Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7/15 "OOTD"

I filmed another fashion video today!! So I decided to take some photos from one of the outfits and make it sort of a "teaser" post (and hence OOTD is in quotes in the title... since I really didn't wear this out or anything haha).

Click the jump below for more!

Sheer B&W Patterned Blouse - Goodwill
Black Wifebeater Tank - Target
Black Leather Belt - Goodwill
Silver Bow Ring - H&M
Bodycon Skirt - H&M
Dolce Vita Buckle Shoes - Ebay (Used)

The theme of the video is "Neutrals" so stay tuned for that!
My marbled watercolor nail tutorial (that I showed a peek of in this blog post) is uploading right now, so that'll give me time to edit this fashion video and then that'll go up next!!

So that's it!!
It's still swelteringly hot and humid outside here in Minnesota so I was pretty excited to strip down in to my jim-jams and throw my hair back into a bun as soon as I was done filming... now I'm all snuggled up with a blanket and my laptop in the air conditioned house (the only thing that's missing is my kitty curled up in my lap... but that'll come in due time); life is good again :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I freaking love your youtube channel! I always get a little excited when your icon pops up on my feed :D

    1. Pahahahah seriously???? Holy cow, you're too sweet <3

  2. I love your shoes! So cute

    Come checkout my blog if you get a chance :)


    1. Thanks, for the compliment and for taking the time to comment!

  3. Such good finds from Good Will! I never have enough patience to find anything good!



    1. Oh no, that's so sad to hear!! Definitely try taking the time someday, it's very rewarding and very worth it (plus your wallet will love you for it)! :)))


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!