Monday, November 5, 2012

Egads!! It's Been HOW Long Since My Last Entry...?

Almost a week... yarrrrrrg!!
But character slang aside (you know, Shakespeare, pirates... I never make sense; please don't question my sanity now) I've got a new video up on YouTube that kind of explains what I've been up to since my last appearance on Blogger!

Plus, there's a haul (Goodwill, Forever21, and H&M!) so that's always exciting ;)

xoxo - Cassie


  1. congratulations on your partnership! and I love those floral leggins!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  2. Congrats, I think! What does that mean to be partnered with u tube?

  3. Rosalinda: Thanks!

    Laura: Thank you so much!! :)

    Mary: Haha thank you! It basically means that YouTube is going to start putting advertisements on my videos, will show my videos more in the featured/related sidebar of other videos, and essentially means I get to start making a very very VERY small amount of money for my videos :)

  4. congratulations!! i really like your videos and your blog :) keep it up!

    hugs from Argentina x

  5. Lucy: Aw, thank you!! You're really too sweet >3< Hugs from America!


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