Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NOTD: essie ballet slippers

Oh ballet slippers, where have you been all my life? Well, other than in the trash (I was never meant to be a ballerina; not with these curves anyways!)
Take the jump to read about the fabulosity that is this nail polish!

I don't think photos will ever do this polish justice.
It is the ABSOLUTE PERFECT cool toned baby pink polish with just the right ratio of opacity and sheerness. 

I think what makes ballet slippers so perfect for me is that, while it is indeed a cool toned baby pink, it has just the slightest tinge of yellow to it. This is what has made finding a baby pink for my skin tone such an absolute bugger of a challenge for me; the completely blue toned polishes just look so wrong against my tan/olive skin.

And to be honest, I'm not a huge essie fan (I think the color selection is beautiful, but the consistency of the polish tends to be subpar and application is usually somewhat shoddy) and feel that the polishes receive far too much hype for what they're worth. 
HOWEVER, I will vouch for ballet slippers: if you have been on the hunt for a baby pink polish to go with your yellow/red based (read: warm) skin tone, THIS IS IT. THE SEARCH IS OVER. REJOICE.

If you want to see more "real life" photos of this polish, I'm wearing it in this OOTD post.

Do you have this polish?
Love it? Hate it?
How do you feel about Essie polishes in general?

xoxo - Cassie


  1. I feel the same way about Essie polishes, they really don't live up to the hype in terms of consitancy. :(

    Please check out my blog! I'm following you now <3

    1. Yay, thank you so much for commenting and following; I'm glad to have you here :) And I'm glad to know that I'm not alone on disagreeing with the hype on essie polishes! Makes me feel less strange and alone haha.

      I'll go check out your blog right now! Thanks again :D


  2. i need this in my life after reading your review! Looks like a lovely shade, shame about the consistency!

    1. Yes, you definitely need this shade!! And just to clarify, the consistency of this polish is great! No problems with ballet slippers :) I've only ever had bad experiences with the consistency of essie polishes other than this one in the past, so sorry about the confusion I may have caused!


  3. I'm so obsessed with Essie! So much better than OPI! :)

    1. Haha, so you're team essie, huh? Sad to say I can't join you on that one BUT I do love this polish oh-so-much :)


  4. i've heard a lot about this essie polish and you're right, it's really pretty! and classy too. definitely will pick this one up :)thanks for the review.

    1. No problem, I'm glad I could help give you a reason to pick up this polish!! It really is gorgeous; I hope you love it as much as I do :)



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