Monday, July 14, 2014

Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer: Swatches + Review!

Beauty blogger basics #1: Photograph products before you use/taint them.
Beauty blogger basics #2: Review products that are new, exciting, and relevant.
Beauty blogger basics #3: If you break rules 1 & 2, make sure your post on the product is all sorts of excellent and unlike anything the beauty community has read before.

Welp, sorry to say folks but I'm about to break those three basic rules and probably then some. If you think you can handle that though then feel free to stick around and enjoy the complete and utter mess (both literally and figuratively) this post is bound to be.

I'm far (far far) from being a prime time beauty blogger but one thing I pride myself on is being able to hold out on using a product until I take pictures of it pretty from the package. Well, somehow the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer (I can't with these long names, I'm tellin' ya) slipped past my perfectionist radar on that front. This concealer has long since been used and abusedconsidering I did a first impression/review video on this over five freaking months agoand unfortunately I really don't have anything super jazzy to say about it. 

I think that the gimmick behind this concealer is… well, the gimmick itself. The actual product is extremely average in terms of drugstore concealers (can cake and accentuate dryness but overall is creamy and lightweight) but the premise of being able to "erase" your dark circles is pretty darn exciting. And with the squishy sponge applicator, the artist inside of me finds the whole thing undeniably adorable. 

(click above to enlarge the photos for a better view!)

Overall I'm just fairly 'meh' about the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer (though I'm undoubtably in hate with the name of the darn thing). Like said, it's not the best but it's not the worst; I've been able to put up with using it for the past nearly-half-a-year and it hasn't caused me any sort of problems. Then again it hasn't caused me any sorts of great happiness either. It creases upon first application but once you put powder on top and blend it out a few times then it seems to set fairly nicely. There is a tendency for the concealer to cake and dry a little around the outer edges of my eyes as well but at least it doesn't feel heavy.
Essentially, what I'm trying to say is: I wouldn't recommend this product to anyone. However, if someone were to say that they wanted to try it out I wouldn't discourage them from doing so. Does that make sense? I always feel like I'm talking in indiscernible circles haha. Either way I do know that I feel this doesn't deserve the extreme hype it receives on YouTube (that's just my opinion though, take it or leave it).

Have you tried the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circle Treatment Concealer?
Love it? Hate it?
What's your favorite under eye concealer from the drugstore?
Do share!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. It's a shame about the concealer being a bit rubbish, because I do like the idea of a sponge applicator like this one. I don't think it's a big enough selling point for me to spend money on if the product isn't that great though, so thank you for your review! I'm totally that person who can't wait until I've photographed stuff because using them, so my photos always look a bit gross, but oh well! I can't say I'm a big believer of blogging "rules" anyway :)

    1. I know, the idea is all sorts of right but the concealer just isn't anything to write home about :/ Happy to save you some money though by letting you know! Haha and your photos are FAR from looking gross so don't worry about it… I think it's just a thing with my own products because I don't mind seeing other people's used stuff XD

  2. Hands down, my favorite concealer is the Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer. I half want to tell you to go out and try it and half want you to not break my heart and tell me you hate it and then I'll forever regret recommending. It's actually the loveliest under eye concealer I've ever used and is more of an eraser than this one. I'm scraping for the last little bits of it. But anyway, I can see the appeal of this concealer. Even in your pictures that rounded sponge (dirt and all) makes me want to just run it underneath mah eyeballs! At least with these photos not being brand spankin new we can see that it's been thoroughly tested ;D

    Jess | The Mod Mermaid

    1. Haha I've actually wanted to try out that concealer because of you Jess!!! And naw, no regrets for recommending it even if I don't like it because if it works for you then that's all that matters!! You just want to spread the love :) <3

  3. I did think about buying this, but then I saw how much it cost and I am just too much of a cheap skate for that lol. Have you tried garniers under eye bb cream? i have and i really like it.

    1. Yeahhhhhh it's not worth it to me hahah. And nope, I haven't tried that one but I guess I'll have to check it out now thank you :D

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