Monday, June 29, 2015

Empties #14!

Just trying to keep good on my word here and update the ol'blog; a new video just went live over on my YouTube channel! It's extra long (read: grab a snack and beverage of your choice) but hopefully you all enjoy it anyways. "Empties" videos were something I never thought I'd get into but honestly they're some of my favorites now!! 

Happy Monday friends :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. What is the name of the lipstick you are wearing if you don't mind me asking? I have been wanting to try purple and I like yours. Thanks!!

    1. It's the Revlon Matte Balm "Shameless"; glad you like it! :)

  2. Found you somehow through the blogosphere/ youtube! I love love your videos and all of your reviews. Seriously, your videos have me dying every time! So happy to have found you!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  3. Hey :D Please do a review of the Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Full Coverage Foundation SPF 15 x3

  4. I LOVE your videos! I love your blog- keep doing you girl :)
    My Blog:


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