Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekly Outfits #36!

I just wanted to pop in quickly to let you all know there's a new OOTW video posted over on my YouTube channel! It's hot off the press as of a few (okay, maybe 20) minutes ago so feel free to head on over and watch it if you're in the mood for some funky music and ridiculously similar outfits (I never notice until I string these videos together how repetitive I can be in a week haha).
Happy Sunday everyone; I hope you're having a great weekend and are looking forward to a happy week ahead! 

Oh, and don't forget (if you live in the U.S.) to 'spring ahead' before you go to bed tonight for Daylight Saving Time… stinks to lose an hour but I'm glad to have the sun out a little later in the day again :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Lovely outfits Cassie! I hope you are having a great weekend! ♡


    1. Aw thank you Kathy!! I hope you're having an enjoyable one as well <3

  2. I can't wait for all the sunshine! I LOVED your Tuesday and Wednesday outfits! Wednesday and Thursday have me itching to go back to work so I can buy a pair of jeans and some button ups to tuck in! Love this, Cassie :D

    - Jess
    The Mod Mermaid

    1. Ugh tell me about it I'm ready for sunny spring weather! And thanks Jess I'm so glad you liked the outfits and got a little inspiration! I hope you get those jeans and button ups soon… I can't live without them :D


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