Monday, September 17, 2012

Maybelline Illegal Length Mascara: Swatches & Review!

I did it; I jumped on the bandwagon. 
Dare to jump with me? You should. You NEED to. Can you feel the peer pressure? Can you? Can you? Succumb by taking the jump below!!

My last mascara (which I did a post on here) wasn't awful by any means, but I just wasn't loving it enough to repurchase it now that it ran its course.

I was skeptical of this mascara for a couple of reasons, one of which being all of the hype that it has been receiving (mainly on Youtube) as of late. I tend to not get on with 'fad' products, not because they're bad products, but because my expectations are SO high that they always fall short of what I imagined (admittedly, I have a biiiiiig imagination; I blame magician Mercury for governing my Gemini personality).
The second reason I was skeptical of this mascara didn't come until after I opened the tube; while the brush was long, the bristles just looked puny! I really couldn't imagine how such a dinky wand was going to make my lashes look oh-so amazing.

And while I hate to be proven wrong, Maybelline has done just that:

 No mascara... coat...

 ...aaaaand two coats!

BAM!! Look at what this mascara does for your lashes!
Honestly, I'm not the kind of person that says you 'need' a certain product but today I'm making a very special exception: you NEED the Maybelline Illegal Lengths mascara. And by 'need' I mean you should have your car keys in your hand and be halfway out the door running to get to your nearest drugstore/Target/whatever. Go. GO!!!

I almost felt a little strange leaving the house during the day with this on my lashes since it felt like I was wearing falsies and more ready for a night on the town rather than perusing art galleries while sipping on Starbucks. 
A mascara that can make you feel inappropriate while the sun is up? Oh yeah, this stuff is just that bad a**. 

So that's it people!! I hope the photos (along with my verbal harassment pressure) was enough to sell you on this mascara. It really is worth the hype and so much more.

Do you have a drugstore mascara that can beat this one's majesty?
Have you tried the Illegal Length Mascara?
Love it? 
Hate it (I might cry... and then ask you to retrieve the mascara out of your garbage and send it to me)?

xoxo - Cassie


  1. that looks like a pretty good mascara, your lashes look lovely!! :) x

  2. Abbie: Thank you!! Yes, this mascara is a pure delight :)

    Tatiana: Thank you SO much for following my blog!! I hope you continue to enjoy my posts :)


  3. omg i absolutely LOVE this mascara! it honestly does wonders, and your lashes are beautiful both with and without mascara but the mascara definitely gives them extra oomph! :) i featured this mascara in one of my skincare sunday posts but i didn't even know it was a youtube fav until i read your post! :)

  4. Omg your lashes are beautiful! Looks like an amazing product x

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hi! i definitely do go thrifting once in a while, but i usually get overwhelmed with the amount of items

  7. Rosalinda: Thank you so much!! You should definitely give this mascara if you're on the market for a good/new one :)

    Lucy: Thank you as well!! I'm glad to know that you were already in on the knowledge of this fantastic mascara! And yeah, some of the bigger 'gurus' like amarixe and missglamorazzi, etc, just rave about this stuff and is how I decided to try it :)

  8. I love this mascara, it's brilliant. I also really like their collasal mascaras, I want to try the new smokey eye one next xx

  9. Laura: I'll have to take a peek at that one the next time I'm at a drugstore! :)


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