine cabinet yet most seem to forgo in lieu of a makeup wipe. Heck, some people don't even remove their makeup before they go to bed on a regular basis… horror!! I honestly don't know how you ladies do it. Even in my most drunken of stupors I always took the time to remove my makeup and brush my teeth before conking out in bed (or on the couch, the floor, my head inside of a trash can… no need to judge; my one year of drinking far too much in college is well behind me).
The only thing I can think of is that people who don't remove their makeup before bed do so purely because they have yet to find a makeup remover that's quick and easy. Or, let's be honest, they just haven't tried Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser.

I've been using this miracle cream to remove my eye makeup, most of which is waterproof, since high school (which may or may not have been eight or nine years ago *weep*). It wasn't until I started getting into makeup these past couple years that I've acquired mass amounts of cosmetic samples so, when my last tub of Cold Cream ran out, I figured this was the time to try out the multiple bottles of eye makeup remover I had laying around. 
Well, you may have noticed in certain monthly Best & Worst of Beauty videos as well as certain Empties videos of mine that I hated each and every one of the deluxe sized makeup remover samples because they were absolute crap. I don't know how anyone can handle those half oil/half water type removers because, at least for me and my waterproof mascara, they are absolute rubbish at getting the job done. Who am I kidding… they didn't even get the job done!! I always had to leave the cotton ball drenched in remover on my lashes for minutes on end and then furiously scrub to get even the tiniest layer off of my lashes. 

You may be wondering whether or not the Pond's Cold Cream is really all that stellar or if I'm just biased because of a couple of bad eye makeup removers from other companies (Lancome and Clinique, mind you, so it's not like they were crap brands or theoretically crap products). I can assure you, that is absolutely not the case; there's a reason I've been buying this Cold Cream for nearly a decade!!

 This was the look I just blogged about (as well as my most recent makeup tutorial on YouTube) which basically is just my way of saying 'look at all of the makeup that will surely be a pain in the a** to remove'! Don't be alarmed though brethren, we have Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser on our side.

 Simply smooth a dollop of the cream onto your lids and lashes and gently massage in circular motions for 10-15 seconds.

 Then, using a cotton ball, gently swipe the cream off of your eyes. The photo above was only after doing one pass over the lid & lashes!

Continue to gently sweep the cotton ball across your lid and lashes until there is no makeup remaining; this usually only takes me three or four passes in order to get the waterproof mascara off! 

Et viola! Repeat the same procedure on your other eye and you are left as bare and naked as you were 
pre-makeup obsession! 

So there you have it folks! A couple dollops of Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser, one cotton ball, and a couple minutes later you're good to go to bed… well, after you use a makeup wipe to take off your foundation, brows, and lipstick (but that's beside the point). This cream will take away absolutely any dread associated with makeup removal: no tugging, no stinging, no lingering traces of mascara when you wake up in the morning, etc. Not to mention the smell, while not my favorite, is just that sort of clean scent (I think it's a watered down cucumber smell?) that leaves you feeling assured that you're squeaky clean and sterile. 

I can't imagine using anything else and can say with complete confidence that this will be the makeup remover I continue to purchase for the rest of my makeup using life. 
Oh yeah people: this is my holy grail.

Have you tried Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your holy grail eye makeup remover?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I admit, I am one of those people who goes to bed with my makeup on after a night of drunken debauchery (or after a night on-call in the hospital, which surprisingly also results in me feeling hungover). When I can be bothered to drag my ass to the bathroom, I too prefer a cream-based makeup remover but Pond's is too rich for my eye area (I end up with milia). Right now, I am using Boots No 7 Beautiful Skin Cleansing Lotion. It does a wonderful job of dissolving mascara and white-girl-wasted tears.

    1. Hahah that's okay Olga, with a personality as wonderful as yours I can let your non-makeup-removing-ways slide ;) I'm sad to hear this stuff is too rich for your eye area!! My skin just drinks it all up… I love how moisturizing it is. Regardless I'm glad to hear you have something else that does the trick for you though. White-girl-wasted tears are usually something you want to forget hahah.

  2. I always considered cold cream to be an older lady's product of choice, but now you have me wanting to try it! I'm definitely in need of something that is moisturizing while it is doing it's job. Oh, and btw, I forgot to tell you that after watching your reviews, I bought two of those Revlon matte lip crayons (#240 & #245) and I love them!!! Maybe Revlon and Ponds should put you on their payroll. ;-)

    1. Hahah it definitely does seem like an old lady product but dang if that's true then I don't mind being old!! And oooo I'm so glad you got some of the Revlon Matte Balms and love them :D I tooooootally wouldn't mind if Revlon and Pond's wanted to send a little moolah my way, though they'd have to know with glowing reviews comes terrible ones on other products too haha ;)

  3. Looks like it works a treat! I wonder how close this cream is to a normal moisturiser? Sometimes if I've been in the shower and my facial cleanser hasn't removed all my eye makeup, I just use my nighttime moisturiser to get rid of the remaining eye makeup just the way you use your Ponds (minus the cotton pad). The only eye makeup remover I use is Bioderma, it works really well but requires quite a bit of patience!

    1. Hmmmm I honestly hadn't thought of that!! It's a little different in the sense that it's definitely a little greasier but other than that… you're the ingredients expert haha ;) I wish I had the patience for things like Bioderma but nope! Not gonna happen lol :p

  4. I really struggle to find a good makeup remover! When ever I think of makeup remover, I think of this one. It's like the classic product that has been used for generations! I really like watching old ponds commercials (i.e 30's, 40's, etc). For some reason, I have never tried it! I'm going to march over to my local Wal-Mart right now!

    1. I've honestly never watched old Pond's commercials but now I'm going to have to!! Definitely give this stuff a try… I'm not kidding when I say it's my holy grail! <3

  5. Ah I'd love to try this! I've not seen it over here, but I'll keep my eyes peeled. I'm a cleanser before bed gal, so anything that makes the job easier is welcome x

    1. Definitely keep your eyes peeled, it'll be the find of the century!! :)

  6. I've never heard of the brand actually... I love how it works so well though :D
    Kind of tempted to try it because I'm always struggling when I have to remove eye makeup haha.

    Valérie //

    1. Oh wow, you've never heard of Pond's??? I guess they're not really talked about in the beauty world… which is a shame because I freaking love this stuff hahah.

  7. I use this to remove my whole face of makeup at night, but I always cleanse afterwards. I think in theory you are supposed to be able to rinse and go, but I feel it leaves an oil residue on my skin. I agree that it's an amazing makeup remover, and definitely beats the expensive wipes I had been using for so long!

    1. Yup, you've got to use an actual face wash after this stuff (like you said: because of the oily residue) but it gets the preliminary work and removal done SO freaking well. Glad you understand the magic of this stuff <3

  8. Im giving in. Going to go buy it soon if the Neutrogena Hydrating makeup remover lotion I just bought doesnt work. I remember using it in teh past and liking it, but I was using it ans my ONLY face makeup removal/cleanser product, because I was tired of drying my face with face wash, but a after a week I was covered (face and chest) in a rash, and new pimples. But I think As an eye mu remover it could be fine, as long as I use it before my face wash.

  9. Nowadays, I transferred the cold cream into a squirt bottle. Two squirts, rub all over my face and lips with its long lasting lipstick. Is enough to take everything off with a piece of tissue, especially at the lips. But I follow up with a face wash cloth about the size of a hankerchief, and I shower with that too which totally took off all the oily stuff, and add on soap that cleans the cloth as well as exfloliate the skins on the body. Skins are so far still soft and I get to skip the drying face cleanser till the morning.


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