Tuesday, August 28, 2012

8/28 OOTD

Today has been a little more crazy than I would have liked.
I planned on finishing my unpacking this afternoon (I'm so close; only a couple more boxes!!) but nooooooooooo the world just didn't want that to happen.

Take the jump for more!

So I woke up, snuggled with Galielo (picture at the end of this post), and watched some PasswordPlus and The $25,000 Pyramid. Then I remembered the tragedy that was my lack of Hunger Games DVD (because of my stupidity; full disclosure in this post) and figured I should go and make a quick return at Target. Something that should have taken a half hour at most ended up taking 3x that long!!!
Seriously, a freaking hour and half to exchange a DVD???

Oy vey...

Plaid Flannel - Goodwill
Cut up Sublime Tank - D.I.Y./Delia*s from 5+ years ago
High Waisted Studded Denim - D.I.Y./Goodwill
Woven Loafers (not pictured) - Goodwill
Lips - stila Lip Glaze "Vanilla" (swatched and reviewed here) layered over Revlon Kissable Balm Stain "Precious" (swatched and reviewed here)

Basically I had to drive to three different Targets because of various reasons but I FINALLY persevered. So now I have the deluxe edition of the Hunger Games on DVD plus an extra $5.34 to blow on whatever I want because of the price difference between the BluRay I originally purchased. 
Then when I got home it was just a whole other cornucopia of problems; Galileo was being a pest (I can't even tell you how many times I had to get him with the super soaker), getting my address changed has been a b**** to get done online, and it took over an hour to pay my internet/cable bill. I absolutely ABHOR companies that make it difficult to make payments aka make it difficult for me to give them my money!!! Alkfskjfdakjwodwjaokjdflkthereisnologicintheworldtoday.

Oh well, it's all over, I basically just wanted to explain why I look like I'm channeling my inner Kurt Cobain and look like a frazzled mess (somehow Kurt made it so much sexier).

To end on a happy note, here's some pictures of Galileo (and me)!!

This is where he is as we speak... he likes to feel like he's the king by sitting on my shoulder and looking down on me (I don't mind; I know who buys the food and litter around here).

Galileo cuddlin' with me this morning. D'awwwwwww.

Thanks for reading!!
I also just got my new camera for recording HD video in the mail today but was unfortunately unaware/uninformed that it wasn't going to be coming with a memory card; I ordered one this afternoon though so I should be back on YouTube soon :)

xoxo - Cassie

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