Monday, December 8, 2014

Two New Videos; Favorites & A Haul!

To anyone who even still reads my blog: I feel as though you deserve a medal of honor. The fact that I still get new followers both here and on Bloglovin' each week truly astonishes and tickles my heart in all the right ways. Thank you all for sticking with me and three cheers to (fingers crossed) much more fulfilling blog posts and written product reviews in the future!
Until then, here are my two newest videos for those of you who may have missed them. The first is a collective haul full of raves and rants galore and the second is my monthly installment of "Best & Worst of Beauty". Regardless of whether you've watched them already or are just about to I hope you enjoy and that the holiday season has been treating you well~

xoxo - Cassie

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