Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October Favorites (And Some NOT So Favorites) Up On YouTube!!

Well everyone, we've made it to the end of October!! It's slightly bittersweet with the Hurricane having hit and devastated so many people on the coast during what should be a joyous and playful time of year, but thankfully it's over and we can move on with the support of our loved ones.

As usual, here's my Best & Worst of Beauty video for this month!! I hope you enjoy and find some products to try out (and also maybe a couple to avoid)! :)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. Hahaha I love watching your vids, they always make me laugh (in a good way!!). I love that Revlon top coat! xx

  2. i love watching best & worst videos! i'm always searching for more to watch on youtube! and i LOVE your new blog header - of course little galileo had to be the center! :)

  3. Fernanda: Aw, thank you SO MUCH. Seriously, you just made my day by saying that :) Glad you enjoy my ramblings and I'm glad you love that top coat too!!

    Milex: D'awww thanks :)

    Lucy: Yay I'm glad you like these types of videos!! I honestly haven't seen anyone do one before (only separately... you know, "products I would never buy again" videos and then "monthly favorites" videos)!! And thank you!!! Revamping my blog a bit was what I did while sitting out the hurricane at home hehe... it took so long to figure all that out but I'm so happy with it too! And yes, Galileo just HAD to be in the center... I didn't even do that consciously XD

  4. Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!
    I have a giveaway running in my blog now! Hope you could join :)

  5. Michelle: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy!

  6. Great picks, I would love either of the Naked palettes! Subscribed to your youtube too :) xo.

  7. Catherine: Awww, thank you!! Very sweet of you :) The NAKED2 palette really is lovely so long as you can get over the fallout of glitter; it's not too big of a deal though and a fan brush gets rid of it no problem!!

  8. Your accent is amazing! Love this! Nice blog btw
    Check me out and maybe follow eachother?

  9. Linde Lou: Thank you so much!!

    Amaechi: Haha thank you!

  10. Just found your blog and I love it! Can't wait to read more-newest follower! I'd love for you to check out my fashion blog, too! xo.

  11. Megan: Holy cow, you are too sweet!! I just left you a follow up comment on your blog, but wanted to thank you again :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! I read and appreciate each one :)
However, please refrain from leaving "follow for follow" comments, contest links, etc. as I will delete them. If you want me to check out your blog though just leave a link and I'd be happy to take a look!