Thursday, January 16, 2014

January '14 Birchbox!

A new year, a new Birchbox… at least that's what Birchbox wants us to think. As excited as I was to see the contents of my box this month I'm no fool to the way yearly things work; a bang at the beginning to start a buzz and then the next month it's back to not-so-awesome-normality.
Regardless of my jaded feelings from the past (though honestly it's never happened to me, I've just seen it happen to many others over the beautiful thing we call "the internet") I'm willing to give Birchbox a moment of glory. They did a great job with this box and I'm only hoping this type of goodness continues in the months to come… it'll have to if they want me to renew my subscription in March!

Obligatory card, nothing special here. I should note though that the box also came with some 'inspiration' cards which basically have motivation for the year; I won't use them because they suggest things like "take a different route to work" (why would I when I take the shortest way there already??) and with my utter lack of directional sense I think it's wisest to just toss them away.

I mentioned in my "All About Eyes TAG!" video that I'm still on the hunt for my holy grail mascara so I was pretty pumped to see this lovely little tube in my box this month. However, upon closer look, I'm not so sure we're going to get along… organic is all fine and good but I'm pretty sure that means this won't be waterproof (and with my eternally weeping eyes [it's mostly a medical condition, I promise] this is a major problem). The smell is also fairly off-putting, though that very well may have to do with my distaste for tea.We'll see though! You know I'll put up a review as soon as I try it out so look forward to it if you're interested.

Whether you're new to my blog or a longtime reader, I'd like to think it's fairly obvious that I'm a little more than obsessed with all things nail polish. And while I can see through the fun name and gimmicks involved in this manicure kit, I can still enjoy it for what it's worth (which isn't a whole heck of a lot so I'm not expecting the finest quality nail polish here): a red polish and pot of red glitter. I could easily dig into my craft bins, pull out all sorts of colors of glitter, then apply those onto my nails over any of my hundreds of nail polishes but heyyy I still think this was a fun treat to throw into some Birchboxes this month.

You know you're a beauty enthusiast/addict when you jump for joy over the sight of a dry conditioner. That's right: a dry conditioner. I've never heard of one of these before!! Dry shampoo, yes, but all of the leave-in conditioners I've tried and know of are creams, lotions, and oils. Which I mean yeah this is just (according to the can) argan oil, but in spray can form? That's cool enough for me to be excited and ready to spray all over my locks.

Even though I already have my holy grail eye cleansing cream and holy grail face cleanser(s), I'll give this one a shot when my nighttime cleanser runs out (I'm a bit adventurous and stupid in that way) . It's a nice sized sample so I should be able to test it out to its full potential and, like always, I'll be sure to report back to you when my verdict is reached!

I swear, I write in my little comment/review section on Birchbox's website every time they send me tea (which is more than fairly often) that I. Do. Not. Like. TEA. Honestly, I don't know how much clearer I can spell it out for them but it kind of just goes to show that they don't read the feedback subscribers give them. Save yourself the money or have a cup on me Birchbox staff: quit sending me tea packets!!


Sorry to end on a bit of a negative note (tea gets me all riled up) but I guess it balances with the optimistic beginning paragraph. I wouldn't be me without a proper balance of both!
Overall though I'm very happy with this month's box and, truth be told, I'm probably even more excited over the anticipation for next month… though I know that's a dangerous dream to have. I'm just going to have to go crazy and do what they always suggested in elementary school: dare to dream (I make myself sick too, don't worry).

Did you get a Birchbox this month?
What did yours have inside?
Don't subscribe to Birchbox?
What do you wish you could have received?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I'm not a tea fan either. I tell myself that I have an incredibly sophisticated palate that can only appreciate bold flavors, and tea just can't cut it (I also hate things like honeydew melon). Aaaanyway, I'll be interested to see how that mascara works out for you!

    Also, I'm looking to purge many, many glitter polishes from my horrifyingly large stash. If you're interested in having them I'd love them to go to a cozy, cat-loving home. Just let me know.

    1. OH MY GOSH I HATE HONEYDEW MELON AS WELL!!!! You clearly have great taste ;) Anyways we've been emailing so… well… you know my answer already!!

  2. I don't like tea OR coffee, but Birchbox keeps sending me the tea packets too! Is there some kind of obligatory beauty lover thing that you're supposed to love tea? Why must the insist on trying to tun me into my mother?

    1. Ughhhhhhh I know Ellen I always feel like I should be obligated to love tea but no matter how many kinds I try I hate them all haha. Stay strong in your taste-beliefs!! ;)

  3. Aaaaaah I really want to subscribe to Birchbox but my bank account wouldn't too happy about it, so that'll have to wait.

    1. I know it's always rough shelling out that kind of cash, especially when you don't know what you're going to be getting :(

  4. I got the velvet nail effect in my birch box, its alright but it kind of looks odd when I tried it, I'll have to experiment some more.

    1. I'm so jealous Brigid, I've always wanted to try the velvet nails!! I've heard they're a bit weird before but I'd still like to try them haha. Good luck with it! :)

  5. I'm glad you're happy with this month's box, despite the inclusion of tea :p I'm a huge fan of tea so I guess I wouldn't have minded them ... but it's unfortunate Birchbox clearly don't pay attention to feedback and tailor their boxes according to it. The red glitter I can picture being very disaster-prone and potentially messy :p But I'm sure the end result would look very sparkly!

    1. I know, it's really frustrating knowing that they don't listen to or care about feedback :/ And haha yes the glitter is going to be tough, especially with Galileo around, but I'll be sure to try it eventually!!

  6. Birchboxes never catch my eye. I'd be so angry if they kept sending me tea, lol. I hate how boxes say they're personalized but they just send the same to everyone/randomize distributions.

    1. Hahah it really does get frustrating Coco. You'd think a company would stand by their promises but I guess that's too much to ask even from a 'customer oriented' organization nowadays :/

  7. I get totally different things in my birchbox this month! I got a nice sized bottles of Fekkai glossing shampoo and conditioner which have a delightful citrus scent. I got a tiny Coastal Scents eye shadow palette that is pretty nice - kind of silvery hues from opal to gunmetal. I got a very small sample size of a Harvey Prince scent called 'Journey' that smells awful to me (both in the teensy tube and on my skin - but the packaging itself is cute and kind of hippy-esque, so I was disappointed that I found it so gross smelling. And lastly, a small tub of Burt's Bees intense hydration day lotion,which I like.
    I give my box a B+ :-)

    1. Wahhhh it sounds like you got such wonderful things in your box!! Glad you enjoyed the contents this month even if the perfume didn't work out for you… it's always a shame when that happens :(


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