Thursday, July 12, 2012

Birchbox: July 2012

I was so thrilled when I went to let my dog out this afternoon and this bright pink package was on the doorstep to greet me! It wasn't scheduled to be delivered until the 16th, so it was a very early (and lovely) surprise!! 

I was so excited for the theme of this box, plus the fact that Birchbox had teamed up with Glamour since that gave me the feeling I was going to get better products... and boy was I right!!

Click the jump below to see what was inside!

Here was my box upon first opening it... lots of goodies this time!!

Here's the card for anyone who cares to read it... I really loved the design on the box sleeve and matching card, by the way. The added picture of the sensory organs next to each product was also really cute and helpful to the theme of this box!

Onto the products!! As you could see on the card, this box was packed with SEVEN deluxe samples... and I'd say they were decently sized! 
Anyways, this Nut Bar was the first extra I received; this is actually a nice thing to get to throw into my bag for my next thrift outing (for whatever reason, I have the tendency to forget to eat before I thrift... I must get too excited for the adventure ahead of me haha)!

 This made me chuckle... the ziplock baggie that these came in to keep them uncontaminated was broken on the bottom so these slid out the wrong end haha. No big deal, just an ironic flaw.

Another extra were these ear buds which, again, I'm actually really excited to have to throw in my bag! I usually forget to grab my headphones on my way out the door so these'll prevent me from being music-less the next time I'm out and about.

This had me squealing... I won't admit whether or not it was literally (but I'm sure you can guess based on that alone).

I thought it was nice that they included an ingredients list for those who care, even though I'm not one of those people haha.

I have always wanted to try a liquid luminizer that I could add into my foundation (mainly during the winter since my summer skin is sweaty glowing enough)!! This was the perfect little sample for me to try out... although the packaging was a little flawed, as you can see below.

I can still hear myself screaming "NOOOOO, just let me take ONE PICTURE!!! STOP!!!!"

The cap had one of those pokie things that are usually used to pierce the tube open but CLEARLY the tube was already opened!! I couldn't get the product to stop coming out (I'm assuming because of built up air pressure in the tube) and the outside of the cap was covered in product. 
Thankfully it stopped but it was a little bit of a waste/disappointment.

It's a pretty sucker though, ain't it!??!? This is really the perfect mix between a peach and champagne shimmer; I can't wait to try using this as a highlight (I think it might be a bit much to add into my foundation for my whole face?) when the heat subsides!

This guy had me drooling... again, I won't say whether I mean literally or figuratively (but, again, I'm sure you can tell just by that statement).
It smells. SO. GLORIOUS. The perfect blend between coconut and almond milk (which I lurrrrrve). I'm so excited to slather this all over my hair... even if it doesn't provide a "High-Gloss" shine (but I sure hope it does), at least my hair will smell delicious!

I've gotten a Color Club nail polish in one of my Birchboxes before and I *loved* it, so I was really happy to see another one in my box this month! These polishes last for almost a whole week straight (no top or base coat) without ANY chipping... and this was my experience when I was taking a wheel throwing ceramics class. 
This stuff is great (plus, I love blue-greens on my nails!)!!

Now, I'll be honest... I hate these type of packet samples. Even though you can get two or three uses out of them, you still have to figure out how to reseal and store them until the next use. It's just hard for me to consider these "deluxe" samples, but since this came with so many in a big variety of products, I guess I can't complain too much. 
I'll let you know if I like them; they sound interesting!

This is another type of product I don't always enjoy getting... first off, it's hard for me to consider these perfume viles "deluxe" since I can get them for free in most department stores or a Sephora. I mean, can't you even make it a little better by making it a spray top!? Sigh...
I also don't always enjoy perfume samples since it's such a personal taste. Either you like a certain scent/type of scent or you don't; even sampling it won't change your mind.
RANT ASIDE, I actually fell in LOVE with the scent of this upon first sniff!! It is such a lovely scent and I have never heard of it before. 

It has a top note of rich fruits such as plum and blackberry but also a touch of crisp fruits like green apple and raspberry. The nice part of this though is the heart notes of ylang-ylang and jasmine along with the seductive base notes of wood and musk.

Seriously, if you haven't given this a sniff before, go out and do it! I'm adding this onto my perfume wish-list for sure :)

Phewf'ta, that's it for this month's Birchbox! Sorry for the long (picture heavy) post, but there was a lot to show off this month (so you know I'M not complaining!)!!

Do you get Birchbox?
What did you get this month?
Don't get the box?
What do you wish to try out?

I love hearing and reading about the different boxes and what's on people's wish-lists!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. That nail varnish colour is gorgeous! Love the idea with the headphones too, I had to buy a handbag pair as I too would always forget! xx

    1. Gahhhhhh thank you so much for following, you're so sweet!! :)
      And yes, I can't wait to try out the nail polish. I think I'm going to paint my toes with it tonight while I read in bed!!

  2. I don't know how you could have saved that funky, little bottle. Scrape it all onto a small square of plastic and then gather up the corners, give the top a twist and rubber band?. The foil packers, I cut as small a piece off the corner as I can and still get product out. I use what I need and then pinch that cut corner between two fingers and give it a couple could snap shakes to get the remaining product away from the cut, then fold down the cut edge and slap a paper clip on it. I've been able to keep those foil sample packets of various UDPP's usable for a couple weeks or more after opening. (I never use the same thing two days in a row, so it take a while to use up.

    1. The bottle ended up being fine after I left it upside-down for awhile/with the top off… had to get that built up air out of there!! But yeah I do the same type of thing with rippy packets; as much as I hate them I still like to use them up and folding+clipping them closed really helps keep them fresh and usable :)


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