Saturday, September 22, 2012

9/21 OOTD

I've got a fairly simplistic OOTD for you guys: weekend comfort style!!
I wasn't feeling 100% yesterday, but had plans that I really wanted to follow through with (and I'm glad I did!!) so take the jump below if you want to read and see more :)

First off, let me begin by saying R.I.P. to one of my most favorite thrift finds; these were a beautiful chestnut colored pair of Cole Haan oxfords that I got at Goodwill this summer for $1.49 (which I showed off in a haul on Youtube here!!). 
I was originally wearing these (instead of the boots) but then while I was at the eye doctor I heard something along the lines of velcro ripping apart... so I looked down and saw my foot protruding from the front of my shoe!! NOOOOOO!!! I was so embarrassed and tried so hard while walking out of the doctor's office and out to my car not to make it noticeable that I looked like a clown down on his luck; thankfully I don't think anyone noticed. 

 Crystal & Mixed Metal Necklace - D.I.Y.
Embroidered Granny Sweater - Goodwill
Lips - Revlon Lip Butter "Creme Brulee" (Swatched and reviewed with others here)

This sweater was one of the first Granny pieces that I ever thrifted. It is so cozy and adds a little something to an outfit whenever I wear it. I tend to keep my face and the rest of my clothing fairy nude/basic when I wear this because I want it to stand out on its own.

Khaki Coat - Goodwill (featured in the same haul I linked for my Cole Haan shoes!)
Leggings - H&M
Light Grey Socks - Target
Strappy Buckle Boots - Alloy

After going to the eye doctor (and changing my shoes), I went out with a friend from my grad program and her little sister to the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) on the waterfront... it was my first time being to the ocean!! Most of the exhibits there were either just strange (which contemporary art tends to be), offensive, or pretty to glance at. However, there was one exhibit dedicated to Os Gemeos, twin brothers who create some of the most wonderful and quirky art I've seen in a long time; seeing that exhibit alone made the ICA worth it, so if you're in the area you should give it a look!

We also went to get a late lunch/early dinner afterwards at a sea food joint. It was really good food, but I happened to notice something blue in my coleslaw... at first I thought it may just be something they do here in Boston, but then I realized it was a rubber band. Thankfully I've worked in restaurants my whole life so it really wasn't that big of a deal but I told our waiter anyways just so he knew and he could maybe check the rest of the coleslaw before serving it to some less understanding customers.
At the end of our meal though, the waiter must have told his manager about the mishap because they brought the three of us a huge tray full of desserts on the house!! There was boston cream pie, cheesecake, key lime pie... oh man, it was so good!! And really unnecessary since, like said, I'm understanding about these sorts of things but DANG it was a nice surprise! It's always nice when a manager values his customers, even when they're just a young and humble student like myself. 

Anyways, that's about it!! I had a wonderful day and hope the rest of the weekend is nice and relaxing :)
Here's a little photo to show you how jealous my cat gets when I'm working on blog posts hahaha. He'll lay behind the computer and just crane his eyes up so that he can creepily stare at me to get my attention. Silly Galileo!! Mamma's got to get things done!

How's your weekend going?
Have you ever had a public clothing mishap?
Something in your food that didn't belong?
Do share!!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. cute outfit! very fitting for fall!

  2. Victoria: Thank you!! I'm so excited that fall is finally here so I can wear these types of outfits all the time :)

  3. Mitha: Thank you so much, I'm glad you like <3

    Sugar Bunny: D'awww thank you :3

  4. Andrea: Thank you!! Comfy is always my favorite way to dress :)


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