Thursday, January 23, 2014


I was just looking at my (semi-sad, semi-pathetic) list of posts that I've done this past month and realized that I had only written one NOTD post… ONE!!! I hate myself. But truth be told I haven't been wearing much nail polish this January! I'm honestly not sure what it is but none of my polishes have appealed to me, at least not on the nail. I've painted multiple colors and finishes on my nails, from nudes to neons and sparkles to creams, only to have taken it off by the end of the day because it just didn't look right… what does this mean??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? (Many things my friends but I'll save my tears for the pillow later tonight/tomorrow/eternity.)
So to make up for my lack of posting in general and nail polish posts as a whole, I figured I'd look back at a darling nail polish I was wearing a couple of weeks ago and remember that nail polish is my friend; my lovely friend that my naked nails have broken up with for no rhyme or reason. Don't worry people-friends, I shall remedy this relationship very soon (who the heck would I be if I didn't??)!

Forever21 has been killing it in terms of their nail polishes lately; the overall color selection is on point and they've got some fantastic creamy glitters like this one available on their website (I haven't checked in stores but I'm sure they're there too). I mentioned in my latest haul video that I had such a hard time picking out just one polish (as per usual I could have happily added 10+ to my basket but figured I should show some decency and self restraint) and I'm happy to report that I think I picked out the best of them all: "BABY BLUE/MULTI". 
With such a fun polish you'd think Forever21 would pick out an equally fanciful name but oh well; I'd much rather they spent their time on the formula quality (which they did) than a quirky polish name. The formula of this polish is absolutely solid and could be considered opaque in just one coat. It really depends on your preference of how much glitter and how dense you like your polish to look. One coat leaves your nails looking milky and semi-sheer but plenty 'opaque' because of the varied and plentiful glitter. I personally did two coats for the photos below but that's just because I like giving the glitter a more layered effect (I think that's the true beauty of creamy glitter polishes!).

This polish lasted a good 5-6 days before showing any sign of wear and I couldn't be happier. The next time I have an extra few dollars I think I might head to Forever21 and get another beautiful creamy glitter polish rather than a bag of chocolates (I wish I could have both but sometimes you have to make those really hard decisions in life). I got so many compliments while wearing this nail polish and they were absolutely warranted; this is pure joy in a bottle and I highly recommend you picking up one (or five) for yourself the next time you order something from Forever21!

Have you tried nail polishes from Forever21?
Love 'em? Hate 'em?
What are you currently wearing on your nails?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. hey Cassie! totally love the color and it's so cheap! :D great post :) i always love seeing your blog posts in my bloglovin' feed :)

    1. Thank you so much Diana!! Seriously, you're far too sweet to me <3

  2. Oooh this is pretty *w* Too bad we can't order nail polishes from Forever 21 here overseas :(
    It kinda (maybe the color ? or the glitters ?) reminds me of China Glaze's It's a Trap-eze which I still don't own T_T you'll be mine soon my friend, don't worry

    1. Oh no that is too bad :( Ebay maybe? Hopefully you can get your hands on it soon <3

  3. Pretty nail polish :D
    Great color :D
    have a nice day, kisses ;*


  4. I feel like at the very end of 2013, F21 got on their makeup & nail polish game. I don't get as much here in HK, but I made a trip back home to the states in Nov and I grabbed a few goodies. I was SOO impressed with their polish!! I'm moving back to the US next month and I have a feeling I may go polish-crazy, soo flippin cheap LOL.
    Back to you- I LOVE that color! It's SOOO fun and pretty. Thank you for adding to my shopping list :3
    I have a few nail looks with F21 polishes on muh blog if you're interested :3

    1. I know, right??? Seriously, they really stepped it up in their beauty department. Definitely go cray in the nail polish section when you're back here in the states… what a great and cheap way to treat yourself hah! :)

  5. That colour is so cute! Reminds me of snowflakes :)

    x Michelle |

  6. It's SOOO pretty omg! 3 dollars!

    1. I know, right??? Forever21 knows how to make me throw my pennies at them.

  7. Wow, that is so beautiful!
    I wonder if F21 would let me work for them and name the polishes. ;) They're not the most creative bunch around.
    Did the polish stay on that long without a top and base coat?

    1. Hahah that would be great Jane XD Pretty sure anyone could name their polishes better than they do!! And I'm not sure without a base and/or top coat; I always use both!

  8. Tried to reply to your comment on my comment, and it didn't work!
    What base and top coat did you use? If you don't mind my asking! :)

    1. Haha no worries Jane!! And I use the Zoya anchor base coat and at the moment I'm using the Revlon quick dry top coat; I love the Zoya one but hate the Revlon one! Hope that helps :)

  9. Thanks so much Zara, I'm so glad you enjoy it!!

  10. Such an affordable polish and so cute! Love the pastel blue and glitter - I find it hard to find inexpensive milky glitters like this. Two coats for a light colour and 5-6 days of wear time is super impressive! I know what you mean about certain polishes not looking right ... sometimes I do get in a rut when it comes to nail polish despite having way too many bottles to choose from! :p

    1. Ugh tell me about it!! That's why I was so excited to see that Forever21 started making them… and making them well 'ta boot! :) Glad you also know about the stupid rut I'm going through haha.

  11. Oh my goodness, that is soooo pretty! Thanks for swatching it. I have tried F21 polishes & have consistently loved them. Everyone's surprised when I tell them who makes it.

    1. You're welcome Natalie!! And I'm glad to hear you like Forever21's nail polishes; they're seriously so good :)


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