Saturday, July 14, 2012

7/13 OOTD

I'm not sure I'll ever get into the habit of posting OOTD's on the actual day that the outfit was worn.
Oh well, a post is better than nothing right? 

Please ignore my face; I didn't notice until long after that I look tired/pissed off/cocky... what a strange combination. Just focus on those sexay curves! Va-voom!!

Anyways, I had such a busy and fun day yesterday (regardless of it being Friday the 13th)!
I woke up, unboxed a package from Sephora (post coming up next!), got ready to out, went to some garage sales and Ikea/Mall of America (vlog in the near future!) with my very good friend Carmen, went to dinner with my family, and then finished up the day washing dishes into the wee hours of the morning at work. 
I was a busy bee, but a happy one :)

Take the jump to read more!!

Leather Belted Tunic - Urban Outfitters
Black Bodycon Skirt - Forever21
Arm Swag - Goodwill & Urban Outfitters (Sale)

I have such a love/hate relationship with this tunic; I've had it since 11th grade (so five or six years!) and it gets shoved to the back of my closet because I'm usually not in the mood to wear it and then I'll find it half a year later and fall in love with it, needing to wear it that day (and the rest of the week)!!

Necklace - D.I.Y.
Above the Knuckle Ring - Forever21
Kitty Ring (NO SHAME) - Ebay

Studded Black Flats - Savers

These shoes were such a bugger... the previous owner must not have worn them much at all because they need to be broken in SO badly. My feet were just aching as Carmen and I meandered the rooms of Ikea and around the miles of halls inside MOA. Ah~ well, no pain no gain right? I still think they look fabulous even if they don't feel as such ;)

And that's it!! 
I'm off to work again but hope to get up my Sephora unboxing before then so stay tuned!

Have you ever been to the Mall of America (MOA)?
What do you think of it?
I personally think it's overrated, but I'm sure that's because I live so close to it and go once or twice a month, haha.

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Gorgeous outfit, I really like those shoes !

    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed enough to take the time to comment! <3


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