Saturday, June 14, 2014

YouTube Made Me Buy It!: pixi Shea Butter Lip Balm

Hot off the press (truly, as in just-finished-processing-three-minutes-ish-ago)!! I've got a new video up on my YouTube channel so if you're interested in the pixi shea butter lip balms, or heck if you just plain old want something to watch, head on over! 
As always I hope you enjoy and are having a great weekend~

xoxo - Cassie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Urg! I didn't want to delete that!
      Anyway, Cassie you makamelaugh! You should just do a voiceover of you singing "YouTube made me buy it and now I'm gonna try it!" with meow from Galileo at the end! By the by, I started a new blog yesterday, check it out if you want to, Also, have you tried the neon orange Baby Lips? It's called Oh! Orange, and smells divine! It's similar to the Pixi balm, but...better
      You stay classy Boston,

    2. Aw thank you Jackie!!! A Galileo meow would improve the song greatly, thanks for that input haha. And YAY for getting your blog up and running!! I'll check it out tomorrow when I'm not so sleep deprived and can actually take my time to look at it lol ;) I haven't tried that shade of Baby Lips but thanks for the recommendation <3


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!