Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Three Looks With The NAKED3 Palette!

It's been up for a few days now but I figured, in case you missed it, I would let all of you lovelies in the blogger world know that I posted a video (FREAKING FINALLY) showing how to create three looks with the NAKED3 palette! I had mentioned doing this exact video when I hauled the darn thing last Christmas but 
alasI'm a flake and find filming tutorials difficult so I put it off until now hahaha (at least I'm honest). 

So, without further ado: here's the promised tutorial! I hope you enjoy the looks I put together; the first two I wear extremely often and truly do think that this is a great palette overall. The predominantly pink shades make the NAKED3 quite special amongst the plethora of other nude palettes on the market and this green eyed girl appreciates it!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I loved the looks you created in the video, they all suited you so well! I really liked the third look, might have to recreate it. I always seem to create a version of the same look every time I use my naked 3, so it was great to have some inspiration.

    Rachill // sweetsomethingsnz.blogspot.co.nz/

    1. Aw thank you so much Rachill!! I think we all fall into ruts with our palettes so I'm glad to have been able to provide you with some new ideas ^__^

  2. Cassie, I tried your second look today and oh my it is sooo pretty! I think this may become my new go-to every day look.

    1. Oh my gosh YAY that makes me so happy to hear Meghan!! Seriously it's one of my favorite looks to do with this palette so I'm happy to spread the love of it with you all <3 <3 <3

  3. Oh, P.S. I think we may have the same little triangle necklace you're wearing in parts of this video. H&M?

  4. Replies
    1. Fingers crossed you get it Natalie, it's a beaut!! <3


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