Saturday, April 12, 2014

NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer: First Impression + Review!

Ohhhh yeahhhhhh, a new video is up on my channel as of about an hour ago so feel free to check it out if you're interested in the NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer! Or, heck (if you'll allow me to indulge my ego for a moment), if you just plain old missed me!! 
I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend so far… after working pretty much non-stop for the past 30 hours (gotta love those back-to-back-to-back work schedules where you question bringing a sleeping bag so you can sleep in the break room rather than go home and coming back the minute you wake up) I know I'm going to sleep goooooooood tonight (∪。∪)。。。zzz

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I can't get enough of your videos lol! :) I am definitely going to go find you on instagram as I do actually miss you when I don't have any videos to watch (did that make your ego happy? :P) xx

    1. Thank you so much Tasha, that's so sweet of you <3 And yes my ego is VERY happy right now haha.

  2. That's why I love samples, they save so much money! I recently tried an awful Rimmel foundation sample and I was SO glad I had not spent any money on it! The coverage doesn't look too bad, but I'm really pale so these samples are ALWAYS too dark for me! So glad to see a new video from you! Enjoy your day off x

    1. Aaaaaand I just realized that I definitely overused the exclamation point in my last comment. I'm sorry, I just got really excited. Let's pretend this never happened...

    2. I know, right??? Serious money saver and they're just fun to try out :) And I loved all of your exclamation points in the first message haha I could feel your joy.


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