Friday, February 7, 2014

NOTD: Illamasqua "Raindrops"

I've had this polish lying around since Christmas but have been saving it for a rainy day… literally.
Because my life is terribly sad and I plan certain (many) things around YouTube/blogging, I knew I wanted (NEEDED) to photograph Illamasqua's "Raindrops" with the aforementioned in the background. So I waited many, many, many days to slap this on my nails until the glorious time came when rain accumulated on my windows. Save your pity tears friends, there are plenty of water droplets on the windows already.

I have to admit that the name and gimmick of this polish is what made me have all of the wants. There were (and still are) copious amounts of swatches of "Raindrops" on the internet so I knew that this didn't exactly look like water droplets on the nails… okay, it didn't look anything like raindrops on nails (at least not to me). But the name! But the look of the polish in the bottle! But but but!!! I convinced myself that in person things would be different. 

Nope, "Raindrops" still doesn't look like raindrops. I think it slightly has to do with the base color being a bit too blue compared to grey and slightly has to do with the glitter/shimmer laced throughout. The micro shimmer just seems a bit too abundant in comparison to the large flecks and the large flecks just aren't large enough. I know I'm nitpicking but even with my 'artist' mind I have a hard time conceptualizing this being something that truly mimics water droplets.

Regardless of whether Illamasqua's "Raindrops" actually looks like raindrops, I do have to give credit where credit's deserved: this really is a beautiful nail polish. While blue-greys are a dime a dozen in the nail polish world the flecks of shimmer give it a lovely and unique finish. Granted, you do have to be in some serious sunlight for the flecks to be any sort of prominent (you have to be straight up inspecting your nails in normal lighting to see any sort of special effects) but I'm trying not to completely write off this polish haha! 
I also need to give Illamasqua credit for creating yet another polish that is extremely chip-resistant. I've worn this through two work shifts (and let me tell you: retail is far from kind on your nails) and have yet to see any signs of wear.

Have you tried Illamasqua's "Raindrops" nail polish?
Do you think it looks like water droplets or do you think it's a bit of a stretch?
What do you currently have on your nails?
Do share!!

Galileo was thoroughly freaked out (albeit interested) by the freak snow storm we had here in Boston the other day… I figured I would share since you all seem to love seeing my fluff booger!


  1. omg! that nail polish is so pretty! and I love the photos of the rain on the window :) i love the rain and we here in las vegas rarely get any of it which totally makes me a sad panda :( but this polish is definitely going on my wishlist! great blog post!

    1. Shucks thank you Diana!! So glad you liked the photos :) Funny enough the water on my windows was from snow but it worked so whatever hhahaha. I can't imagine living somewhere with hardly any rain though… sorry you have to deal with that! Regardless I hope you can get your hands on this polish soon <3

  2. This is such a pretty polish! I love the shade :) Your cat is gorgeous too!

    Kimberley x

    Kimberley's Beauty Blog

    1. Glad you like it Kimberley! And thank you, he's my pride and joy <3

  3. I love this polish, I really want to buy it! I'm such a sucker for blue-greys and I think the shimmer adds something extra. Bonus points for blogger dedication in waiting for a rainy day purely for more poetic pictures ;)

    1. Glad you like it!! I could definitely see you loving it so I hope you get your hands on it soon :) Haha and thanks for the blogger dedication award… I was pretty ashamed HA.

  4. This is huge in the nail polish world but I just don't get the hype! It's pretty but misleading :P

    1. I know, I'm with you on this one!! I think it's pretty but the hype behind it is a bit of a mystery… oh well, I guess we're all just suckers for a good gimmick :)

  5. I've always loved this polish and I think it looks a bit like rain drops .. ok more like a down pour .. lol . but still quite pretty.


    1. Haha I'm with you Monica!! It's definitely not raindrops but it's pretty regardless :)

  6. I remember when this one came out--I think it was an Illamasqua fan's creation? Like it was an inspiration contest or something? I don't remember--I thought I couldn't live without it. But I'm still alive and I don't have it yet. But THAT'S OKAY. It looks very nice on you, even though it's not too raindrop-y. I always like glassfleck-ish shimmer like that. Rock dat raindrop.

    1. Yup it totally was a fan creation!! Something like the Lays potato chip competition… except for nail polish haha. And yeah I think this is one of those polishes that's more fun to lust over than to actually own but I suppose I'm not complaining now that I have it! Just not what I had hoped :(

  7. agreed, not raindrop-esque, but quite pretty nonetheless! I'm currently wearing Essie's "For the twill of it." But it's already chipped. :-/

    1. Yes agreed indeed!! And oh no, another essie fail??? Poo on them >:(

  8. That's a gorgeous color, the name definitely fits the mood in my eyes. XOXO CanvasOfAFace


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