Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/5 OOTD

My second day of grad school was just about as much of a failure as morning number one.
Will I ever be coordinated, be it with my limbs or with my directional skills? It doesn't seem very hopeful at this point of my life.

Jump with me (or without, since my knees are pretty swollen still from yesterday's unfortunate falling-out-of-a-bus ordeal) to read and see more details!

It was another gloomy/rainy day so I decided to throw my hair up in a doughnut bun and wear a really comfy sweater (I love the different colored speckles dispersed throughout the stripes; there's magenta purple and mustard yellow in there!) paired with one of my favorite pencil skirts; normally I would have worn skinny jeans tucked into boots in this sort of weather (I made a rainy day fashion video on Youtube if you want to check it out), but anything involving touching my knees isn't really tolerable at this point of the healing process.

 Striped Sweater - Goodwill
Geometric Necklace - Ebay
Forest Green Pencil Skirt - Goodwill
Woven Loafers - Urban Outfitters (from way back in highschool!!)

So you may be wondering why today was just as much of a fail as yesterday morning? Well, instead of falling out of a bus this morning, I decided to drive to school. This was a drive that should have taken and hour MAXIMUM in heavy traffic, but rather took me THREE HOURS.
My directional sense is just that bad (I couldn't make these things up even if I tried).

Problem was, the map I was given featured a connecting street to my studio (where I have free parking) that isn't called what it was on the map at the point where you turn on it (does that even make sense? It's one of those streets that changes names even though it's just a straight road). So I was driving circles in Boston for about an hour until I finally found my studio and then walked to school to attend class... you know, even though I was an hour and a half late. 
Ughhhhhh, what a good first impression, right? At least I looked semi-put-together haha.

Lips - Revlon Kissable Balm Stain "Darling" (swatched & reviewed [with other colors as well!] here!!)

So that's that! I was glad to see a friendly and familiar face from my orientation group in my class once I got there so at least I was able to laugh with someone over my idiocy.
At least things can't get much worse tomorrow, right? Right; got to think positive people! :)

How has your first week of school been?
Any embarrassing or wonderful stories like mine?
I'd love to hear!

xoxo - Cassie


  1. CASSIE!
    I've been reading your blog. Sorry about your seriously looks like someone beat the knees. I want to hear all about grad school and things so we should probably Skype.
    PS- I've never left a comment on a blog before and it took me 5 tries to get the verification word security thing right. Geesh.

    1. Hahahahahhaha Carmen!! Yes, a Skype date would be appropriate. Mondays through Thursdays are a no-go (I'm in class/on different modes of transportation from 7:30am-6:30pm) but other than that I am unemployed and free to do whatever!!
      And yeah, the word verification thing is actually really hard hahahhaha; I've failed many times trying to leave comments before and it really is the best way to make a person feel like an utter dumb a**.



Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!