Thursday, June 26, 2014

YouTube Made Me Buy It!: benefit they're real! push-up liner

This video was one of the biggest pains in my you-know-what to put together (footage lost, corrupted, etc.) but I finally did it!! Hopefully you all are just as excited as I was to see this gel liner in action from a non sponsored/non PR sample receiving person and can forgive the few hiccups in the video. I tried my darndest to make it as smooth and informative as possible!

I hope you're all well and are looking forward to the weekend (I'm personally just excited to go to bed right now haha)~

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I'll just put this here (expires Sunday 7/6) in case someone is still on the fence and wants to try it, or in case you want to get one for yourself. :)


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