Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March Favorites (& Not-So-Favorites)!

For those of you who can't get enough favorites videos (heck, I've got a soft spot for them myself), here's my monthly version! I hope you all got through April Fool's Day unscathed (being the cynically skeptical/gullible fool [quite the combo, I know] I am it's probably one of my least favorite days of the year) and are looking forward to the month ahead! As always, if you watch the video, I hope you enjoy~

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I'm wary of April Fool's ever since I fell victim to a prank pulled by a colleague who announced in our morning meeting she got engaged ... then revealed it to be an April Fool's joke. Haha I got so overexcited I even yelled out, "Called it!" :p Then of course had to immediately retract in embarrassment. Nude Compliment looks gorgeous on you, such a perfect everyday colour, though it's a shame the Color Tattoos crease on you and you have to use a primer! The shade does remind me a lot of Birthday Suit, which I wish looked better on me :p I think I'm not fair enough to pull it off. Hope you have a much kinder skin month in April :)

    1. Hahah oh no that sounds awful… and like something that would happen to me XD I feel for you, girl! But thanks overall, I hope April is much kind as well!

  2. I went out to Sephora today to check out that Stila eyeliner in Lionfish and I loved it so much that I had to get it! So excited to wear it everyday of my life! :)
    Sincerely, Sara

  3. Immediately ran out to my local Rite Aid to look for Nude Compliment and there was one left!! OH HAPPY DAY! I love it!

    1. Yayyyyyy I'm so glad you found it and love it!! <3

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! I just discovered your blog/youtube channel tonight (whilst procrastinating, naturally) and (maybe this is creepy) but...I think we're already BFF. I'm across the river in Cambridge and I feel like no one is as makeup-obsessed over here as I am! So it's thoroughly refreshing to find your stuff. Anyway, thanks for making my night! Your blog is tons of fun :)

    1. Aw thank you Harleen!! I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only beauty obsessive here in town haha :)

  5. You crack me really do! Your reviews are such a great bargain, because not only do I get an honest opinion about products, but I also get a bit of comedy as well!

    1. Shucks thank you Kate!! That is so sweet of you to say, I'm truly touched ^__^


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