Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sephora Haul/Unboxing!

I'm a sucker for a gimmik. Especially FREE gimmiks.
So when Sephora emails me with an offer for a free, full sized product I pretty much scream "SOLD!!!!!!" and load my cart with items from my shopping list until it hits $50+ (who wants to pay for shipping? Pshhhht, definitely not me).

Wanna see what I got? Take the jump below!!

I'd be lying if I said that even the free samples don't suck me into ordering from Sephora; if the samples don't interest me, I will not order and visa versa. Sometimes I find myself ordering from Sephora just because I want the samples haha (yes, I lead a pathetic and twisted existence).
The only one of these I tried so far was the Coach Poppy Flower perfume and OH MAN. I fell in love... this instantly got added to my perfume wish-list. It's such a beautiful sweet, watery fruity floral. Something about this was just so intoxicating to me.

 My new beauties tucked in nice and cozy in their packaging paper...

This month's gimmik was none other than a full sized lip product from stila!
Oh yeah. That beauty on the left was all mine at no (extra) cost to me.

So here's what I ordered to get said product into my needy little hands.

I needed one of these so badly. I have so many eyeliners that I haven't been able to use because I didn't have a sharpener hahaha. Ohhhh what a waste! So now I have one that can sharpen two different sizes; now I just have to get to grinding (ewww, mind out of the gutter people!)!!

Sorry for probably the crappiest photo known to man... I blame the lighting and the fact that I was still waking up that morning.

I picked up this little guy to make my basket qualify for free shipping. It was only five dollars so I figured I didn't have much to lose... especially for the piece of art that was on the inside.

How cool is that!?!? This is one of those products that I feel guilty using because of the beautiful design (which is so stupid, but I just can't help it!).

This one's a bit of a color shifter from pan to skin! In the pan this looks like a reddy-pinky-rose, but clearly when swatched it's anything but!! This is definitely a rusty copper-orange, but I think I can make it work... I'm thinking maybe as an eyeliner on my bottom lash line for that grungy-allergy-catwalk look (haha...).
I'd also be lying if I said I loved the texture of this eyeshadow. I had to rub my finger in there a lot to get a good amount of pigment and the texture wasn't as creamy as I thought it would be. I'm hoping that if I use a wet angle brush in it it'll show up better.


I was so excited for this one.
For some reason I've been a bit of a gloss/shine freak with my lips lately. So when I saw this little beaut that promised to smell of toasted marshmallows, my wallet opened on its own.

While this appeared to be a nude/champagne colored, shimmery gloss in the tube, this actually turned out to be just a clear, high shine gloss.
But I'm not complaining!!!

Look at that!! So absolutely shiny and gorgeous... my lips look like water/glass!
Not to mention the smell/taste of this is delicious. Next time I have a craving for sugar I'm going to slather this on my lips rather than reach for a cookie (it's THAT yummy).

I've been lusting over a new matte bronzer (which I use for contouring) for awhile now. Mine is so close to being used up and it just wasn't all that good (but not all that bad either).
So I was debating over a few different choices until I found this. A bronzer MADE OUT OF CHOCOLATE!?!!?
Done. No questions asked.

This was expensive (I think a little under $30?) but you get a hefty product that smells and feels like heaven (not to mention the packaging is adorable).

I was a little nervous of this when I first swatched it because it's such a light brown (for my skin). However, this has just the right amount of pigmentation so that it can be built up gradually and suitable (in my opinion) for fair to medium skin tones.
And the verdict on the smell?
It doesn't smell like chocolate, but rather a more raw form of cocoa (which is fine by me; I'm a baker and love that rich more organic smell). Plus it's not at all overpowering so you won't have to worry about smelling this on your face all day, just when you're first applying it.
This is so silky and soft, and the perfect matte brown for my skin tone - I can't recommend it enough. Hopefully I don't go contour crazy trying to use up my other bronzer faster so I can start using this!

Now, onto the full-sized freebie that caused this haul.
The stila stay all day liquid lipstick in "tesoro".

Tesoro is a matte, fiery orange-red lip cream. 
You can see the dense cream that it is in the gap the wand created in the tube above.
I'm mostly in love with this stuff. While it's true that it doesn't bleed, it's moisturizing, and stains your lips for a loooong time (it's been 24 hours and that swatch is still a little stained on my hand... do I need to mention I washed dishes for five hours last night as well?), this product isn't perfect. 
Because it's such a bold color, it's really hard to get the perfect line around your lips (as you can see in the lip photos below) and the texture also makes it really easy to put on too much and then it looks like a cakey mess (but it does smell like vanilla cake, so maybe that's appropriate).

HOWEVER, the positives of this product completely outweigh the flaws. 
It is such a bold and gorgeous red... I can't even begin to tell you how many compliments I got while wearing this!! I found that it was PERFECT with my Revlon Kissable Balm Stain in "Romantic" layered on top; it evened out the cakey-ness and cooled it down a bit so that it suited my skin tone a little better and, like said, people loved it!

So that's it people!!
If you hung in this far, THANK YOU! I know my posts get long and rambly, but I hope you enjoy them anyways :)

Have you hauled anything from Sephora lately?
Are you a sucker for a gimmik like I am?
Let me know so I don't feel quite as guilty, haha.

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Great haul! I love the color of the Stila lipstick. And to get it for free . . . score!

    I am on the verge of finishing my NARS Laguna and may have to get that Too Faced bronzer.

    Tesori Belle

  2. Deana: Thank you!! And yes, that was a major score of a freebie! Sometimes it's painful waiting for the really good offers to come around, but when they do it just makes it feel like that much more of a victory haha :) If you're on the verge of finishing your Laguna up I would say definitely go give this a swatch at a Sephora!! Laguna is far too orange on me but this is such a perfect brown for me... I hope it works well for you, too :)

  3. That lip colour is so gorgeous it was totally worth getting all the other things for!x

  4. Megan: Thank you, I think so too haha!! Nothing like spending money just to feel like you got something for free ;)

  5. great haul. i am debating between the too faced matte bronzer vs. benefit hoola! did you get the Milk shade or just the original?

  6. Jenny: Thank you!! I personally didn't care for Hoola... it was just the wrong color for my skin :/ So definitely give these a good swatching at a Sephora to make sure you're getting something that will look good on you! I got the regular chocolate shade rather than the milk chocolate because a lot of reviews online said that the milk chocolate is really only suited to very fair/pale complexions. Hope this helps :)

  7. Hi Cassie, thanks for replying and also leaving a comment back on my blog! I wanted to know which bronzer you had in your swatch because it looks like the perfect contour shade for me (i think Hoola would look too harsh on my skintone) - so thanks for replying and for the swatch! Chocolate it is!

  8. Jenny: I'll get back to you again on your blog! xx


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!